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Pet Hates!

Guest idol_wild

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microsoft! for fuck sake i now i cant get online on my x box. the cunts are now doing a security check/ fair enough i cant remember my password but when i try go on to hotmail to recover my password it is now saying my account does not exist. GATES YOU BASTARD


Drop him an email. He's probably on bill.gates@microsoft.com 

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College is what you make of it.


many younger adults use it as a temporary stepping stone between taking responsibility for their own life choices.


I was a mature student 2 years ago, I did introduction to music, which had no criteria really to get in, other than an audition on an instrument.


I was bored for most of it, spending time learning songs just for people not to turn up and not able to take part. 


learning how to write a song. I got felt more rewarded acting as a guide to the young students advising them how to plan out their work, giving them a helping hand


when it was jam time it was like kids at playtime in primary school, Imagine a jam room with each person playing their own thing trying to impress the fuck out of everyone all at once.


half the class dropped out. I got annoyed with the amount of spaces that were wasted due to people not making an effort.

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College is what you make of it.


many younger adults use it as a temporary stepping stone between taking responsibility for their own life choices.


I was a mature student 2 years ago, I did introduction to music, which had no criteria really to get in, other than an audition on an instrument.


I was bored for most of it, spending time learning songs just for people not to turn up and not able to take part. 


learning how to write a song. I got felt more rewarded acting as a guide to the young students advising them how to plan out their work, giving them a helping hand


when it was jam time it was like kids at playtime in primary school, Imagine a jam room with each person playing their own thing trying to impress the fuck out of everyone all at once.


half the class dropped out. I got annoyed with the amount of spaces that were wasted due to people not making an effort.

i did an introduction to the introduction of music and i really liked it but the practice spaces really are shit pissy 15 watt marshall my school has 100 watt marshall valvestates and 30 watt roland cubes. ive got to admit though the college has a few street cubes. they are impressive but the rules on noise not being aboue shouting level is just gay. also the cafe is way too expensive

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A college qualification in music is pretty much pointless right?






I imagine it's more for your own personal achievement and knowledge than something you can apply vocationally. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, if that's what you're wanting to go to college for. It's no job-getter though.




I learned how to use pro tools, I learned about mic placement while recording. I learned how to read and write sheet music


I never did standard grade music, I became interested in guitar after i left school and taught myself. I could learn protools etc at home however cost implications, the focus of going into a place doing something with technology available deffo helps rather than just learning at home in your spare time.


I also developed my people skills, all the students treated me like dad


I was between jobs when I went to college, I was struggling at getting a job for months, so I thought why not do something with something I'm good at.


I wasn't disillusioned that getting an education would make me get a career however I knew it would help me and develop me in areas which we tend to overlook just jamming in bands, also it opened up more opportunity where I could use my skills in real life scenarios. I could become a guitar teacher on the side if I continued with my studies.


I ended up managing to get a decent job within the motor trade just after college, now that has been my focus as I'm managing to get somewhere for the first time in my life. I got promoted to sales manager this month.


It makes me sad I don't play as much as i used to, or have any active bands.  

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Im wanting to do mental health nursing when im older. So do i do normal nursing or is there a special one for mental healrh?

Cornerstone and places like that advertise jobs with no experience needed. With your volunteering experience you could go for something like that for a bit and they may even help train you more as well.

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Web/interactive designers are my current pet hate.


I've been having really bad experiences with designers recently. Having to deal with so many flaky people who are prissy about their work, don't want to just push pixels yet can't handle real tasks, don't know what they're doing and I end up telling them how to design for devices they say they've already designed for on their CV. I just had one freelance designer drop a project half-way through this morning. We've had a bunch of projects come up recently and been interviewing like mad trying to find people semi-capable. I had to teach someone who is probably getting paid more than me about layer comps in Photoshop the other day. My advice to any aspring web/mobile designers on here: Your visual style means nothing if you don't know the technicalities of the job. Learn what pixel density and resolution an iPad is before even thinking about putting a mock-up of an app on your portfolio.

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