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Be kind to one another.

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Protect your privacy - we cannot do this for you.

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User account abuse.

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Please provide attributions and respect copyright.

If the works of another are required to complete a thought of your own, please remember that you must have permission to post copyrighted works and that you should always give credit where credit is due. When you quote from a book or other printed material, please note the title, author, and page number if known. If you are quoting from a web site or other virtual media please remember to include the name of the author, the address of the web site and any other information that is appropriate. When quoting another individual within the forums you should always try to include their forum name and a link to their original comment if possible. When posting links to content such as music, films or software then please make sure you have the express permission of the copyright holder to do so. When a link is posted that looks to be of ambiguous veracity to the staff, it will be removed until clearance can be verified from the copyright holder.

Try to remain on topic.

Though we understand that many discussions will branch off into other discussions we ask that you do your best to keep each post "on topic" with the original post in the thread. If you do notice that the thread is starting to go into a different discussion please take the time to begin a new thread with the new topic, and to ensure that the new topic is continued in the appropriate forum. This will greatly increase the usefulness of the forums for those that need to search back in time.

Our right to remove, not remove, move, modify or split content.

We reserve the right to remove, not remove, move, modify or split any content (including, but not limited to threads, posts, and user accounts) at any time for any reason, without prior or post notification.

Any content found to be in violation of these guidelines will be removed immediately without notification. The user who posted the content may also be banned (temporarily, or permanently) if that action is deemed appropriate based on the situation.

If you believe that there is content on the web site which is in violation of these guidelines then please contact us or use the Report Post facility and we will look into the matter as quickly as possible.

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