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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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Should probably have mentioned the heating was stuck on one heat, so it was either freezing cold or equater, the latter sending the heating bill from managable to astronomical. the first month we both had to get help from our folks because it more than double what the agency told us an estimated cost would be, and that was after we were careful with everything we used, So if we found ways around using the heating (wearing shitloads of clothes to bed) we just went for that.

you get people who make a living solely from repairing other people central heating you know, there have even been companies set up that do this! Mental!

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Royal Mail. Who doesn't hate Royal Mail? Why do they exist? Why hasn't someone more efficient come along to rival them? Bunch of pointless cretins.

I had a parcel delivered that needed signing for last week. They didn't even buzz. Just a red slip straight through the shared post box. Why? The buzzer is a few inches from the post box, and you don't have to lug the parcel around anymore once I've signed for it. Oh well, arranged for redelivery, and sat at home again all morning. Checked to see if the postman had been, and he had. Red slip again, no buzz to my flat. What a fucking bollock. Does he expect me to be waiting at the block door for him all morning? Let me know you've arrived, instead of posting red slip after red slip saying "Sorry we missed you". You didn't miss me. I was home! You just didn't knock or buzz, and I'm just supposed to know when you've arrived, with my flawless intuition, prick. Suppose I'll have to go all the way up to Ashgrove for it since the postman can't seem to get the hang of delivering parcels.

A few months ago, I bought a couple of books online, and got a red slip saying they were too big for the letterbox. I went to collect them and realised they were only too big for the letterbox because there was two jiffy bags from two different companies rubber banded together. Separate them and they fit through just fine. Absolutely gobsmacking.

Said red rubber bands are one of my pet peeves - postie seems incapable of not leaving them strewn around my doorstep. I suppose I should be grateful that he actually takes the time to separate and post my packages...

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stagecoach. fucking stagecoach.

I've had a number of complaints about them recently. After I sent a formal complaint to them about having to chuck my coffee before getting on the bus, they told me that there is no food and drink allowed on their buses. So it was a bit annoying to see a driver get on the bus with an open cup of coffee/tea on friday.

They've also introduced a new ticket called a dayrider (came in about a month ago according to a friendly bus driver today) which is cheaper than a normal return as it's only valid on that day. I only found out last thursday when I asked for a return and the driver asked if i was returning that day, then he presented me with a cheaper ticket. No such luck the following day when the driver just gave me the standard return. I was too tired to complain (no coffee see) so just left it but they should be offering the cheapest ticket.

Then this morning, I was stood at the bus depot waiting for the 203 to turn up, only to be told it had left about 10 minutes ago. While i'd been stood there the whole time. It hadn't changed it's sign on the front to show it was back in service so I hadn't approached it. I've never encountered a company that goes out of it's way to piss customers off as much as stagecoach do.

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