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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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I think you guys are taking Pet Hates a little literally.

Anyway my one for today is the fact that I haven't been able to play guitar for weeks due to a painful skin condition. Could just about cope when it was on my right thumb by using plectrums and thumbpicks but it's started up on my left index finger now and I can't do anything. Went to the driving range last night and that's ruined it as well. Now even typing on my keyboard at work is awkward.

Finger herpes?

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If you don't mind me asking, what's the condition?

Dunno, I've had a bit of eczema for a few years which runs in the family. When I first went to the doctor about this a year and a half ago I thought it was some kind of fungal thing like athletes foot (probably picked up from mats and pads at Taekwondo). She said it was probably just eczema and would need to be managed with steroid cream and moisturiser. Which kind of helped for a while but it seems to have gotten worse again and has spread to the other hand. If I get the same spiel again I'll ask to be referred to a skin specialist I think.

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Could it be the hard to treat, harder to spell psoriasis?

I have psoriasis. It's not painful, as far as I'm aware. Treating it isn't too hard either, but it's just that there's no cure, so you're on medication forever and ever, unless you want to practically turn into a giant, walking, talking scab.

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My dad has it. He can get helluva itchy sometimes which can end in it being sore. He scabs a lot and yeah, nae nice. My dad has it bad and has went through loads of different treatments. The latest one was the thing at the hospital where it's basically an ultra sun bed. He was red raw for days but it seemed to help.

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Dunno, I've had a bit of eczema for a few years which runs in the family. When I first went to the doctor about this a year and a half ago I thought it was some kind of fungal thing like athletes foot (probably picked up from mats and pads at Taekwondo). She said it was probably just eczema and would need to be managed with steroid cream and moisturiser. Which kind of helped for a while but it seems to have gotten worse again and has spread to the other hand. If I get the same spiel again I'll ask to be referred to a skin specialist I think.

http://dermnetnz.org/site-age-specific/hand.html Knock yourself out. It's what GP's use if they are not sure ;) Eczema is atopic dermatitis so that is what it will be listed under there. Just see if anything there looks like your finger. The advice from me is still to visit GP and get referred to a dermatologist though if they are not sure.

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http://dermnetnz.org/site-age-specific/hand.html Knock yourself out. It's what GP's use if they are not sure ;) Eczema is atopic dermatitis so that is what it will be listed under there. Just see if anything there looks like your finger. The advice from me is still to visit GP and get referred to a dermatologist though if they are not sure.

Excellent. I think we have a winner. Step forward dyshidrotic eczema

does not have any quick sure cure


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I have really itchy inside-of-my-elbows that I can't help rubbing (properly rubbing) to the point where they burn and go really red and wet (inb4 your mum jokes). Fucking annoying since they take a bastarding long time to heal, and when they do they get itchy again. Vicious fucking cycle. I reckon it's the heat and sweating and things getting itchy.

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You know how a diode only lets voltage through one way? But if you put a high enough voltage down the wrong way it will override the diode, burn it out and just go straight through.

Me = big fuck off voltage coming the wrong way.

You and your inb4 = burnt out diode.

Jake 1 - 0 Joe.

That's the worst analogy I've ever seen.


EDIT: Also - if you blow the diode then NO Voltage will flow at all, it'll be an open circuit. Sometimes a high current can pass the "wrong" way, but not high Voltage.

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That's the worst analogy I've ever seen.


EDIT: Also - if you blow the diode then NO voltage will flow at all, it'll be an open circuit. Sometimes a high current can pass the "wrong" way, but not high Voltage.

Woops. That's what I meant.

But, the analogy is good. In other words, inb4s, like a diode, won't stop my high current jokes. I'll just slam straight through and carry on.

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Going back to my scabby fingers...

Some people with pompholyx are found to be allergic to nickel

Well fuck.

I haven't been able to play guitar for weeks due to a painful skin condition

Suddenly the two seem related. Anyone know of electric strings that aren't nickel plated?

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Don't you eat meat though?

A truly mindblowing argument. I am humbled by your deep philosophical analysis of the human psyche. Seriously though, liking something and eating it are not the same. by that logic all vegetarians must REALLY HATE PLANTS. of course there is more to it than that, but you didnt offer anything else in argument.

Most people have a disconnect between something they care about (ie you treat your family and friends better than other people) and something they do not. A domesticated animal is in that sense a very different entity to one used for food, even if they are the same species. However the consumption of domestic animals is frowned upon in our culture for the very same reason.

Pet hate: Gigs selling out before I remember to get a ticket :(

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