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Everything posted by davidm

  1. Apparently it's going to be My Chemical Romance, as in Edinburgh. Or so says my guitar teacher.
  2. "This band were initially called Edgar Prais and the Sloppy Drunk Boys when they first emerged in spring this year; once the myspace generation started latching on to their joyous, shambolic indie-rock singalongs, they ditched the alcoholic hangers-on and decided to get serious. Comprising of members who used to be in highly rated Aberdeen acts including Alyssa's Wish and De Barros, this is definitely a band to catch if you can. And that's high "prais" indeed." Fri 1, King Tut's Wah Wah Hut, St Vincent Street, Glasgow, 5, 0870 169 0100
  3. I need to purchase a new amplifier for myself but I have no idea on where to start, as my only previous one was a Christmas present when I was 12. I am not looking for any particular amplifier that produces a good sound for metal, indie, whatever, I just want something that I can use myself for fun and is relatively cheap. Also, I don't want to purchase anything over the Internet. Thanks, David
  4. the sound, overall, was very good for the whole performance. I seem to remember Hog's guitar being a wee bit quiet during one song, but the two guitars went against each other very well, and the bass was very solid and clear; not too loud like I've seen sometimes at Drummonds.
  5. the whole thing was really good fun. some good 'rock moves' from the band, especially the singer and the bassist doing his tapping thing.
  6. Next Monday. Doors - 7.30pm. Black Matter - 8-8.35 Nihilism - 8.50-9.30 Ascension - 9.45-10.45 3 entry.
  7. this was a very, very good gig. the walls of death were fun, even though i hit the guy with the spikes all over his jacket all three times! enjoyed doing the human pyramids (even when we tried to do a rotating pyramid and it all collapsed!) and just general moshing/stagediving etc.! also, well done to Doc for playing more than half the set upside down after you broke a string!
  8. Enjoyed this night very much. Raar were very good as were Edgar Prais (especially the guy shouting "YAS MIN" a lot during EP's set!). The 44's seemed like a bit of a mess to me; and their songs were just a bit too long, but they were a lot of fun anyway. Sadly had to leave before RHL and the X-Certs due to bus times.
  9. If any band fancies a slot on this night at the Tunnels, then please PM me with contact details etc. as soon as possible. Cheers, David
  10. anyone know stage times for RHL and Edgar Prais?
  11. ahh, that was you! provided a bit of a distraction! Well, if that was Fuctoff at the end, then I liked them as well; who was the drummer that came on?
  12. Any idea roughly when this will be on? What about the full list of bands? I'll try and get the posters made as professionally as possible, and if there's anything else you want me to do to help, then just get in touch.
  13. 22nd of August, Doors 7.30pm, 3 entry. First guy on at 8pm. Jo Wilson Simon Patchett Justin Martin Ciaran Bolland A night of solo acoustic performers. Come along for something relaxing; you might discover your new favourite singer-songwriter!
  14. I was very impressed with Weeping Jesus, even though I was there just for my friend's band. Some good songs, and I loved the change over at the end when a new drummer came on and the guitarist on the right and the bassist/singer carried on playing some really fast stuff. Liked the other guitarist's flower guitar as well. Also, what was with all the Weeping Jesus guys making human pyramids and having wheelbarrow races during Nihilism's set?!
  15. GK P Robinson TOT 3.8 DF J Terry CHE 5.8 DF JA Riise LIV 4.9 DF M Dawson TOT 3.9 DF A Ferdinand WH 3.6 MF J Cole CHE 4.9 MF D Duff NEW 4.6 MF A Lennon TOT 3.9 MF C Makelele CHE 3.4 ST W Rooney MU 8.5 ST C Bellamy LIV 7.0
  16. If anyone is interested in playing an indie/acoustic night at the Tunnels on the 22nd of August, then PM me so we can sort something out. Cheers, David
  17. Got more than I expected, 3 A's, a B and a C, so I'm happy with that.
  18. I'll pop down to this if I can get someone to go with me.. might finally get to see PVH after 3 nearly's!
  19. It's 5 episodes this time. Brooker is amazing; I got a collection of his Screen Burn columns in the Guardian and it's quite simply some of the funniest material (I know it's about TV, but he's funnier than many genuine comedians) I've ever come across.
  20. Edgar Prais - Pop Song 93 Right Hand Left - All I Can Say Element 106 - Neonfluxicide Ascension - Against The Flame Filthpact - Consent Project:Ven-Hell - You Can't Swallow Charlton's Tail Fluffy and the Rainbow Bunnies - Bob Hoskins Deadloss Superstar - Wall of Skin
  21. well done guys, that's a great achievement!!
  22. Anyone who wishes to play at the Tunnels on this date give me a PM.
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