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Guest idol_wild

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It's not quite as retarded an idea as it sounds. You live on a fuckload of fruit and veg juice only for a few days with some wheatgrass and other disgusting hippy shit thrown in which apparantley stops your body from thinking it's "starving" and holding on to all the fat in there. After that, you slowly re-introduce healthy food and go back to a "normal" but healthy diet. The main reason for it is just to give the long-term healthy eating and exercise a kick start.

The point in bold is not true. Your body changes it's metabolic state depending on calorie intake, not how much or how little you eat. Also, your body has the ability to convert and store protein, carbohydrates and fat as fat. It doesn't matter what you eat, as long as your calorie intake is above your actual usage you will store it as fat. After long periods of poor energy intake (ie less than your basal metabolic rate - BMR which you will find plenty of websites that calculate this based on age/height/weight) your body essentially lowers its BMR to adjust for the reduced calorie intake which is why weight loss only occurs short term. Then when you go back to a normal calorie intake it takes a while for your BMR to rise again, hence the weight is put back on immediately. That is why fad diets don't work. This also explains why the best way to lose weight is to calculate your BMR, eat that number of calories and use exercise to increase your energy usage. That in turn will cause your body to break down stored fat to meet the increased energy demands.

On a long term basis, that veg thing sounds very stupid. If it's just a few days there really is no harm and if it gets you into healthy eating then good on you for making the change.

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The point in bold is not true. Your body changes it's metabolic state depending on calorie intake, not how much or how little you eat. Also, your body has the ability to convert and store protein, carbohydrates and fat as fat. It doesn't matter what you eat, as long as your calorie intake is above your actual usage you will store it as fat. After long periods of poor energy intake (ie less than your basal metabolic rate - BMR which you will find plenty of websites that calculate this based on age/height/weight) your body essentially lowers its BMR to adjust for the reduced calorie intake which is why weight loss only occurs short term. Then when you go back to a normal calorie intake it takes a while for your BMR to rise again, hence the weight is put back on immediately. That is why fad diets don't work. This also explains why the best way to lose weight is to calculate your BMR, eat that number of calories and use exercise to increase your energy usage. That in turn will cause your body to break down stored fat to meet the increased energy demands.

On a long term basis, that veg thing sounds very stupid. If it's just a few days there really is no harm and if it gets you into healthy eating then good on you for making the change.

I surely can't be the only one who has found Keeno's contributions to this site recently to be fascinating and refreshing, in that they come from an expert (trainee doctor I think?) ?

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Guest Gladstone
This also explains why the best way to lose weight is to calculate your BMR, eat that number of calories and use exercise to increase your energy usage. That in turn will cause your body to break down stored fat to meet the increased energy demands.

On a long term basis, that veg thing sounds very stupid. If it's just a few days there really is no harm and if it gets you into healthy eating then good on you for making the change.

How do you do this?

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Guest Gladstone
It means that you use up that many calories per day even if you don't move the whole time. Then you use the harris benedict equation to work out how many calories per day you use based on how active you are physically.

You know, like it says on the webpage you just went on.

What, you expect me to read stuff?

Who else doesn't get all the info they need from Aberdeen-Music.com??

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How do you do this?

I just did a quick search and this one seems easy to use and if you follow the link to the daily calorie needs section explains that well too. EDIT: Damn I was beaten to it!


Increasing muscle mass also increases your metabolic rate, but you need to gain 1kg of extra muscle to increase your BMR by about 70 calories per day. If you are using the extra muscle in exercise that amount increases as BMR is a figure of when you are doing no activity at all. If you've ever watched any programme about weight loss that is part of the reason people are often put on weights regimes for a while in addition to aerobic exercise (running/swimming etc).

There is heaps of information and I'm far from an expert ( a dietician or a weight loss expert would be much more useful!) but the most important thing for sustainable weight loss is to never consume less than your BMR in calories.

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Smug cunts who go on about how healthy their lifestyle is and cause a simple conversation about a sandwich shop round the corner to become a protracted explanation of how 'fresh' they like their salad and how they never put salad dressing on.

I don't care about that shit, I was talking about sarnies stuffed with kilos of meat.

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So wait, should we aim to be consuming roughly the amount of calories our BMR is. And then exercise too, in order to lose weight?

If you just consume your BMR in calories you will lose weight unless you do literally nothing. If you do regular heavy exercise as well you may want to aim for BMR+20% ish (which is roughly the figure to maintain weight if you have a reasonably unactive day to day routine) as it is best to lose weight gradually and not drop half a stone a week or something like that.

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