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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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Pet hate: People reading a book whilst walking.

Seriously!? Are you fucking brain dead? No, you're not...because you're reading. So why the fuck would you choose to read whilst walking along a busy street? Jesus titty-fucking Christ.

Today, there was a twerp walking on George IV bridge in Edinburgh, with their book open, reading with their head down. I saw this absolute fucking fuckhole walking towards me from a distance of around twenty yards. So I continued to look at them, assuming they would at least periodically look up from their book and engage with the world around them so that, y'know, they don't inevitably trample over dog toldies or walk into people. This particular cretin failed to look up the entire time. I wanted to know if they'd perhaps ensure they don't needlessly bump into people and assume that everyone will get out of their way, as they fail to acknowledge the public world around them. So I continued to walk straight into them.

They dropped their book. I did not feel bad. Especially when I realised it was a Chuck Palahniuk. I hope they crossed the road whilst reading and got fucking smashed in the napper by a big fuck-off bus. Or maybe even two. In a row.

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can't see them very well


funny story, myself and three other boys were in the craft section for that day, we were given these chipboard squares with a pencil outline of these chickens to paint. So here me and 2 junkies and an old alchy boy sitting for hours painting these things. Since I had alot of time to do this simple paining I decided to get a bit artistic adding clouds and shading to the chickens. the junkies were painting them solid colours, using dark blue for the skies and think black outlines done with a withdrawal's shaky hand. The craft woman was beside herself with how good my one looked, Like patronising primary school teacher type. "Ohhhh that's really good! do you paint at home?" obviously too used to seeing all the junkie style painting. So the next time I went in she came up to me all excited and gave me the 3 shitty junkie painted ones to re-do like my original one.... Great! /coolstorbro

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Chuck Phalanuik is fucking awesome. I was 100& with you on that rant until I read that, now I think you're a cunt. I bet you drive a fucking audi.


He's so awesome you can't spell his name correctly.

I actually don't hate Chuck Palahniuk. I'm sure he's a great guy (actually, apparently he's not). I just don't care too much for his books.

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He's so awesome you can't spell his name correctly.

I actually don't hate Chuck Palahniuk. I'm sure he's a great guy (actually, apparently he's not). I just don't care too much for his books.

He has a fucking arsehole of a last name, I make no apologies. I love his books, I've never read anything else so grotesque that I wanted to stop reading it, but at the same time so fucking funny that I couldn't put it down.


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He has a fucking arsehole of a last name, I make no apologies. I love his books, I've never read anything else so grotesque that I wanted to stop reading it, but at the same time so fucking funny that I couldn't put it down.


Oh, so you didn't have to read Sunset Song at school, then?

Why the fuck did I then!? I WANT ANSWERS.

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I'm on board with the Chuck Palahniuk hatred. He's a totally shite author. I despise that only hook of his where he repeats a little catchphrase in every fucking chapter in every fucking book: I am Jacks complete lack of of surprise. I am Jacks sore big toe. Fuck off Chuck.

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Fuck off you. Those little hooks are great. I'm reading Choke. And I can't remember what happens but he says a sentence then later on he says a similar sentence and a big fucking massive bitch of a metaphor fucks you in the mouth and you're like wow, this guy's a good author.

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Sentences and metaphors. Pat on the back for Chuck the author.

He's a big bag of piss. Pop fiction that's not as bad as some examples (Katie Price's "literary" career, for example), but pretty dreadful. Unbelievable plots, OTT shock tactics and flimsy-as-fuck characters. Guy can't create a lifelike character to save his life. OHHH BUT TYLER DURDEN IS SO COOL! No, he's a flimsy, one-dimensional cardboard cut-out of a character.

I hate all the pseudo-intellectual bollocks that follows him around too. Choke, apparently, captures "the underlying desire that every man has to be the man." Snuff is supposedly about male importance diminishing in the modern age. What a load of fucking shit. If you want to read about "being a man," read some Hemingway, not this pish. Read Palahniuk if you want to read shitloads of trivia, intense gynaecological description and overly-detailed disembowelment depictions, because his "metaphors" are obtuse and poorly-applied.

Literary snob out.

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