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The Milner

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The Milner last won the day on August 27 2014

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About The Milner

  • Birthday 08/16/1983

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  1. Aye im wrong, sorry. Hendo was the pen taker, Sturridge was telling him he should of insisted that Balo followed Rodgers instructions. I get that Balo scored and all is good, but the point is the manager gives out the team instructions, if he has said he wants player X taking a pen, unless that player gives it up to another willingly ( and hendo didnt seem happy last night) then it becomes an issue. Managers run the team, not the players on the pitch.
  2. No, Sturridge is the designated pen taker, Henderson was the captain. Henderson stepped in to remind Balo that Sturridge was the one who should be taking the pen and Balo refused to give him the ball, so Henderson and Sturridge walked away to prevent a fight on the field. There was only one person in the wrong and it was Balo, as usual, it all has to be about him and not the team.
  3. Good on Celtic last night, brilliant night to promote Scottish football, full stadium that was rocking, great game of attacking football from both teams, no one has any right to have a go at Celtic after last night, they did us all proud. Hopefully they do the job over in Italy, although it will be very tough with three away goals against them.
  4. I had a busy weekend but ill be on this during the week.
  5. Yeah i dont really get the hate of Goodwillie tbh. He is a class player, great first touch and has a good footballing mind. He gets frustrated when others dont see the pass he can see, but thats a good thing, if he wasnt bothered then we would be much worse off. He is never going to be a 20 goals a season striker, but he offers a hell of a lot in his build up play. Rooney is a better finisher but id say Goodwillie was the better overall player. Still, its two great options upfront for a club like ours.
  6. I think the description of the Brian McGee sounding like a demo is the best description yet. It really does sound like a demo tape rather than a release.
  7. Yeah i was a fan of Nick and Nora as well, good wee film.
  8. He apparently was also a bit of a problem for the dons. Not always turning up to training and a few other things, sounds like we are best shot of him.
  9. Yeah its strange both players would have been desperate to move, knowing they would miss a cup final. Strange day for the dons as well, where the hell did we come up with money for a new player from? I'm guessing one of the board has bought him. I really thought it ment Jack being sold as well. Surely summer for him leaving now?
  10. Logan - Reynolds - Considine - Hayes Not really a great back line, too many left footers. They also had Reynolds on the right side which seemed to really put him off. I'd like to see the new guy start. Considine is a great guy but he is extremely limited imo and cumbersome. Taylor offers so much more in terms of his overall play. Hayes is not a left back either, he can do the job, but he left too many gaps against St Johnstone and with Considine beside him we were quite exposed to quick attacks.
  11. Aye your right, our backline looked shacky against St Johnstone, losing Taylor seems to have been a big blow. No idea what the new guy is like yet.
  12. Installed anything new recently? 180GB of temp files is insane.
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