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Everything posted by davidm

  1. Excellent, ta very much. I haven't played since the start of the year, but I've become a bit more fit in the last few weeks. I think anyway. This is likely to be proven wrong on Thursday night.
  2. How long will the game be? I may have practice at 8pm but if it finishes at 7 or so then I'd be up for playing if there's still a space available.
  3. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    Anyone who says "oh, it's your last night of freedom" to someone the night before they get married should be hung, drawn and quartered.
  4. yeah there have never been any interesting trolls on here. the only one that still seems to keep going is Giles Walker constantly telling everyone on here how boring you all are because you're still not into Brazilian dubstep. considering he gets next to no response it shows how dull it is. trolling can be great if you're actually creative and funny.
  5. That's all there is to it, yeah.
  6. you do realise I was being sarcastic to show how remarkably flawed your argument is, right? As has already been said many times, you will always get prejudice in every society regardless of where you live. Every country has its share of bigots. This is a basic fact of life and just because you have happened to run in to some bigots from Eastern Europe does not mean that every single person from there is racist.
  7. Oh yeah, I forgot that because you had some bad personal experiences with people from other countries that it logically follows that every single person is exactly the same. How silly of me! I mean, I've hated all Scottish people ever since I heard some white kids at my school racially bully the one black girl in my secondary school! Just because they were racist morons means that every single white Scottish person is racist, right? Totally slipped my mind that every Eastern European is racist as well. Need to remember that one more often as well! --- A few racist East Europeans does not mean that every single person of that particular nationality is racist. Please remember this in future...please.
  8. Yeah, please come along to this! If this goes well then Dave and I will try and get more bands of this kind of stature up north. Hopefully should get the other local act confirmed soon.
  9. going to see m'fuckin' SEBADOH in three hours
  10. davidm

    Pet Hates!

    People sending me 'friend requests' on facebook after I've deleted them. Just got No. 4. I don't understand.
  11. i just tend to view these kind of things with a huge degree of cynicism. all that people will talk about is 'ooh aren't they great for doing this, what wonderful human beings, chris moyles saved the world' etc etc ignoring who actually donated the money. maybe i just need to know different people! having said that, i do admire the fact that they raised awareness/inspired people to donate money. i know it's not about the recognition, but yeah, like i said, i can't help but view this kind of thing with a degree of suspicion. but that's only because i don't trust the motives of most people. that's just me, unfortunately. i can't help but be distrusting and cynical. ANYWAY any money raised for charity = a good thing
  12. yes yes yes. do you know who's putting them on?
  13. but he didn't raise the money. the 2.4 million raised didn't come from chris moyles and "comedy" dave's wallets, it came from their audience. just seems a bit annoying that they'll get all the credit for raising the money when it wasn't them. let me pre-empt any responses by saying that it is a fantastic amount of money to raise. well done to everyone and anyone who donated any money.
  14. I've found somewhere! It's not a pub, admittedly...
  15. Any recommendations on where to watch the Rangers game tonight? I was supposed to watch it with my Rangers supporting friend, but he's bailed on me. A place where I won't be surrounded by idiots would be nice. I just quite fancy watching a game of football in the pub, before anyone gets all self-righteous.
  16. Referee brandishes 36 red cards in one match - News & Comment, Football - The Independent 3 players sent off? Pah. The Old Firm are amateurs. Things don't really kick off in the video until about two minutes.
  17. That's a pretty good idea, I'd be up for that. Jonny - Jonny - Spotify This is another recommendation. It's a collaboration between Norman Blake of Teenage Fanclub and Euros Childs of Gorky's Zygotic Mynci. As I have said (I think), I am rubbish with descriptions, but this is just thirteen excellent, uplifting pop songs. Hook after hook after hook after hook after hook.
  18. Battery Face from Glasgow are opening the show at half 8. They are brilliant and definitely well, well worth coming down early for to get you in the mood for LSF!
  19. This is a day I will forever remember as being the best of the year. Oh yes. I am one good grade away from getting a 2.1 in July. In three weeks time I'll be working in Washington DC on a work placement for nearly a month. Les Savy Fav/Young Legionaire/Battery Face tonight at the Tunnels, which is a potential gig of the year already. Being a far better person, and much happier than I was this time last year. All ace.
  20. YouTube - Douglas verliest zelfbeheersing (AZ 2- 1 FC Twente) 27-2-2011 To all footballers who get sent off in future games: do what this guy does.
  21. Ok, consider my previous post irrevelvant then. I genuinely had no idea, so I apologise. edit: having just listened to it again, I'm amazed I didn't pick up what they were singing. Feel pretty silly now.
  22. just out of interest, can someone point out what Rangers fans are doing differently to 99% of football fans in this video? if it's the song, then I apologise, as I can't understand a word of it (as with almost all football chants) ACTUALLY i watched the video before going to work this morning and couldn't make out a word of it, but having just watched it again i can make out '...fucking skeleton', i think? please enlighten me!
  23. Nefarious C Two minutes ago Queen Mother Library, on a computer in the first floor. about 70% certain as I just saw him out of the corner of my eye.
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