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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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Someone mentioned the "LAD Bible." That's my current pet hate. All this fucking unironic LAD BANTA, LADZ, UNI LAD bollocks. WAHEYYYY LADZ, HERE'S A PICTURE OF SOME TITS... "LIKE" IF WOULD YOU SMASH IT! I'm pretty sure I saw one of those pages refer to "President Barack Obanter" not so long ago.

Shoot yourself in the head with a .44 calibre bullet.



Abi titmuss.

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What makes you call them folk?

Christ almighty people are getting all "what is punk?" about a folk band now?

Folk/pop, folk/rock/pop, however you want to sub-genrify it, Mumford and Sons are a folk band.

I don't think loving folk music has much to do with tolerating Mumford and Sons.

It does. It means that I'm not likely to write them off in the same way as this:

I really like that song with the banjo bit that goes 'ding diggleiggle diggle ding diggleiggle diggle ding diggleiggle diggle ding diggleiggle diggle '

Oh wait, that's all their songs. Cos they all sound exactly the same.


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I don't see how they resemble folk music really, other than a banjo and their waistcoats. I don't hate them because they pretend to be folk or anything, they are nothing more than a pop band. I just think their music is stock. It sounds stock to my ears.

I do get your point though.

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I don't see how they resemble folk music really, other than a banjo and their waistcoats. I don't hate them because they pretend to be folk or anything, they are nothing more than a pop band. I just think their music is stock. It sounds stock to my ears.

I do get your point though.

That's a fair point of view. Perhaps describing it as pop music, performed by a folk band, would be more accurate? The singles they've put out haven't done much justice to the record IMHO, there's some really good stuff on there - especially Winter Winds. A brilliant song let down by a horrible chorus. It's trying so hard to have a sing-along, hooky pop chorus that it just sounds bland as fuck.


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I don't write them off because you think they're a folk band, I write them off because all of their songs sound the same because of that fucking banjo bit. It's not offensive to me or anything, I'm not gonna change the channel if they're on.

Critisizing a folk band for having finger-picking banjo sections is kinda like critisizing a duck for quacking...


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Pet hate of facebook - the current trend of "hey [insert massive company] if I get loads of likes you have to do something for some charity."

Fuck off, no they don't.

The latest one wasn't even for charity. They just wanted Irn Bru bars back. Which, is fair enough, but the company doesn't have to do it. And it SHOULDN'T do it just 'cause of some gype getting bigger gypes to press a button on a website.

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Mumford and Sons dont really sound like any normal pop band, they definitely have a bit of folk about them, what a shite argument tho.

Mumford and Sons are a pop band (ok, folk-pop. whatever). They play pop songs. On second thoughts, as folk encapsulates a lot of styles, I think they can also be considered a folk band. There. I'll shut up now.


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Pet hate of facebook - the current trend of "hey [insert massive company] if I get loads of likes you have to do something for some charity."

Fuck off, no they don't.

The latest one wasn't even for charity. They just wanted Irn Bru bars back. Which, is fair enough, but the company doesn't have to do it. And it SHOULDN'T do it just 'cause of some gype getting bigger gypes to press a button on a website.


Worst one I've seen recently is one of those pictures of an africa kid being bitten by a snake while a cameraman films it. There's a massive circle around the camera and an arrow pointing to it with the caption "1 like = 1 kick in the cameraman's face".

Who does the kicking? Is the status poster holding the cameraman hostage and kicking him every time he gets a notification? Are the kicks all saved up for a week until the "like" count has stopped rising? Are there multiple kickers? Maybe a random selection of likers will be drafted in to spend an hour or so delivering a dose of them? And what about the guy who TOOK THE PHOTO WHICH YOU ALL LIKE?! Doesn't he get kicked?

My biggest gripe though is the scaling factor of it. Why not equate one like to a million kicks if it's such an abhorrent injustice?! Then at the first "like" you can be perfectly justified kicking a cameraman to death for NOT BEING ABLE TO KICK THE FUCK OUT OF A FUCKING SNAKE. What was he meant to do, drop the camera and roundhouse kick the fucking thing? These fucking pictures raise more social outrage against documentary makers who are trying to educate the ignorant than they will EVER inspire your average fuckwit to donate their £2 per month to give medicine to this kid who has "touched their life" so cunting much.



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