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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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The guy at work who steals my football opinons. He asks me about the World Cup, what I thought of the games, and my predictions for the upcoming games. Then later, he phones his mate, and just repeats everything I said. I sit right next to him, and can hear the whole thing. Fuck off. I also told him on Friday that I thought Germany would beat Argentina. He's got his predictions pencilled in on his wall chart, with Argentina in the semis. First thing he said this morning was "I told you Germany would win. Nobody ever listens to me"

What a gargantuan bastard

I'd say this is an outstanding opportunity to feed him a load of bullshit and listen to him repeat it to his friends.

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What the fuuuuuck is up with shite spamming music players embedded into junk myspace comments on bands myspaces? I'm trying to listen to bands on there, and some gangster shite is blethering from the comments section. It just fucking autoplays, and I have to go digging about to find out where the fuck it is. Everyone's page has it. It's shite. Spring clean your pages, fuckwipes. Stop the spam, or I won't listen to your band.

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People buying lottery tickets/checking tickets for winnings at 6:30 in the morning.

A similar pet hate I had when I worked in a shop that took lottery tickets was when someone would come in with a stack of tickets from like a few months and go "I don't think any of them are winners but can you check them anyway".

Fuck off, the numbers aren't going to have changed. Also thanks for coming at 6pm when everyone has just finished work.

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Stupid people should be banned from scratch cards and lottery tickets. There was this dick of a woman who came into the co-op I worked in last summer and spent 50 on scratch cards every morning. On top of these she would take about 5 minutes deciding which ones she wanted (1-12 people, it doesn't make a difference). She'd then put 2 on her gas and leccy respectively. anyway, at the end of the week she'd come in, chiffed as fuck, as she'd won about 120 through scratch cards. I'd then have go through them all and add up all her winnings AND give her it in specific denominations of money. It upset me how stupid she was. I once tried to point out that from an economic perspective, it made absolutely no sense. She then commented on how I was smarmy and "born with a silver spoon in my mouth" (I'd mentioned I was from Banchory) every time she came in.

EDIT: Everything about Big Brother makes me sad.

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The Police. Fuck Tha Poh-lice.

I got on the bus at Broad Street. I paid my fare, and I stepped over the unconscious drunken man sprawled all over the floor. You know. The usual. Then the bus driver declared that we had to wait for the Police to come and move him before we could carry on. If I had a good arm on me, I could have thrown a stone at the Police station from where I was, yet we waited for half an hour, before two meatheads from the upper deck had had enough, grabbed the arms and the legs each and dragged him off the bus. It took a brave soul to do just that, because in the half an hour we waited, the guy had managed to piss and shit himself, and puke all over the seat he was sat on. Not really ideal when you're inside what is essentially a glass case as the sun beams through the windows. Fucking hideous. Not really any clue what could have taken the bizzies so long to get from Queen St to Broad Street. They never showed either. It took two civilians to do their job.

Fuck the Police.

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The Police. Fuck Tha Poh-lice.

I got on the bus at Broad Street. I paid my fare, and I stepped over the unconscious drunken man sprawled all over the floor. You know. The usual. Then the bus driver declared that we had to wait for the Police to come and move him before we could carry on. If I had a good arm on me, I could have thrown a stone at the Police station from where I was, yet we waited for half an hour, before two meatheads from the upper deck had had enough, grabbed the arms and the legs each and dragged him off the bus. It took a brave soul to do just that, because in the half an hour we waited, the guy had managed to piss and shit himself, and puke all over the seat he was sat on. Not really ideal when you're inside what is essentially a glass case as the sun beams through the windows. Fucking hideous. Not really any clue what could have taken the bizzies so long to get from Queen St to Broad Street. They never showed either. It took two civilians to do their job.

Fuck the Police.

I hear you, although it isn't really the police who you should be annoyed at but the infantile dribbly who can't look after himself.


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Oh I hate him too just as much. His brother was there also. He kept saying how he's a "useless dead weight" and a "wast of space", but when one of the meat heads yelled "get off the fucking floor", his brother stepped in with "Don't talk to him like that. It's not his fault". And even tried to suggest that he wasn't even drunk, just poorly. Ace.

Still. The Police were less than a minute away. If they'd have arrived on time, they could have ushered him off before the pissed, shat and puked.

Grim. Some people shouldn't be allowed outside.

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That guy in town who potters about every day asking if there's anywhere the homeless can get a meal, then asking for change. I get him at least twice a week. The cunt needs to remember my face. He still keeps trying even though the past few times, I've just walked right past him and said 'No'.

That boys a nightmare, I'm a fairly generous contributor to the homeless but he does my nut in. I normally namke him about 6/7 places he can go pointing out that I spent 4 years studying social care etc and have a pretty good knowledge of where he can get a meal but thats never enough because they are inevitably 'closed on a monday/tuesday/wednesday/whatever day he asks for it'.

I prefer the guy who says 'I'm a chronic alcoholic and I need money for beer'. Straight to the point, he always gets a quid or so. I dont want a fucking 20 minute story, just truth.

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Twilight. People who read Twilight. People who wear badges with smiley faces on them. People who buy books just to own them. People who scoff at modern art because they're trying to be cynical and funny. People who advertise Listerine. People who say shit like "Smile, it confuses people!" and "it takes more muscles to frown than smile!". People who read OK!. People who read magazines like OK!. Katie Price. Katy Perry. Kate Moss. People who buy fragrances just because of a celebrity endorsement. People who have to have everyone in a happy mood. People who say "convo". People who use acronyms where they're completely unnecessary. People who moan about the computer they don't use. People who post inane shit like "I need a hug <3<3<3" on their Twitter. The fact I follow people who say "I need a hug <3<3<3" on Twitter. People who like Spongebob Squarepants. People who calorie count. People who automatically assume I'm a "gayboy" because I'm not hitting a woman or playing football in the general vicinity of them. People who use the :p emoticon. The person who invented the word "emoticon". People who describe perfectly normal conversations as "TOTALLY RANDOM". People who have Asians as pets. People who complain about someone expressing a genuine gripe. People who call anything other than metal "faggot music". People who drink Tennants. People who need to have a strobe light at every party ever. People who are weird about smoking. People who vote BNP. People who feel they have a divine right to an existence in a certain country and that everyone else is a bad person. People who use the phrase "carboon footprint", but not because of why they say it. People who don't think before they speak. The weather. Buses. Trains. Cars. Fucking people.

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That boys a nightmare, I'm a fairly generous contributor to the homeless but he does my nut in. I normally namke him about 6/7 places he can go pointing out that I spent 4 years studying social care etc and have a pretty good knowledge of where he can get a meal but thats never enough because they are inevitably 'closed on a monday/tuesday/wednesday/whatever day he asks for it'.

I prefer the guy who says 'I'm a chronic alcoholic and I need money for beer'. Straight to the point, he always gets a quid or so. I dont want a fucking 20 minute story, just truth.

If that's the guy I'm thinking of (old Glaswegian guy with a big beard) he died a couple of weeks ago.

I've had that "where can a homeless person get a hot meal" a bunch of times as well.

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Twilight. People who read Twilight. People who wear badges with smiley faces on them. People who buy books just to own them. People who scoff at modern art because they're trying to be cynical and funny. People who advertise Listerine. People who say shit like "Smile, it confuses people!" and "it takes more muscles to frown than smile!". People who read OK!. People who read magazines like OK!. Katie Price. Katy Perry. Kate Moss. People who buy fragrances just because of a celebrity endorsement. People who have to have everyone in a happy mood. People who say "convo". People who use acronyms where they're completely unnecessary. People who moan about the computer they don't use. People who post inane shit like "I need a hug <3<3<3" on their Twitter. The fact I follow people who say "I need a hug <3<3<3" on Twitter. People who like Spongebob Squarepants. People who calorie count. People who automatically assume I'm a "gayboy" because I'm not hitting a woman or playing football in the general vicinity of them. People who use the :p emoticon. The person who invented the word "emoticon". People who describe perfectly normal conversations as "TOTALLY RANDOM". People who have Asians as pets. People who complain about someone expressing a genuine gripe. People who call anything other than metal "faggot music". People who drink Tennants. People who need to have a strobe light at every party ever. People who are weird about smoking. People who vote BNP. People who feel they have a divine right to an existence in a certain country and that everyone else is a bad person. People who use the phrase "carboon footprint", but not because of why they say it. People who don't think before they speak. The weather. Buses. Trains. Cars. Fucking people.

?( People who have Asians as pets?

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a good rant minus the asian pets and tennants, i prefer other beers but drinking is pretty expensive nowadays!

Aye, it's not the best, but at 24 cans for a tenner it's worth a shout.

Although I see they sponsor the Old Firm now, so I'll have to boycott Tennent's as a matter of principle.

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Wrong numbers.

Some douche keeps calling me and acting as if it's my fault he can't follow simple instructions and dial a phone number correctly.

I was even nice enough to point out his mistake that he's dialling 01224 instead of 01244.

He has called back 3 times and has also sent a text via that stupid BT text delivery thing where he says, "This is not Mr. Gerritys phone number."

Next time he calls he is just getting told to fuck the fuck off!!

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