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fat people


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I have never met you; but if I ever do, I'd like to buy you a pint.

Something that really bothers me is fatties on planes and buses.

1. why can fatty +luggage be allowed on, but I have to pay extra for my heavy luggage even if it weighs less than the fatty and their non heavy luggage?

2. Fatties should have to buy extra seats so I don't end up sat on half a seat with their sweaty fat rolls falling all over me.

Ryanair threatened to charge more for people overweight....they should have bigger seats, not nearly enough room for normal weighted people anyway cheeky bastards - anything to get extra bucks (do you work for them Ben?)

However, I do mind parents who take their fat kids to mcdonalds.

Also, fat ladies who actually wear clothes that flaunt the flabby stomach. Honestly, it's delusional that a fat gut is sexy... Or perhaps they have convinced themselves that they look like a supermodel with their Dunlop tyre sticking out

That TV program where they guy had major surgery in hospital in the US for weeks to get him to an acceptable weight, then when his family took him home they all had McD's....great support there family!! then they were feeding burgers to the little baby....idiots!

maybe i'm missing something, but you do know fat people can be disabled as well as people of a normal weight? who's to say those people weren't there because of a genuine disability?

With you there.

Has anyone been overweight that has this fatist approach out of curiosity?

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Girls (I say girls to rule out teabag as I don't know him) who say they are fat when they are quite obviously stick thin.....that is annoying!

People who don't eat properly I find annoying....maybe it's my obssesion with food ha ha

or people who think that not eating anything will make them thin...it's age (sometimes)/lack of exercise!!!

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And if you cant see your knob/pudenda, then you are WAAAY too fat. I'm nae slim jim masel' and don't really care in most cases, but the day is coming when those belly barrows they use in Judge Dredd get marketed, and will be successful*

My patent name for it is the GutBukket.**

** Yeah this is legal now, so no nicking it James Dyson or Clive Sinclair or that wind up radio dude Bayliss.

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And if you cant see your knob/pudenda, then you are WAAAY too fat. I'm nae slim jim masel' and don't really care in most cases, but the day is coming when those belly barrows they use in Judge Dredd get marketed, and will be successful*

My patent name for it is the GutBukket.**

** Yeah this is legal now, so no nicking it James Dyson or Clive Sinclair or that wind up radio dude Bayliss.

Well, I'd take the precaution of filing a patent, if I were you. In these testing economic circumstances, I would expect KFC to introduce some form of fried giblet product in the near future.

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Homer: Shame on all of you. Give me my dignity! I just came here to see "Honk If You're Horny" in peace.

Manager: Sir, if you'd just quiet down, I'd be happy to treat you to a garbage bag full of popcorn.

Homer: This may surprise you, but you can't buy me off with food. I'm sick of all your stereotypes and cheap jokes! The overweight individuals in this country are just as smart and talented and hard working as everybody else. And they're going to make their voices heard! All they need is a leader.

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maybe i'm missing something, but you do know fat people can be disabled as well as people of a normal weight? who's to say those people weren't there because of a genuine disability?

Addiction to cake and allergy to exercise are not disabilities.

Boys... to your rascals!

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Nothing wrong with being fat if you're healthy. Brian Blessed apparently runs 4k a day. My Dad weights something like 22 stone but completed a marathon (granted he's pretty tall, though). If you're not harming anyone or your body, I don't see what the issue is.

Unless you're a woman. Then it's fucking disgusting.

Nah, not really.

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