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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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People blowing their nose in the shower. Its minging.

At the gym, and hearing the noise coming from one of the showers. ick

that noise isn't nose blowing, sounds like it though!

after you have rinsed your head under the shower or dunked your head in the bath, most people put their hands up to their mouth and exhale from the mouth to repel the water no?

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that noise isn't nose blowing, sounds like it though!

after you have rinsed your head under the shower or dunked your head in the bath, most people put their hands up to their mouth and exhale from the mouth to repel the water no?

I wish, it was a proper nose blow. A proper honk. Followed by a hacking up of flem, and spitting it out. Ick.

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some boy at work piping up about people leaving bogies in the urinal. of all the places to find a bogey, the urinal isn't really a worry.

EDIT: not a pet hate - just a thing related to spit/showers/phlegm/toilets

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Rats. They're fucking horrid little things. Been in my new place a couple months now and have had a bit of a rat problem. They're not in the flat (I can honestly say I'd scream like a girl if I ever saw one in my hoose) but we've found a few dead ones in the back garden and we can hear them in the walls (there's a vacant next door). One of the fuckers has gone and died and is now stinking up our bedroom meaning I'm typing this from my living room floor make-shift bed. theres a long slutbags style story about the exterminator missing appointments meaning we'll have to deal with it for the next few days. Fuckin yuk.

I'm a nature fan. I like all animals. But if you turned round to me and said all rats will be wiped off the face of the earth tomorrow I'd fucking clap. I wouldn't even care if there was some Eco-system sustainability reason they have to exist, I'd deal with it myself. I bet even attenburgh hates the little cunts.

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I've had pet fancy rats before. Much better than mice, gerbils or any other tiny rodent. Brown rats however that are undomesticated.... yeah they're not too pleasant.

My pet hate is not being able to hide your birthday on facebook. Call me ungrateful but my opinion is that if you don't know someone's birthday without a reminder, or don't see them in person/have their phone number, you don't know them well enough to make any sort of meaningful difference to their day. Then we have the conundrum of what to do in response. I've seen people who responded to every single one with a 'like' and thank you. What a great way to spend your birthday, on facebook!

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I've had pet fancy rats before. Much better than mice, gerbils or any other tiny rodent. Brown rats however that are undomesticated.... yeah they're not too pleasant.

My pet hate is not being able to hide your birthday on facebook. Call me ungrateful but my opinion is that if you don't know someone's birthday without a reminder, or don't see them in person/have their phone number, you don't know them well enough to make any sort of meaningful difference to their day. Then we have the conundrum of what to do in response. I've seen people who responded to every single one with a 'like' and thank you. What a great way to spend your birthday, on facebook!

lol, yup, Facebook birthdays are a nightmare. Usually I just "like" them, fucked thanking every one of them

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I used to have 4 rats, Keisha, Meisha, Roxy and baby rat, they were amazing pets, Roxy was an albino and not the friendliest of things so she never got out the cage that much, but she wouldnt even come out when the door was open, the other 3 were the loveliest little things, never bit me once, would happily be picked up and petted. Meisha was an all black one, she would do tricks in the kitchen in our old flat, jumping between chairs and stuff to get treats. The other two were white on their heads and brown on their backsides, Keisha got ill when she was young and ended up a bit retarted, her head always sloaped to one side and she struggled but was always friendly and baby rat was tiny, just never seemed to grown. Sadly they all got tumours except baby rat and had to be put down, so we put the last one up for adoption as i had just got the kitten and they dont mix well with rats, the cat was getting bitten by the rats and the rats were getting freaked out by the cat.

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