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New Year's resolutions?


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I'm going to go on an intense 6 day split gym programme to get rid of my gut.

Gonna form a new band.

Try to take more drugs and get laid more.

What about you lot? Or do you not believe in that sort of thing? Ever succeeded in keeping any?

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I set some goals for the year but didn't really meet them due to other things getting in the way. Moving house threw any plans I had out the window this year.

So my goals next year are broadly similar to my goals last year:

Stay dedicated to training - Would like to do a sub 50 mins 10k at Balmoral in April and be a blue tag in Taekwondo at the end of the year (blue belt would be better but I don't think I'll manage that without seriously upping my game and sacrificing other things).

Play more music - Be it with 1864 or getting my other project up and running properly. Now I'm settled again I need to pick up the guitars and get writing.

Climb more hills - Did a couple of small ones this year and want to pick this up again next year and do a lot more.

Stay healthy - Really enjoying not drinking quite as much as I used to (but still enjoying quality booze), being fit, eating good food and making the most of my weekends instead of being hungover for most of them. Everything seems to be nicely balanced at the moment and long may that continue into next year.

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Continue the great form Bonesaw has been on and get a heap more gigs together.

Get Ablach back upto speed and start writing and grinding album no.2.

Develop my vocals and train for new techniques.

Dedicate more spare time on writing lyrics for Bonesaw and maybe get into writing lyrics for Ablach.

Lose the gut I have gained since I moved into town.Aswell as have a more consistant regime for my weights and general fitness.

Cut out wasting my free weekends getting pissed.

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cut down on social networking and do more writing, i really do waste too much of my life away!

still dont need to say im going on a diet as been dieting and losing weight before christmas which is a world first. usually i start christmas celebrating at the start of december but this year sticking to the diet religiously till the big day... havent touched booze in over 2 months as well so when i'll probably get sauced on a glass of bucks fizz!

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1. Get in better physical shape - 5 reps at 100K by the time the season starts, improved cardivascular fitness

2. Do some more stand up comedy gigs. Last year started positively but dropped pretty quick

3. Complete my CC and CL manuals at Toastmasters

4. Pass every essay and exam on the Chartered Banker programme

5. Lead the EK Pirates to the British Division1 title

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