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Everything posted by davidm

  1. This sounds like fun, I'll be Dee Dee.
  2. davidm

    Cricket World Cup

    bit of both really. England have been absolutely awful in teh World Cup - but could you honestly say that it wasn't expected. They need to get a side and stick with it, constant changes do them no good - the top order needs to be sorted out quickly, preferably with Trescothick coming back soon. on the other hand, everything went right for South Africa. if they carry on that form, they could trouble Australia if they get to the final.
  3. I would recommend the Behringer BOD100 overdrive pedal. It can give you a nice bit of fuzz if set properly, and certainly makes solo parts stand out more. And it only costs 21 including p+p from gak.com.
  4. pissing on a girl because she turned you down? what kind of people do you think visit this forum?
  5. davidm

    Cricket World Cup

    He says, as Mahmood gets 2-19 and England reduce Bangladesh to 77-6! Australia/South Africa final is what I reckon will happen - it's very close to call between them, but the Aussies will nick it in the end. You'll have to beat them at some stage to win the World Cup and I can't see many teams, if any doing that.
  6. Me and a few friends are planning to go round Europe for a couple of weeks before University. Does anyone know of any, for example, two week sleeper trains taking in random cities in Europe? I seem to remember hearing about something like that before - a train that went round capital cities of Europe for two weeks. Maybe I just made it up.
  7. but that's what you get when you 'horse around'! We didn't enjoy ourselves playing our set - we get bunged in with metal bands all the bloody time and so we never seem to play to a crowd who are interested in us! Can't make it tonight sadly, lack of money stops me. The fact that I've been out drinking/band practice/going to gigs in the last 5 days now doesn't help either. I might actually get some sleep tonight. If you've got any gigs lined up apart from the one tonight, I'll see if I can make it along to them!
  8. Element were very good at Kef on the 6th. Reminds me of how metal should be done in this city in amongst so much rubbish, especially some of the soloing from both Hog and James. "Give them the elephant!"
  9. review: low miffs: ding as fuck. neil's children: was at triple kirk's. horrors: put on a good show, very tight, if a little pretentious. coming on 45 minutes late isn't a good way to impress people! was it just me, or did the bassist from the view come on to play the last song with them? whoever it was, the last song was pretty awful anyway. Overall, good value for money, cos I got in for free!
  10. I'll be there handing out free badges. Make an extra effort at the gig in some way and you'll get a free Horrors fanzine too!
  11. davidm

    Hog gig

    we don't play metal in any form. still don't think you'll enjoy us, though!
  12. We'll be selling copies of demo at this, shouldn't be more than a couple of quid.
  13. davidm

    Your current read?

    Just finished reading "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski. One of the most original books I've ever read; it's a book which you cannot just read page to page, there is so much happening in it that you read certain pages at least four or five times to try to grasp of signifance of it! Well worth a read for anyone who fancies a bit of original horror/sci-fi.
  14. wouldn't mind getting a copy of that Cerement tape if it's at all possible.
  15. Anybody else been watching this over the last few days? South Africa vs. Holland was interesting, shows just what can be done in this tournament - if they got 353 from 40 overs, then imagine what they would have got from 50! Ireland did fantastically well against Pakistan too, hopefully we'll see more shock results over the next couple of weeks. Couldn't believe hearing that Bob Woolmer had died earlier today, he will be a big loss to many people; my thoughts are with his family and friends.
  16. Red Mongoose would be up for it. www.myspace.com/redmongooseband
  17. ha, I'll need to speak to him about that gig, see if he remembers it! As a side note, he still has a great taste in music - introduced me to both Napalm Death and Brutal Truth!
  18. He's called Ewan Kellock. it's just out of pure curiosity that I wanted to find out more about them.
  19. My guitar teacher told me that he used to be in a death metal band called Cerement, based here. They were around in the early 90's, and I was just wondering if anyone remembers them/knows anything else about them?
  20. Brutal Truth - Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses Converge - No Heroes (really like the sound of this; I know they have a few albums that preceded it, anyone got any suggestions for what I should go for next?)
  21. I'll see what I can do! Got any shows at a usual time coming up?
  22. well done guys; been meaning to see you live for a while now!
  23. agreed, saw the video for 'that boy that girl' a while back on MTV2, excellent song. The 'singer' is very smart lyrically too.
  24. when that Secret Policeman's Ball was on ages ago on channel four, there was an amazing comedian, an American woman called Sarah Silverman or Brightman, can't remember, was on. The most un-PC comedian I've ever seen; really appealed to my sense of humour, but may offend just about everyone.
  25. if you marry a complete waste of oxygen like he did, then you have to expect this kind of thing on a national TV show known for this kind of stuff. you'd have thought he was used to people slagging her off by now, but he seems to have lost a sense of humour.
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