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Everything posted by davidm

  1. Saw Eupraxia in Edinburgh twice in the past week. But he was wearing MASSIVE headphones and a look that said "If you talk to me I will hit you in the boaby." So I didn't say hello.
  2. One of the worst ways to end a series of films ever. That was just as bad as the dream ending in Crossroads.
  3. Right then, Who wants to play a game on this upcoming Monday (4th)?
  4. thanks very much if you came down to the gig! both bands said they really enjoyed the show and that they were looking forward to returning. also, yeah, bobby burg is the friendliest person i've met in a long time.
  5. this is on monday! handmade tickets available for 10 in one-up!
  6. We are looking for someone to sit on the door and take tickets for this gig. If you want to do this you will be rewarded with free entry and a few pints on the night. please get in touch with myself or Iomega!
  7. Monday - xxxxx tuesday - xxx wednesday - xxxx thursday - xxxx friday - xx saturday - xx sunday - xxx
  8. I would like to play football on a Monday night.
  9. "Literally Unbelievable" A website dedicated to people on facebook who believe that stories from The Onion are real. Amazing.
  10. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    The joys of "DIY" music, eh? So many jaded guys in their late 20s and early 30s trying to tell younger people what to do. I enjoy booking bands but these kind of people make the whole thing so off-putting. People genuinely complain about gig promoters doing tickets for a gig? I don't even know where to begin with that one.
  11. Joan Of Arc:*Life Like | Music | Music Review | The A.V. Club Chicago Joan of Arc - Life Like / Releases / Releases // Drowned In Sound A couple of reviews of Joan of Arc's latest album. "As the sole full time member of Joan Of Arc, Tim Kinsella doesnt make life easy for himself. Despite his deft skills as a songwriter and lyricist, he sometimes seems too willing to experiment and obscure his work behind concepts that dont always come across as well as intended. On the one hand, this does mean that as a band, Joan Of Arc rarely repeats itself, an admirable quality, and one that can provide rewarding results for the long-term fan. On the other hand, it does mean that some records sound like a sprawling impenetrable mess, rather than the high concept work that was intended. Life Like, the groups fifteenth album, eschews any sort of avant-garde tendencies and instead opts for actual songs. The result is a focused and surprisingly restraint affair, words which are rarely associated with a Joan Of Arc record. Life Like sees the band strip down to its core of bass, drums and guitars. Gone are the electronic flourishes, the sampling and studio experimentation of previous outings; the Joan Of Arc of Life Like are a taut rock outfit, with no time for messing around. This streamlined approach is down as much to choice as necessity. Raising funds through a Kickstarter campaign, the group only had five days to record. With a limited budget, and limited time, sticking to the script is vital. Thats not to say that all the band's calling cards are gone. Tim Kinsellas voice still operates in that weird area somewhere between a warble and a screech. Angular, spidery guitar parts in awkward tunings come courtesy of Victor Villarreal, aka one of the best guitarists of the last 20 years. For some, the news that Villarreal appears on the record is reason enough to like Life Like. His return to music after ten years will no doubt have some Kinsella fan boys shitting their pants. Luckily, he doesnt disappoint." here are some reviews of Hot Club de Paris' last couple of EPs. Hot Club De Paris With Days Like This As Cheap As Chewing Gum EP | The Line Of Best Fit Hot Club De Paris The Rise And Inevitable Fall Of | The Line Of Best Fit "One of the most wonderful things about Hot Club de Paris has been their staunch refusal to slot into anything approaching the industry norm over the past six or so years. In that time, guitar music has followed its path of high peaks and low troughs, whilst contemporaries have gone from being the next big thing to having the label of landfill indie thrust upon them by an indifferent public. The Liverpudlian trio have carried on regardless, following their original blueprint of creating jaunty 3 minutes bursts of pop music. The Rise and Inevitable Fall of the High School Suicide Cluster Band is the second EP of their return, as the band sink into a prolific period of writing, self producing and recording tracks. Considering the speed that theyve put out these 6 tracks its only 3 months since their last effort its an enjoyable surprise that theres no noticeable dip in quality from the band. Lead single Free the Pterodactyl 3 is a slow, considered number still bears the bands mark however reminiscing, as it does, singer Pauls failure to free a fibreglass model dinosaur from a derelict fun fair at the hands of the law. Closing track Three Albums in and still no Ballad might be a brave show of irony, but theres no bravado in the mournful tones crafted, nor in Pauls unusually tender vocals."
  12. I was indeed, aye. Can't remember where I was sitting for that showing. I think the same atrocious hecklers were there as well.
  13. Ah, that was you?! I was sitting in the seat in front of you with the lighter as well as being hit by all the spoons. I'll do some laps in your honour tonight. Maybe.
  14. Were those the guys on the left hand side doing the commentary on the film that Christy mentioned? They were indeed terrible. Wish they'd realised this from the lack of response they got from their shouts! But yeah, ace time. Going again tonight with a whole load of folk, including some from this very website as well.
  15. Yes! I'm going tonight and tomorrow night. Have you seen it in the cinema before? SPOONS!
  16. Are there any pubs in Aberdeen that have good-value offers on beer on Thursday nights?
  17. I've lost almost all interest in football thanks to this season. I wouldn't consider myself a fan of Inverness CT any more. Couldn't tell you where we are in the league, who we're playing next week etc. I think I'm just going to support a team that I have no affiliation with at all to get away from Scottish football. The game is an embarrassment. I've never understood why 'tribalism' has to be a part of watching football and why it makes it a better experience to go to a game. say whatever you like, it doesn't really matter. I look forward to a few years time when I move away and I never have to hear/read about the childishness of almost everyone involved in Scottish football again.
  18. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    Ok, sure, but try living in some of the poorer parts of Africa, walking x number of miles to get fresh water every day. --------------------------------- That is obviously a ridiculous statement, but it's the same logic you're using. We all get stressed about different things in life depending on where we are and what we're doing. I'm not for a minute saying that your situation was pretty bad. Stress affects almost everyone in the world, no matter how rich or poor you might be. That's my only point.
  19. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    What? All I'm trying to say is that John's initial statement was pretty poorly worded and that students not all students are the same. If anything saying "Man the fuck up" isn't really adding anything to any discussion. Also, saying "no-one is forcing you to be there" doesn't really count as a good argument; it implies that myself and any other students can't be stressed because we made this choice to go to university. Depending on what marks I get this term, I might be moving city in less than five months, or I might be beginning a proper job hunt in a few weeks. So this term is pretty fucking important to me. What I do for the rest of this year and onwards depends on a piece of work I hand in today that I have been working on for the past few months. So please don't tell me I'm not allowed to be stressed about it, because it's pretty ignorant.
  20. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    this statement is just wrong though. it's just generalising nonsense and implies that if you're a student you simply can't be stressed about anything. but I guess I must be one of those cunts, seeing as I'm trying to argue the opposite point from John. I learned something new again.
  21. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    +1 Pretty much the point my tired brain was trying to make but put far better!
  22. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    I just don't agree with the idea that you're only allowed to be stressed if you're a single parent with a mortgage, kids and a poorly paid job, that's all. Believe it or not some students have jobs, and, get this, some want to do as well as they can! Imagine that!!
  23. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    Fuck, never knew I wasn't allowed to be stressed because I'm a student. The things you learn when you come on this website, honestly. I feel like a new person.
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