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Everything posted by davidm

  1. davidm

    hot fuzz

    i saw the premiere of it at midnight on wednesday morning. thought it was pretty good. not too many really laugh out loud moments, but in general a very good comedy. gets two
  2. What a night this was. Mouthwash were very good, promising stuff, and I reckon with a few more shows under their belt they could be excellent. Failsafe, for me, were the worst band of the night by a long way. Quite bland, although they gave it their all, and the frontman's crazed looks were the highlight of their set. King Blues were incredible, as they were at Capdown. Shame about all the sound problems at the start, but their little 2-song set outside was amazing. I was blown away by SB6 as well, loved their triple front-person thing, especially the frontwoman; she was a great performer. Unfortunately I had to leave two songs into the Upstarts next door cos I had to catch the last bus, but what I heard of them makes me wish I'd seen them earlier. Have they got an EP or anything out?
  3. I'm looking to get a bass amp in the near future for gigging, and was wondering if anyone has any advice on something nice and simple to do the job; at this time I'm not looking for anything too outrageous, so if anyone has any suggestions then they would be very appreciated. Cheers, David
  4. We do upbeat bluesy-rock mainly, with a few songs a lot more relaxed and laid-back. No real direct genre you could fit us into though. Hope that helps.
  5. We can play. Any information on cymbals/amps etc?
  6. Red Mongoose could possibly manage a 25 minute set; I could confirm as soon as possible. www.myspace.com/redmongooseband
  7. Me and my brother got this as a joint Christmas present and have come stuck with putting our recorded songs from the memory card to a CD or directly to a computer. I have tried everything I think is possible with it to no avail. Anyone got any advice/help?
  8. nope, you're not alone. Chloe is one of the best characters in the series apart from Edgar before he passed away and Jack's satchel of mystery. cannot wait for it to begin, only 4 days now!
  9. very much agree. we need a proven manager to take us forward, I believe Burley would be a very good choice. Apparently McLeish isn't interested.
  10. Thanks for clearing this up. Is there a replacement for The Hedrons?
  11. Looking forward to this, only our second ever gig. If anyone fancies coming along, then you can buy tickets from me and the other Red Mongeese for a fiver. Don't know if they're discounted from the real price as we haven't been told yet.
  12. hey guys, I'm here as the second guitarist.. certainly willing to go down to CGCFAD. what Throwdown song do you want to do to begin with then?
  13. you... jesus murdering oxygen thieving giraffe laundering squnity eyed slayer idolising fall out boy worshipping pro lifer repbulican butt-monkey! please don't take that the wrong way, I just wanted a chance to use the IMMORTAL BEAST OF AN INSULT.
  14. Yeah, I'll play bass if Damian does guitar. if not then I'll play guitar if you're all still wanting to go ahead with this.
  15. I'd be interested in the Marshall bluesbreaker if it's still around.
  16. what Diesel said sums my thoughts up really. However, it is really relaxing and very beautiful to listen to.
  17. Hello, Red Mongoose have recently recorded some live demos at Captain Tom's. These have just been put up on our myspace site. Any feedback would be really appreciated, as long as it's constructive! www.myspace.com/redmongooseband Cheers, David
  18. Bouncebackability. An old one but is still a favourite of mine!
  19. hi Damian, Sorry, I lost your e-mail address, so that's why I didn't reply to you before hand! Anyway, I'd be up for playing guitar/bass in this band, whatever is required of me!
  20. Same as above, Red Mongoose might be up for it, will have a definite answer by Sunday. www.myspace.com/redmongooseband There's only one song up at the moment, recorded live, but we have a live recording session on Monday at Tom's so we'll have more material up then.
  21. Fair points on us. We haven't had many rehearsals and as such we don't really know each other as people and aren't really as used to playing gigs as any other the other bands clearly were. But still, the only way for us is forwards.
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