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Everything posted by HateEvent

  1. Throw them across the room?! I thought they were simply for strengthening your wrist... Some of them have rev counters on the side. What you do is keep spinning it for as long as you can and see how many revs you can get. The faster it is - the better you're doing (obviously). Couple of my friends have them. They both say it has made their wrists stronger..
  2. It's an Explorer gone wrong - how many times do I have to tell you?! Someone at the Gibson factory was drawing an (awesome) Explorer then sneezed and BANG:- The Firebird was made. Honestly - Some of them will play well. You'd have to play the one you buy as Gibson lately have been very hit and miss (from experience). Looks-wise: No! James
  3. Bassist required for metal band... Hey how's it going people? Basically, my band (Fundamental Hate) are in need of a bassist. We play stuff that has hints of Slayer, Pantera, Sepultura and Cannibal Corpse going on. Ideally, we'd like someone who can play very fast metal very competently and precisely. If you wish, you could contribute plenty to the riff writing side of things too. You'll have to be quite tight though. PM me or reply here if you're interested at all. Cheers, James
  4. I started maneouvres after like 6 hours, what the hell have you been doing for 30 without noticing that you haven't had much progression?! My test is mid February, so we'll see how that goes. Feeble, good luck, hope all goes well and you're sorted this time round
  5. A) = Wait for the cunt in the cubicle next to you - who keeps farting - to leave as he can't stay in there forever B) = Waddle into the next cubicle with your trousers and pants round your ankles, hoping that while you do so your boss doesn't come in needing a piss and see you. C) = Just shit yourself, nothing wrong with that. D) = Burn a wiggazigg ahhhhhhhhhhhh
  6. Devin's skullet is fucking ace! So is Zen! Strapping rule!
  7. It's been on eBay, with no luck. I wanna try sell in Aberdeen if possible!
  8. Gibson For Sale Hey I'm selling an Epiphone Les Paul Special 2..... Same idea ya see, I'd say 'LTD For Sale' personally Try an ESP Eclipse II if possible. It'll be tonally in between an SG and Les Paul, and the STBLK version looks scvweeeeeeeeet!
  9. Even though not on my original list, I think this (either in the black as seen, or the Urban Camo version) will be my next 'dream'. It will happen though!
  10. Even though we've not gigged YET, this is Fundamental Hate's overly boring one. It'll start to get done up when shit starts coming together more. http://www.myspace.com/fundamentalhate Here is my personal one too http://www.myspace.com/jameshammett
  11. Hog you'll be proud of me - SYL - Alien SYL - City Dying Fetus - Destroy The Opposition Slayer - God Hates Us All Slayer - Reign In Blood Slayer - Seasons In The Abyss Pantera - Reinventing Hell Metallica - Ride The Lightning Metallica - Master Of Puppets Then I have the MP3 player thingy so I can get whatever else in there
  12. ESP MS-495JH (Jeff Hanneman Urban Camo with Kahler) ESP Custom Forest GT ESP KKV Custom (Kerry King Red Crackle V) Gibson Les Paul 1968 Custom Authentic PRS McCarthy Private Stock Some others I'll never stop buying guitars - I can hear my wallet cringing already...
  13. If the something you want to swap me is an ENGL Powerball or cash then yes. Otherwise, sorry.
  14. Owning one, I can't agree more. Best guitar I've ever played. Ever. As for my own 'dream equipment'... ESP MS-495JH (Jeff Hanneman Urban Camo with Kahler - only ever been 9 made ) ESP Custom Forest GT ESP KKV Custom (Kerry King Red Crackle V) Gibson Les Paul 1968 Custom Authentic PRS McCarthy Private Stock etc. I'm already sorted for all the other 'dream' things like amp and so on so it would just be masses of guitars.
  15. myspace.com > login > myspace.com/e106 > add to friends
  16. Nirvana Led Zep AC/DC That's all that currently springs to mind. There will be more, so I'll add them when I think of them.
  17. Regarding the R&B bit, it's unfortunate that that is the way things have to work. When considering trading in an old Epiphone ZW Les Paul, they said that they could only give X for it but if I tried selling privately then I'd get a decent amount more. I completely agree with here, ScotAds and eBay though. I've been having no luck on here the past month or so, so I'm going to put stuff on eBay, and I guess that if unsuccessful there then I may have to use R&B
  18. In a way yes I'm getting some nice new gear for X-Mas. I got a Seymour Duncan SH-8 Invader installed on my Ibanez Giger RG, so that'll count as X-Mas cos I got told that I'm not to touch it til then (mother's ruling ) The main thing though is Christmas money, which will contribute to an ENGL Powerball head, ENGL 4x12 Standard Cab and Z5 footwitch
  19. Just curious - What was your setlist? I wanna find other people so I can start a Metallica tribute band myself!
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