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Everything posted by davidm

  1. congratulations! I have put aside money for the pint of Tennent's that I'll be getting you after Stewart Lee. And the pint of wine for Claire.
  2. ha, maybe it needs to be brought back on a regular basis in that case.
  3. Guy plays the whole of Mastodon's album Leviathan on the piano, in one take. Amazing.
  4. Napalm Death on Match of the Day, obviously.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olelvRKSpG8 Rivalry!
  6. Bilbao vs. Sporting is a very enjoyable game so far. All square just now, sets it up perfectly for the second half!
  7. http://twitpic.com/9dwr2a Won't link directly, but this might be one of the best personal ads I've ever seen. NSFW!
  8. I love penalty shoot outs more than life itself.
  9. Seeing these dudes live next month. Very excited.
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-17789049 "Academics concerned about high tuition fees are setting up a university where students can learn for free." Ace.
  11. davidm

    Your current read?

    cool, the trilogy has been put on my list of books to buy. funnily enough the political aspects of his writing are one of the things that make me even more interested in him, ha.
  12. davidm

    Your current read?

    have you read anything else by him? would you recommend starting with that trilogy? he's an author that's intrigued me for a while, but i've been trying to restrict my book-buying until i get through books that i already own which i haven't started yet! finished Philip K Dick's "Flow, My Tears, The Policeman Said" today. it has now, quite easily, become my favourite of his works - the most gripping book i've read in months.
  13. apparently it was about a friend of his who was diagnosed with depression as opposed to him defending a rapist, so there you go.
  14. Ched Evans, Sheffield United striker, was jailed for five years for rape today. That was Kyle Bartley's reaction.
  15. https://p.twimg.com/Aq78XEjCAAAodkK.jpg Fucking hell, what a cunt.
  16. davidm

    Your current read?

    I finished An American Dream by Norman Mailer last night and it was very, very enjoyable. 230 pages or so. The first half is a bit slow, but the build up makes it worth it for the finale! Anything by Philip K. Dick is worth a read as well, I started another of his books last night as well. I'd recommend The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch or A Scanner Darkly as good places to begin with him.
  17. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/apr/19/metropolitan-police-accused-racism-firefighter "I couldn't say he was anything to do with the party. The party was all black. He was black. He had driven through the cordon. I had to do a quick risk assessment."
  18. yeah, I'll definitely be there as I'm only a 45 minute train journey away. I'm preparing myself for it already.
  19. Yep! What a day this is. I vote we all go to it and we all do this in unison:
  20. Unsane are playing in Glasgow at the start of July. With Big Business supporting! Oh yeah!
  21. Why are the band "You Slut!" so good? EVIDENCE: You Slut! – Medium Bastard
  22. I can't decide which one I like the best. I think at the moment "Elton Chong" is winning.
  23. I gave the support band for Andrew WK in Glasgow tomorrow night their first ever gig in Scotland three years ago. I am going to claim to anyone who'll listen to me that I gave them their break.
  24. thanks for the responses! it's for a train from edinburgh-london, so maybe the rules are different? either way, i plan on taking everything i can get my hands on.
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