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Pierre Von Mondragon

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Everything posted by Pierre Von Mondragon

  1. I applied a filter to my existence which automatically removes anything prefixed with 'nu', I activated it about 12 years ago, can't think why.* Oh yes, that's because of the filter I applied to...
  2. Mmm, fragrant notes of woodspice, leather and glue, with just a soupcon* of Special Brew. *No, I can't be arsed putting the squiggle on the C, fuckin around in Character map. EDIT their description is funnier and..."brought back down to earth by a raunchy patchouli." Wot? patchouli? the hippy fragrance ne plus ultra, surely that can't be trusted, though I did find it a bit weird that some punks had patchouli scented leathers back in't day.
  3. Dunno about the other stuff you like, but the key to that is to play most of the riffs on the 3rd & 4th strings, often paired with a chug on the A string, lots of gain, something like a RAT or an old DOD American Metal pedal, check the set ups of messrs DiMartini and Lynch, play with very little plectrum showing, for maximal artificial harmonic potential, Listen to 'Out of the Cellar' by Ratt, the 1st Enuff Z Nuff album, (then sack that and listen to the Sea Hags for the sleazier side of things) and 'Young Mans Blues' by Rock City Angels, the most underrated rawk album of the 80s. Now go forth and squeeak diddley squawkk. (its actually all in the fingers and tweaking, you just need lots of gain for sustain) EDIT some americans discuss...80's hair metal sound - Guitars101 - Guitar Forums
  4. "Hi, I'm Uwe Boll, you might know me better as a Total Div, appearing po-mo style in the middle of a crappy film the German government paid for"
  5. The Grauniad has been regularly freaking me out with similar stories. There are no cultural arguements that can even slightly mitigate the abominable horror and genuine evil that is these sadistic acts of murder. I won't even use the term, as it is impossible to imagine an act so utterly devoid of all that honour implies, suffice to say that if language and terminology can affect reality, then popularising the term Cowardly Killing would be a start, albeit on a subatomic level. None of this depraved behaviour is justified by any religion on earth, and each and every Cowardly Killer must know, that, by the strictures of their own faiths, they have committed a Satanic act, guaranteed to send them to whichever Hell awaits.* I can only hope that afterwards their brains force them to dwell on such facts, a living hell if you will, its what they deserve. *Of course I don't think that the evil are punished after death, I know that if they die, they escape justice, doesn't mean that they themselves aren't convinced that they are now hellbound which is as it should be. Sadly the misogynistic patriarchy of such cultures may shelter them from solely religious fears. Some cultures deserve to decline and end, any culture that supports Cowardly Killings deserves utter negation.
  6. That guy in the sky blue trackie on the bike, the new Gripper Stebson I tells ya, pretty funny for a nasty cunt. I thought it was decent, where it goes we'll see, at least this is the remembered 80s, rather than fake nostalgia. Excellent and evocative mise-en-scene as well, dude in the Cramps shirt, etc, just like hanging about 1Up in Rosemount Viaduct that year.
  7. Ace, that bloody cat connects to my obsession. Schrdinger's Cat Trilogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Haven't read it yet, but Robert Anton Wilson is always worth checking, got the first vol, its queued up.
  8. It is my clear belief that everyone would benefit from reading Illuminatus!, not just for the fact that it is the greatest work of SF written, but for the way it intersects with the vast gamut of conspiracy, myth, religion, authoritarianism, Discordianism, Libertarianism, politics, music. Not to mention the fact that within truly lies the truth about how humanity is, and how it could be. Add to this the Law of Fives, the truth about Authority, and the secret of Freedom (Non Serviam- I will not serve, Fear of Death is the Beginning of Slavery, and other associated useful concepts). It is just fiction, but its all true, particularly when non-factual, just fuggin read it. The Illuminatus! Trilogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Also guaranteed to put conspiracy theorists/theories in proper context.
  9. This is yer actual bizarre gardening accident made real, Damn your Nostradamnic talents Spinal Tap! Insert bad taste grass joke here.
  10. Amazon still randomly deleting things people buy? I can't buy into a platform whereby the end user only licences things, and where the seller has the right and ability to alter/delete the purchase once it has happened. For the same reason I believe Apple to be a non-benevolent company, fuck them and their content control. And its B&W, C21st etc etc.
  11. You, sir, have captured some essential essence of 21st century existence, prizes all round.
  12. My 10 tracks are off the cuff, ie wouldn't be the same each time I choose. And I'm trying to maximise listening time with lots of long stuff. Rolling Stones- 'Sympathy for the Devil'- gotta have some stones, and it might as well be something you can dance to, and has a good solo, et voila. DJ Shadow- 'Influx (alternative interlude '94)'- keystone track in my life, this is the best version with awesome easy listening synth breakdown (baby), and goes on a bit. Diamond Head- 'Am I Evil' (Borrowed Time version)- representing (almost) all metal, ultimate riff/solo combo. Sleep- 'Dopesmoker' Its, like, an hour of monolithic madness, will go well with luxury item. Charles Mingus- 'Mode D Trio and Group Dancers' from Black Saint and the Sinner Lady-has almost totally redefined my understanding of what Jazz can be Ash Ra Tempel and Timothy Leary- 'Space' -ace 20 minute work, plenty of hippies talked about Cosmic Blues without making any, this is that. Fela Kuti- 'Upside Down' something really long and ace to dance to. ColdCut- 'Journeys by DJ- 70 Minutes of Madness' All of the best of the rest of the 90s, and is one continuous track (on CD), legendary king of the mix pantheon. Joanna Newsom- 'Emily' -must have something stratospherically emotive. Funkadelic- 'Promentalshitbackwashpsychosisenemasquad- The Doo Doo Chasers' Fried Ice Cream IS a reality. Book- Neal Stephenson's The Baroque Cycle, or a print out of all of Wikipedia. Luxury Item- Variety pack of 100s of the best seeds Amsterdam has to offer, set for life. I thought DID only allowed 7 tracks, but 10 is better.
  13. In my rage I forgot to posit an alternative 80s where movie themes were ace; Exhibit 1 or, in context (and ace instrumental version) I thought da hobo was some 70s biznizz, inna Childrens Film Foundation stylee (thats a treasure trove right there, the CFF, sealed to the world though). Aberdeen Venue= best place the city ever had. Ever read Bad Wisdom? Ace.
  14. Things I'm not joining in with: Fake nostalgia for the unremembered 80s Why? Because I remember them. They were shit.* I knew the world had gone wrong when everyone started loving that fuckin Journey song, THE single almost worst band ever..'ooh its so earnestly kitsch' fuck off and die now already. And T'Pau are even worse, Carole Decker? get a grip. *unless ye were metal, then they were really funny and entertaining shit.
  15. Go on min, it was Dem til 2001, its about time some culture warriors came forward for the side of light and rationality, rather than superstition and dumb-assery. Yes on Prop 19.
  16. No point in a new thread for telly musings, eh? Rather enjoyed 'Grandma's House', 1st ep average, but the second one, with the 'play', jebus H, just about lost it with the ultra-cringe, very good, 3rd ep also damn fine. Also saw the 1st ep of Futurama S06, nae bad for a season opener, but they have to relax back into it, and not try so hard.
  17. What. The. Fuck. C'mawn, he doesn't even have an SG, some super strat hybrid, thats even worse than having some pissy saying on your breastbone in curly copperplate.
  18. What's his name, fuckin Nostradamus. Nice one AFC.
  19. Stephen Donaldson- Yet More Thomas Covenant Crap, the most miserable hero in fantastic literature returns, even grumpier, yaas.
  20. Attending would be too maximal an activity, I'm going to hang around a perfectly white corridor instead, ubrminlstc
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