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Everything posted by davidm

  1. Yes! They are absolutely fantastic. And then of course there's Rocket on the Crypt too. I might ask John Reis to marry me. Roll the Dice – In Dust This album is the perfect soundtrack to winter, in my opinion. It's eerie, dark, slow-building and quite haunting, but still very beautiful to listen to. Maybe my idea of winter is different to yours.
  2. Tremendous band. I'll chuck this in: Hot Snakes – Suicide Invoice How to write instantly accessible, punk-y, garage-y, hardcore-y, poppy songs. Every song is a winner.
  3. Bee Thousand I think is generally thought to be their best album. Obviously not everyone agrees with that... although I do! Alien Lanes is also really, really good. Both albums have got a similar kind of vibe to them. Again though I'm pretty sure you could ask ten superfans of GbV what their favourite album/song is and you would get different responses each time. But yeah, I'd go for Bee Thousand. First album I heard by them, and the first song I heard was "Gold Star For Robot Boy".
  4. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    Pet Hate: me getting angry about maths questions. just ignore me!
  5. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    in fairness, you could insert brackets anywhere into that equation and get whatever result you'd like!
  6. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    I'm sure you've all seen the question "What is 40 + 40 x 0 + 1?" on Facebook recently. THE ANSWER IS NOT 81. AND IT IS NOT 1. I despair at the number of people I know (after a cull as well!) that haven't got this question correct. Jesus fucking christ.
  7. "We're going to Poland and Ukraine to win, otherwise it's the end of the world!"
  8. The Budos Band – The Budos Band III From last.fm: The band has eleven members (up to thirteen members at times) who play instrumental music that is self-described as “Afro-Soul,” a term and sound which - in a recent interview - baritone saxophone player Jared Tankel elucidates as, being drawn from Ethiopian music the band had been listening to that had a soul undercurrent to it, which the band then “sprinkled a little bit of sweet 60’s stuff on top” of.
  9. The Locust Slayer Guided by Voices Sleep Melvins Battles Hot Snakes I will have accomplished this by May, aside from The Locust. Then I'm going to kill myself, 'cos life won't be worth living after seeing Slayer.
  10. God yeah. Such a good album. Nice to see you recommending Zu as well... I think that's the perfect way to describe them. I'm still terrified of the song with Mike Patton doing vocals. The Bygones album is incredible as well. Even though now I think that Tera Melos' "Patagonian Rats" appears to have been solely influenced by that album. Mike Watt – hyphenated-man Bassist from the Minutemen, fIREHOSE, dos and countless other projects from the past thirty years does his third solo album. It's very similar to the Minutemen musically, and the guitar parts were written on one of D. Boon's old Telecasters. Tremendously good. Thirty songs in forty-five minutes. Poppy as hell and with countless influences. Marnie Stern She is unfairly talented. She recorded every part on this album aside from the drums, which were done by Zach Hill of Hella... so you get the gist... catchy songs that are punctuated with a high-pitched nasal vocal over the top. I dunno. I am rubbish at describing everything. Guided By Voices – The Best of Guided By Voices: Human Amusements At Hourly Rates I know a few people on here love these guys already... but they're a band that more should know! Very prolific, released 15 albums I think, (with another one due out next year!) they were one of the pioneering lo-fi bands of the 1990s, but they are so much more than that. This greatest hits doesn't cover all of their best songs, but it's an ace start. From Wikipedia: Guided by Voices' music revealed influences from post-British Invasion garage rock, psychedelic rock, progressive rock, punk rock and post-punk. The band also garnered much attention for its prolific output, with a seemingly endless stream of releases. Most songs are in the two-minute range, but many are even shorter; often they end abruptly or are intertwined with odd and homemade sound effects.
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/15700423.stm
  12. http://www.atpfestival.com/events/ibymlondon2012.php Thought this might be of interest to some folk here. May 25th-27th in Alexandra Palace. Headliners are: Friday - Slayer (performing all of Reign in Blood!) Saturday - Mogwai Sunday - Guided by Voices Other bands announced so far are Mudhoney, Sleep, Melvins, Codeine and Yuck. Excited doesn't even begin to cover it. This is my dream festival so far.
  13. it was so worth it, that pint of tennents was the best i'd ever tasted.
  14. The Continuous Battle of Order – Pttrn Skrs I can't describe things very well, so I'll steal it from their last.fm page: The pair spent 2009 performing, rehearsing and refining a sound that matches an avalanche of jazzy drums with loopy finger-tapped guitar patterns in a thrilling, ever-changing explosion of sound. It might appeal to a few folk! For fans of Don Caballero, Hella, Adebisi Shank etc. But more accessible.
  15. "English side ruined. Must! Use! French! Instructions! Le Grill?! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!"
  16. http://gawker.com/5852967/herman-cain-produces-bestworst-campaign-ad-ever For those who have been following the Republican Party nomination campaign for 2012... this guy is winning in some polls. Enjoy. Wait for what happens at 40s. Incredible.
  17. He was ace. One of the best teachers I've ever had.
  18. Not a fan of the music, but seeing Emeli Sande, who was two years above me at school singing on the X Factor is bizarre. Her Dad was my craft and design teacher. First thing he did was stand beside a blackboard, and said "Now you see me.", then stood in front of the blackboard and said "Now you don't." I didn't really know how to react to that at the age of 11.
  19. off to the punitentiary with you
  20. And the tags. I want tags and puns, not JakeBassist.
  21. Daughters – S/T This is how to do 'heavy' music whilst being massively accessible. If you've listened to these guys' first two albums and didn't like them, this is a complete change in direction. Layers and layers and layers of guitars and drums that are as heavy as a, er, heavy thing. The vocalist sounds like a cross between David Yow of the Jesus Lizard and Elvis Presley. Absolutely ace.
  22. The romantic comedy of the year from "THE Multiple Award Winning Teco Benson". Enjoy!
  23. http://news.scotsman.com/edinburgh/Sitin-students-warn-of-more.6838239.jp being involved with this protest. i like protesters.
  24. euan/waltz yesterday, at his work. he was looking at schoolgirls.
  25. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    Well that's breakfast ruined. I wanted to watch Brian Butterfield shout in a confused manner whilst having my toast tomorrow morning.
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