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Monster Zero

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Everything posted by Monster Zero

  1. Yeah but then Sir Fudge wont have made a cunt of the invisible poll
  2. Does the baseball shirt or sweatshirt have any ACAB branding on it anywhere?
  3. What the fuck are you mithering on about now?
  4. and they have now ditched Ron Reyes as singer for the awful crime of suggesting they should maybe be better apparently.
  5. Shellac @ SWG3, Glasgow Was supposed to see Motorhead but it got cancelled, hotel was non-refundable so a quick search to see what else was on uncovered this, which worked out well as I had been wanting to see them again and didn't know they were playing. Support was a lass called Helen Money, looped cello, veering between Sunn O))) sounding drone, almost Dirty Three type melancholy and drum machine driven neo-metal. With cello. Pretty cool. Shellac played a good spread of stuff, some new material from an album due to arrive at some point called "Dude, Incredible" allegedly. Hung about after, got a t shirt, ticket signed and pics with Albini and Trainer. Ace guys all round.
  6. How can anyone possibly get confused by the point of Movember?
  7. I read the first 2 books, not got round to the 3rd yet...I liked the first film but wouldnt say it was better than the book. Pretty faithful adaptation though. Jennifer Lawrence is definitely one of the best actresses around the now. See 'Winters Bone', very good. I thought 'Catching Fire' was a bit too much of a retread of the first book tbh so im undecided about seeing the film, will no doubt await DVD as usual.
  8. You people are weird. So many great foodstuffs listed. Liver with mashed potato and fried onions would possibly be a food heaven option on Saturday Kitchen. The onions need to be well fired though, to the point of being kind of burnt. Olives make me feel ill, I've tried them a few times because folk assured me that decent quality ones are far better than cheaper varieties. Pish. I do like olive oil though. I cant imagine not liking a buttery. Food of the gods. Heated in the toaster for a while then slathered in butter, *insert Homer drool face*...although they are a rare treat these days so I don't get fat as fuck again.
  9. Unforeseen circumstance has led me to go solo to this today so I have a spare ticket, if anyone is down that way and wants it, PM me.
  10. I have one of these I was given as a gift - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Session-Pro-DD505-Electronic-Drum/dp/B008E64HIS/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1385017006&sr=8-3&keywords=Session+pro Which seems very good to me for practice in the house, does loads of things I haven't really played with to any huge extent but I'm no expert on whether its worth spending the extra to get a Roland. This one looks as though it may be discontinued going by lack of them on Amazon but they seem to have other models too. Cheaper.
  11. New Earthless album 'From the Ages', fucking immense instrumental psychedelic freak rock
  12. I see a long and fruitful career ahead of you at BH
  13. Ugh. Every time without fail when I put up a curtain pole I have an issue with one fixing hole. Just the one. Every time.
  14. THATS his biggest problem? Other than requiring his whole life to be mapped out with assistance from an online forum?
  15. Sorry for the delay, I found the box of Saturn stuff, will try and get it tested out this weekend...
  16. I don't believe it will happen. 'Jaws' is sacred. It would be like remaking 'King Kong'. Oh shit wait...
  17. You said the tutor gets chased for payment before you...
  18. So you are quite happy with the thought of some poor sucker being lumbered with your debt?
  19. It's in no way better than the original but I don't mind the 'Halloween' remake and I do own it. I haven't seen 'Infernal Affairs' but 'The Departed' is an amazing film. Tarantino's 'Inglourious Basterds' has little in common with the original 'Inglorious Bastards' other than a vague 'men on a mission during WW2' connection but its definitely superior. Remakes generally are worthless on the whole, if they veer from the original enough they can be watchable, straight remakes are usually cack. I still await the day they remake 'Jaws', at which point I will lose all faith in humanity.
  20. A better person that posts screenshot pictures of some young lass who had a kid on a forum ripping the piss out of folk? I kind of hope she has a big brother who kicks your cock in.
  21. Friday - Got in a Chinese takeaway, watched 'Celebrity Juice' with Danny Dire as guest captain getting the piss ripped out of him. Watched 'Android' and 'Gimme Shelter' whilst playing online poker. Saturday - Spent the day clearing out the garage, moving stuff into shed and trips to dump and charity shop. Met my brother in town in evening, had a meal at Carluccio's (fine it was), first visit to the Brewdog Bar (pint of something quite fine but can't recall name), visit to 6degN (2/3 pint of something dreadful), Illicit Still, Crown and Anchor, Moorings to see some death metal but arrived just as bands finished at 11 (not very rock and roll time is it?), listened to Mr Fudge's DJ mix, up to casino to get irritated by shitty luck at cash poker, recovered most of losses, got fed up, bed. Sunday - Costa for a coffee, irritated by lack of tiffin, tried a Yule log instead, pretty pish, tried to do some shopping, got irritated by folk getting in the way, went home, went for ice cream and coffee at Auntie Betty's, got a curry, watched 'The Place Beyond the Pines' while playing online poker.
  22. How much fucking effort does it take to type 'to'??? 't'.....
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