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Everything posted by davidm

  1. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    Always have, always will.
  2. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    Yes yes. I am actually quite an upbeat and happy person in real life. I'm just as hypocritical, though. I know you were joking, but I actually do! pretty much the exact pub I had in mind when I wrote that! I have been told this a few times. I suppose it's not too bad when I actually bother to look after it! This is the only plus from Valentine's Day then. Anything to make you happy.
  3. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    - Valentine's Day. It just makes everyone, including myself, full of anger. Either you're single and hate couples/people who moan about being single, or you're in a couple and hate people who are single and don't like Valentine's Day. If you're in a relationship with someone fucking show them how much you care/buy them something on the other three hundred and sixty four days of the year. It's not hard and won't kill you. And if you're single then treat it like any other day... or focus all your energy on Unvalentine's Day when it arrives tomorrow. It is just the worst day. - People at work being unable to wash communal dishes/mugs/cutlery properly. - People at work being unable to clean up in general. - The fact that exam results from last term still aren't up yet... even though the last day to apply for resits was yesterday. - The fact that no place exists where you can have a quiet pint after midnight in Aberdeen. - Kilau makes damn good coffee but wow, the folk that work in the one in town need to cheer up.
  4. I think I'll make a playlist over the weekend. Another recommendation: Blessphemy - An Albatross - Spotify I'd describe them as psychedelic rock, but that doesn't really cut it. The songs are about a minute long each and are filled with hooks all over the place. Ridiculous tempo changes, two organ players and short, catchy songs. What's not to love?
  5. Can only really echo what's been said before, but regardless, thanks very much to everyone who came along! It was great to see such a good turnout for all the bands. The photos are excellent, and thanks very much for the kind words in the review. Hopefully there will be more gigs in Cellar from now on, it is definitely an ideal venue for gigs like Saturday night. Hopefully we'll get to play again soon and perhaps do some more gigs of a similar nature.
  6. THE LEMON TREE LOUNGE : Productions : Doug Stanhope Brutal, shambolic, savage and unpredictable, American comedian Doug Stanhope has been on the road for 21 years and is widely regarded as carrying the torch for American stand-up that was once held by Lenny Bruce and Bill Hicks. He is the stuff of legend an unsettling, uninhibited, incendiary no-holds-barred comedian who displays scant respect for any personal, moral, social or sexual boundaries. He is a raging, vitriolic, viciously coruscating critic of the stupidity of our social and political systems and the moronic saps who sustain it. Most of all he is very, very funny, a vicious, uncompromising, messy genius. Doug's material ranges from true-life graphic perversion to volatile social criticism. He is vulgar, opinionated, brutally honest and shockingly uninhibited. He's had TV appearances, released four DVDs, headlined the Reading and Leeds Festivals and has sold out tours all over North America and Europe. 7th April 19 ...if this doesn't sell out I will forever turn my back on Aberdeen.
  7. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    First time I've laughed out loud for a while reading this website. Great job.
  8. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    Well, I'm playing a gig there on Saturday, so hopefully all will go to plan! Also: - non-Old Firm fans who believe there is a conspiracy to pick players only if they play for the Old Firm and that the Scotland manager discriminates against their club. Obviously my own example is from Aberdeen fans, but I'm pretty sure other fans will do it as well. It's just really funny. And, no, I'm not a Rangers or Celtic fan. Nowhere close to it.
  9. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    To be honest I think I have an issue with thanking bus drivers because of the severely poor quality of service they provide. I'm sure everyone has loads of stories about missed buses/rude drivers etc, so there's no need for me to go on about it! I do say thanks to anyone who is polite in a supermarket/any other store though, they deserve it.
  10. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    Any gigs I've been to there have involved something having to be turned down to the point where it has a negative effect on the overall sound. If this didn't happen, it'd be ideal! I should say though, for quieter gigs, yes, it is very good.
  11. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    Nah, noise issues will ensure it'll never be as good as it could be.
  12. Thank you! Oh, definitely, but three months ago it was looking near-impossible I could even apply for it, so the fact that I can even apply with confidence now is enough for me just now.
  13. I now have the song stuck in my head. Shit yeah. (for times when fuck yeah just doesn't cut it)
  14. Applying for an MSc in American History at Edinburgh University starting in September.
  15. Nah, walking outside. If it even was him.
  16. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    - People who don't use punctuation properly, particularly not putting full stops at the end of sentences. - Usage of the word 'yr'. No idea and no logical explanation why it bugs me, but it does. - The belief that you have to say thanks to a bus driver when he/she drops you off. Why do they deserve a round of applause for doing their job but no-one else does? - The fact that some bands are considered sacred cows and if you say anything negative about them then you're a horrible cynical bastard. - 97% of my colleagues at work. Just the most minute things will get me annoyed for hours. - The fact that I get so annoyed by such minute things. - Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm being considered to be an asshole when, let's be honest here, he's usually right. - Being called miserable earlier this year because I didn't laugh at Gary: Tank Commander or Come Fly With Me. Two of the worst things I have ever had the misfortune to witness. I'd call them an insult to television shows, but then I'd be afraid of insulting the people who thought up the idea for Celebrity Love Island. - Liverpool fans. Some of the most deluded football fans there are, and I'd class the large majority of them as being terrible examples of the human race. - The men who were sitting on the table opposite my girlfriend and I on the train to Glasgow on Friday evening. Two stereotypical suit-wearing, perma-tanned fucknuts who would not stop talking about their jobs with a ridiculously elevated sense of pride. Made me despair. When do you decide to lose your soul and become one of these people? - Mogwai. - Aberdeen fans. - Celtic fans and their belief that there is a conspiracy against them orchestrated by the SPL. - The lack of a music venue in Aberdeen that holds 80 people at most. It is so direly needed and things will never improve unless one is to open. right, that'll do for now.
  17. Ooh stalked twice. I was in Bruce Millers at some point last week, Thursday I think? Either way, good stalk. Think I saw Christy at Union Square about half an hour ago.
  18. Aye, hopefully. Andy Carroll for 35 million is one of the funniest things I've heard this year.
  19. looks like Liverpool have bought Carroll for thirty-five million. There are no words for what a ridiculous move that is. My desire to see them fail miserably increases daily.
  20. Remember Remember were terrific. Mogwai were atrociously bad. I know they're a bit of a sacred cow, but my word, not seen a band that dull in a long time. I may give a longer analysis in the morning.
  21. Got told that Remember Remember are on at 7.45pm. No idea about Mogwai though, sorry! I'd expect 9ish?
  22. Sky presenters in the firing line over sexist jibes at female match official | Media | The Guardian As if we needed any more evidence that Richard Keys is a bumder of the highest order.
  23. This Is The Album Of A Band Call - Adebisi Shank - Spotify This album is amazing. Three people playing rock music with widdly parts and some seriously heavy riffing. Gloriously good!
  24. I do, but my brother has it at the moment! I will tell him to hurry up and finish it.
  25. Inverting the Pyramid is a really, really great read. I found it fascinating to find out the histories of all the differing tactical approaches; it helps that it's very well written and is always clear and concise!
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