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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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Verizon. Christ I thought UK mobile companies were bad. Verizon takes being shit to whole new levels. Bills are confusing as Fuck, customer service is of no use and the people in the stores seem to be told to give zero fucks about anything ever. I'm in genuine disbelief at how bad thy are.

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That fucking Black Eyed Peas song about 'tonight's gonna be a good night' on the jukebox, double points when it gets played in a shithole like Brechin where the definition of a good night is not waking up in the morning with a face full of glass, green blotches on your cock and a possible rape conviction.

Loathe it :down:

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Finding out on my birthday that the world is fucking ending.

Massive natural disasters, chaos in the middle east, all harbingers of the apocalypse.

Hope those Japanese folk'll be ok.

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I can relate. I badly damaged the ligaments on my foot two weeks ago in Aberdeen, and codeine was amazing. But my word, two days without a poop is just not fucking cricket.

When it eventually arrived and decided it wanted to exit my body, it was exceptionally satisfying.

Just wait for it. You'll feel great in two days.

Yesterday marked 6 days of non-movement. My stomach was swollen up and I was doubled over in pain. So I popped a couple of dulcolax last night. Jesus Christ, I weighed myself this morning, and I've dropped 4lb since the same time yesterday morning. That's half the weight of a new born baby I've been carrying around in my bowels. I feel like a new man today! Though admittedly, a new man who's too scared to get more than 100m from a toilet.

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Yesterday marked 6 days of non-movement. My stomach was swollen up and I was doubled over in pain. So I popped a couple of dulcolax last night. Jesus Christ, I weighed myself this morning, and I've dropped 4lb since the same time yesterday morning. That's half the weight of a new born baby I've been carrying around in my bowels. I feel like a new man today! Though admittedly, a new man who's too scared to get more than 100m from a toilet.

i has a similar shit retaining episode after i got stabbed my brother with a knife in the gut. i got morphine and tramadol to ease pain, but your body holding shit does slow you down. tramadol tends to make me whitey if i take it and go do stuff, if your just gouching infront of the telly its ok.

Vo actually has the abilty to make his own body retain his shit

we went to Download a few years ago, he has a phobia OCD thing about only shitting in a comfortable environment so he can relax. I.E home and on rare times a friends house

so we arrives on the thurdsay night. i had 5 poops including a small dose of skitters in the time we were there, we left on the early hours on monday morning. he managed to eat copious amounts of shitty festival food and alcohol in that time, including 2 large dominos pizzas. he managed to not shit for 4 days solid!

as it was becoming uncomfortable, he tried to have a shit at every service station on the way home ha! he sat squeezing huffing and puffing but would but the back log wouldnt come out. every time we pulled up to the next one he would proclaim this would be the place of his brown baby only to come back 20 mins later with his head hung low.

he eventually got home and got it sorted ha

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To be fair to them in this instance it seems the fault is with my employer

The problem I've got with them is that they only get an update of repayments at the end of the tax year from HMRC, if you pay your loan off halfway through the year they'll keep taking cash every month until you eventually realise and contact them. Then they still keep taking it. :swearing:

I've given up, I'll get it back one day. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

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The problem I've got with them is that they only get an update of repayments at the end of the tax year from HMRC, if you pay your loan off halfway through the year they'll keep taking cash every month until you eventually realise and contact them. Then they still keep taking it. :swearing:

I've given up, I'll get it back one day. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Yeah totally. It's a shoddy system and it was exactly this reason that prompted me to check up on my loan in the first place and discover that my payments hadn't been getting passed along the chain.

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They hide this site incredibly well. It's handy for checking current balances at least.

They were a fucking nightmare when I was abroad. I had an old style loan you have to submit yearly deferrals for. They use snail mail so I'd get the form three months late sometimes. Occasionally, their collection agencies beat them to it!

At the time they didn't even have email. I had to laugh 'cos I was working at a private student loan originator at the time and even the state government guarantors weren't that neanderthal.

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I have no idea what the status of my students loans are. every month they take money off my wages and that's the end of it. No idea what the balance is or anything. I had two loans from two different companies, one was when I was at college in 98, I'm sure that company went out of business or something. When I went to uni in 2003 it was a different company, and I think it's that one I'm paying back. I got letters from the first one for a few years with the balance, then they just stopped.

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Hmmm.... I have most of them but not all, it's only since I moved into my current job in 2007 that I've been earning enough to pay it every month, in my last job I only went over the threshold in months when I did tons of overtime, and I think I threw out all my payslips from there. I always just assumed that they knew what they were doing.

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I have no idea what the status of my students loans are. every month they take money off my wages and that's the end of it. No idea what the balance is or anything. I had two loans from two different companies, one was when I was at college in 98, I'm sure that company went out of business or something. When I went to uni in 2003 it was a different company, and I think it's that one I'm paying back. I got letters from the first one for a few years with the balance, then they just stopped.

The old loans from when you were at college are paid back directly to the company (think a 3rd party bought those loans from the SLC) but the new ones come straight off your payslip. You will still owe the balance on the old one though but they possibly don't know where you live if you've moved around and don't tell them.

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