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Everything posted by davidm

  1. http://ultimateslaymaster.bandcamp.com/ ULTIMATE SLAYMASTER: Two noble warriors from Edinburgh have decided to listen to nothing but KARP, BIG BUSINESS, LIGHTNING BOLT AND MASTODON, creating the best sound the world has ever known.
  2. you missed me too then! if i knew who you were then i could have reverse stalked you.
  3. hiya this is my band, star rover. we do loud pop music. https://soundcloud.com/starrover we have a new song up - addult. we are playing at cellar 35 on the 9th of june with farewell singapore, pinact and others. let me know what you think of these songs! cheers!
  4. this is what I hope to look like someday with my beard. someday.
  5. Same thing for three and half minutes, except sometimes it's quiet. bass/blastbeats!
  6. ha, yeah, i saw you guys at one point, but i think it was just after my brother arrived. i had to run to the train station to get back to edinburgh - i was in a pretty bad state myself then! i didn't even notice, i guess the discussion i was having with my brother about independence was too interesting for me to notice anything around me! the only reason i even posted was because kirsten kept telling me to do it "so the officers don't beat you to it!"
  7. Who: Chris and Dave Officer When: Friday night, half 6ish? Where: Mono, in Glasgow. Saw them again at half 11ish in the 13th Note but they spotted me, boooo.
  8. D Boon Brigid Dawson (second from the left obvz) Carrie Brownstein obviously. FURY!!!
  9. Mike FUCKING Watt. You don't respect this guy? Fuck you! Marnie Stern. Swoon.
  10. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    the argument appears to be that the royal family bring lots of money into the British economy, therefore they're a good thing. I believe that this couldn't be further from the truth. I think they're perfect example of social inequality that exists in this country, so I am anti-monarchy. I can see that they bring money into the country, but I also think that it's nothing but a short-term boost. Ultimately the last few days are just a celebration of wealth and privilege, and I think that's ridiculous. I am also very aware that I am a tremendously inarticulate person and I'm probably not coming across as being very persuasive/knowledgeable.
  11. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    ok then. let's just see the royal family save the british economy then. i'm so glad that they get lots of tourists into the country. i'm going to find those people who weren't paid for working at the jubilee celebrations (what gain will they possibly get from it? learning how to work at a fucking celebration of old rich people?) and tell them that the royal family is ok because some idiots buy overpriced shit in london.
  12. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    well done to them, then. sounds like they're really deserving people.
  13. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    I HAVE READ IT, THANKS. My wording wasn't the best, sorry. I think the royal family is an archaic institution. If other people want to celebrate them, that's fine. To me, they'll always be a symbol of inequality within British society, but whatever. Keep on being proud to be British.
  14. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    What millions and millions is this? Where does this money go? What benefit has anyone ever gained from the Royal Family? The money earned from people buying things to do with them doesn't go to normal people! I never said they were to blame for poverty. That's a totally different debate and one that might not be wise to get into!
  15. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    Yes, you're right, you could make this argument for any major event. But the monarchy and the Olympics are two totally different things. The monarchy is given millions of pounds in money each year for simply existing. Over the last few days large parts of the country have danced with glee, celebrating the fact that a woman is still alive. I really don't see what's worth celebrating over. The Olympics is a group of people competing at sport. (for what it's worth I'm not convinced it's a great idea)
  16. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    that has nothing to do with what i posted, you said that if the jubilee was cancelled then all major sporting events would be cancelled worldwide. which is a completely illogical argument.
  17. davidm

    Pet Hates!

  18. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    I think the Jubilee celebration was disgusting. I also happen to think that the Royal Family are an outdated institution that offer no value to the ordinary person. I also think that these two beliefs are related. If most people thought that spending the amount of money that was spent on the Jubilee was stupid, then they'd be agreeing with me, surely?
  19. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    I'd blame that on the fact that there was no effective political opposition, rather than the doctors themselves. Next to no medical organisations/unions/etc actually supported the NHS privatisation.
  20. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    Right, because all of this money is going to trickle down to the average British person? The same argument was about the Royal Wedding last year. "Oh, it's just one day, lots of people will spend money on royal family related things, therefore the economy'll get going again!" In three months time everything will be back to normal. We'll still have a (relatively) high unemployment rate, a partially privatised NHS and hundreds of thousands of people living below the poverty line. The reason that I'm criticising the whole thing is because it's a celebration of a family that get special privileges by virtue of being in that family. I didn't think it would be such a radical position to take to say that celebration of privilege in 2012 is horrible.
  21. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    please don't be so patronising. i know the pro-monarchist arguments. if you can show me what benefits having a royal family brings to the UK then tell me. how much money do they bring in from tourism?
  22. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    ok then, tell me, what exactly do they do for the country?
  23. davidm

    Pet Hates!

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