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Everything posted by davidm

  1. Yes, Simon, the singer repeatedly asked for more guitar through the monitors, although I obviously have no idea what we sounded like off-stage. To be fair, nerves didn't help either as well as Simon breaking a string on his own guitar and then breaking two on the spare!
  2. This was good fun! The sound was terrible for us during the first half of the set, me and the guitarist on the other side of the stage couldn't hear each other at all. on the positive side I only saw 3 guys leaving during the set so we can't have been that bad.
  3. why don't you actually answer questions that are asked of you?
  4. wow. what a gig this was. All three bands were great in their own way, but I was especially impressed by the King Blues, some really heart-warming music with something to say as well. Look forward to catching them again sometime soon!
  5. Saw somebody playing one of these the other day in Bruce Miller's, sounded very impressive. Well done on getting one of 150 of them as well!
  6. Anyone want to help me in setting up an account for my band? I have no idea how to work the website having avoided it until tonight. Cheers, David
  7. Our first gig. Should be fun, although I've no idea why we're playing with much heavier bands than us.
  8. The Bromhead's Jacket gig can't have helped. Loads of them there, with the police showing up at the end.
  9. davidm


    Anyone stand and sing at the end for the anthem at the end? Hilarious film; bits of it were a bit ropey but overall it was excellent.
  10. I know very little about bassists, but the bloke from Crashdown is nothing short of incredible.
  11. Basically, I have a lot of different music within me, but metal is what I really want to get out of me. Anyone that can write something fast and heavy is good by me!
  12. At the moment, my favourite two albums both came out in 2003, but I got them this year. They would be The Fall Of Troy's self-titled and HORSE the band: R. Borlax. However, I reckon the best album this year is Wolfmother's self-titled or Black Holes and Revelations.
  13. I'm going to get straight to the point. Anyone who has an interest in Reign In Blood-era Slayer, early Metallica and anything fast enough to interest a crowd, get in touch with me through PM here or e-mail me at bouncebackability_gravy@hotmail.co.uk. I want to be involved in a band who write short, to the point songs. If you are a vocalist reading this, then the ability to be able to scream (see Tim/Thomas Fall of Troy, Nathan HORSE the band etc.) as well as being able to bring in Mastodon-esque vocals would be very much appreciated, although it is not vital. Thanks, David
  14. Just downloaded Devil's Eye, only have time to listen to it a couple of times at the moment, but from what I hear I am very impressed. Vocals are a wee bit too low in the mix at the start I think, but apart from that it has a great sound, excellent production. I'll listen to the rest when I get home, but very good work guys.
  15. Craig Sidca and everyone from SPD are good people. are you feeling the positivity? should I say "ding" now? in other music-related discussion, "Horsey Horsey" by Sidca is fucking amazing.
  16. Diabolic Emo Destroyer/SPD split CD and Permanent Death/SPD split CD. Oh yes.
  17. davidm

    oh dear....

    What did the Pope say to Paul Le Guen? "Nice work, but try not to make it too obvious.."
  18. ha, I wish! Our singer was telling us we could play in the Hog's Head, so we may look into that. I know the band name is really awful; we are changing it as soon as possible having only had about 5 rehearsals! cheers for the help Graeme, all we want to do is play for a laugh, although seeing as I'm not 18 for a while yet we won't be playing pubs any time soon!
  19. Hey, I play in a recently formed covers group, "The Granite City Alleycats" and we are looking to play as much shows as possible, whether it's 'supporting' another covers band, or for whatever reason. If anyone has any slots open for us, give me an e-mail at bouncebackability_gravy@hotmail.co.uk or PM me here. Cheers, David
  20. This will probably be completely rejected, but here goes. I was thinking that on one day next year, there could be an "Aberdeen/Inverness vs. Edinburgh" festival type thing. Different venues from Aberdeen could be dedicated to different styles of music, i.e. Tunnels can have Metal/Extreme, Drummonds can have Indie, whatever. The idea being that many bands come up from Edinburgh, and it showcases the best that each city has musically. You could have say, 8 bands in total at each venue, an Aberdeen band followed by an Edinburgh band and so on. If the right people got behind this event, I reckon it could work very well. Obviously many people would have to help run it, and if the event was a success then a similar thing could happen in Edinburgh the next year. Any thoughts?
  21. a wee review of the bands I got to see: phiph: hmm.. ok. they seemed unsure as to what kind of music they wanted to play. I think I remember a couple of songs being thrash-y in parts, but some were grungy-rock. their cover of toxicity was, to be honest, pretty awful. and ascension: surprised you guys didn't kill the soundman, I couldn't hear the bass at all and Gregor was out for most of the set. actually, most times I've seen bands at the tunnels, the guitar on the left of the stage is always quieter than the one on the right/middle.
  22. davidm

    'mon Scotland!!!

    shevchenko = cheating, filthy scum. how the hell did he get away with diving twice?
  23. Hey, I would be interested in joining this group; I play guitar but would be just as willing to play bass. I am into a wide range of bands as well, although my primary love in this genre of music is The Fall of Troy. I've played guitar for 5 years but can play bass easily (as I do in my other band).
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