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Monster Zero

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Everything posted by Monster Zero

  1. Haven't been to Sailor Max yet but Paul did sterling work for me at Rebel Ink. Avoid Richards like the plague unless you want blurred shite after 10 years....
  2. I think thats what I like about his films though, loads of folk can make a 2 hour genre film but no one has successfully created a film like he does. I thought Death Proof was decent but then Kurt Russell is in it. MacReady and Snake always mean he gets kudos from me...
  3. Should have said it was just him and let his mind melt
  4. The squib timing may have been off but you can clearly see Mr White's gun point towards NGE as he goes down and it fires.
  5. ...and Man on Fire, Crimson Tide, Revenge and The Hunger....
  6. Fucking love Tarantino me. Everything he has made is worthwhile. Order of preference is tricky but mostly - 1 - Kill Bill Part 1 2 - Pulp Fiction 3 - Kill Bill Part 2 4 - Inglorious Basterds 5 - Django Unchained 6 - Reservoir Dogs 7 - Jackie Brown 8 - Death Proof Usually watch the Kill Bills in quick succession, different in pace but both essential. PF probably has to pip Part 2 though.
  7. Ha, nae wonder I thought Jakeeeeee's appearance had changed a lot when I saw a pic of him recently, I got him confused with Dubya....
  8. I have a natural affinity for continually adding to my CD and DVD collection but these have to be viciously pruned every so often. The only thing I really collect as such is watches, I've always liked to wear a watch and have accumulated a fair collection over the past 15 years or so. My tastes have changed over the years though so some watches I bought 10 years ago no longer get worn - although they aren't really doing any harm sitting in a storage case, I have started to progressively sell them off on eBay and via watch forums to reduce the collection to more sensible levels.
  9. Yeah I saw that, just seems a bit weird to drag someone into a lawsuit that has shown no signs of doing anything wrong? Who would fuck with Rollins unnecessarily? Unpunk.
  10. You didnt go and see Danzig?? Sakes min.
  11. I still don't get why Rollins is being dragged into it, he seems to be uninvolved in any Black Flag revival shite, is Ginn just playing safe or summat? I've been listening to a lot of Black Flag lately, first time in a while. Always thought they were a touch overrated TBH (although still decent) and generally preferred Dead Kennedys from that US punk era. Its interesting to listen to BF albums in sequence though, quite a spread of styles in there.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELRaqSzEKew http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D99O6oTJVHo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t99QQIXez4M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NPJ6GMXM3E
  13. Those lovely people at Plain Tiger and Laika Come Home had me along to play over the past couple of months and I am hugely grateful....if any other promoters are looking for electronic gubbins please get in touch, a few rough demo tracks exist here - https://soundcloud.com/godzillablues
  14. Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada 2-track EP that still lasts as long as some people's albums. This is my favourite of their records. First track, 'Moya' probably encapsulates everything that made Godspeed at their best an incredible listening experience. 'Blaise Bayley Finnegan III' intersperses street recorded interviews with a man ranting about paying speeding tickets and telling the judge to go fuck himself, reading his poetry, offering his thoughts on the state of the nation and the end of the world with an ebbing and flowing soundtrack. The best GYBE! Record for me.
  15. I'm the same. I like the idea of it but I suspect that we would still be getting fucked over by those in charge. But at least it would be Scotland getting fucked over by people they voted for seems to be the reasoning.
  16. How the fuck am i going to keep track of Shrek the Musical, taking place in 2015, now? I'll forget.
  17. OK thanks for the heads up will try and catch other seasons
  18. Community was good, I have only seen Season 1. Actually Charlie was quite likeable in a doofus kind of way.
  19. Was browsing about in HMV last week and picked up a couple of comedy shows I hadn't seen quite cheap - Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 1 Only 7 episodes, 4 friends work in a bar and get into various scrapes. Cant quite figure the tone of this, despite being perfectly watchable I didn't find it consistently amusing. The characters are all pretty dislikeable and self-absorbed. I think. Will give it another watch and see if it sits better. Louis Season 1 Comedian Louis CK (heard of him but not familiar with his work) mixes narrative based on his own life with clips of his stand up performances. Much more my sort of thing, I like his sense of humour.
  20. 150, with quite a few that I actually have sitting about on DVD that I bought cheap but not got round to watching yet. There are also a couple that I have seen some of but not all so not claiming those....
  21. I'm so out of touch obviously, not heard of 90% of the artists mentioned I don't think....today I will be listening to the new Dead Meadow album.....arrived yesterday.
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