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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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Get one of these -

STV Mega Sonic Scatter-cat Gun - STV632 - Animal Repellents - STV - DIY and Tools from DIYTools.co.uk - Your First Stop For All Things DIY !

Sonic repellent gun with laser sights. Pull trigger halfway, get the laser dot right on the little fuckers head, and fire a blast of ultrasonic wave that most people can't hear but drives cat mad. They soon learn not to come near. I got a motion sensor version and it seems to have worked.

That looks fun, however the cat in question seems to evade being spotted at it's business -I did see one of the fixed ones but decided to try the 5 quid spray in the first instance rather than the 30 quid detector....

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Guest idol_wild

Vapid people with vapid lives.

Background: I currently work on a temporary contract for an executive agency of the Scottish Government. My job entails manning a contact centre and performing all of the necessary actions and administrative duties associated with the contact centre. Due to the nature of the job, there are periods of time where there is literally nothing to do.

We have books, maps and the internet available to us at our fingertips. So when there is no work in, we can occupy and educate ourselves, and at least look busy.

Pet Hate: The two new members of the team who literally sit in front of their computer and twiddle their thumbs whilst staring blankly at the screen, awaiting some sort of notification to arrive.

I mean what the actual fuck!? Are you that uninteresting that you're unable to occupy or engage yourself in anything? Are you interested in so little that you'd rather sit and numbly stare at a screen when you could be entertaining or educating yourself?


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Perhaps they are so creative and interesting that they are in a full throttle daydream, hence the blank stare? I often stare blankly when there is nothing to do because I'm thinking what it would be like if I could stop time, and everyone was frozen still. I mostly weigh up who, within my vicinity, I would punch in the face first. I achieve a different result each time, because I am surrounded by a vast number of punchable faces, yet I only own two fists; only one of which I'd be comfortable punching with.

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I also sometimes draw pictures by highlighting cells in Microsoft Excel. Not filling them with colour. Highlighting them. It's a challenge, because if you take your finger off CTRL, you lose everything. Also, in Excel, if you highlight a cell, you can't un-highlight it. So again, you have to stay focused. Other people in the office pass the time with mundane conversations about shite. Idiots. They couldn't draw a palm tree with Excel cells. Not on their lives.

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I also sometimes draw pictures by highlighting cells in Microsoft Excel. Not filling them with colour. Highlighting them. It's a challenge, because if you take your finger off CTRL, you lose everything. Also, in Excel, if you highlight a cell, you can't un-highlight it. So again, you have to stay focused. Other people in the office pass the time with mundane conversations about shite. Idiots. They couldn't draw a palm tree with Excel cells. Not on their lives.

This is a thing that I did regularly in my last job. That inability to un-highlight is a right picture killer.

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