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Pierre Von Mondragon

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Everything posted by Pierre Von Mondragon

  1. New Iain M Banks Culture novel due Oct, good news indeed.
  2. Or 2CI/B Wasn't M Cat meant to be the most tip top?
  3. If they had built the Dick Donald closer to the beach where the wastela, er concourse is, then there would have been ample space to redevelop, and of course there are theories that they didn't do so deliberately. Good old fanzine cartoon (Red Final I think), Stewartie in Joiner mode goes; " Its built ower close t'e' pitch min'
  4. Titian Flaying of Marsyas Saw this at the National Gallery in 2003, late period meisterwerk.
  5. Yeah, you got the hang of it, now go work wonders.
  6. He was a genius, partly in that he was one of the first to realise that giving something a really snappy title could create the illusion of aesthetic content, exhibit 1- The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even. Duchamps is alright really, the trick is to see him as a proto-Chris Morris provocateur, noising up both sides of any point simultaneously. Er, In hindsght.
  7. Still the funniest avatar on here by far. EDIT Not the Duchamp, the dudes avatar
  8. Don't think I've seen it in this thread, apologies if it has appeared.
  9. Second the Cannibal Ox album, awesome. I hate mysogynistic twats that aren't Kool Keith, so my list is... Quannum -Spectrum. My fave Lp of '99, ace collaborative Solesides action, Storm Warning is truly astoundingly progressive Hip Hop Dr Octagon- Dr Octagon orThe Ecologyst or Dr Octagynaecologyst-1st album-whatever its really called Mind blowing forward thinking hysterically funny is just the beginning-features the only lyric about putting frogs in a commode I've ever heard. Mo Wax 'Headz' comp, its Hip Hop, not Rap, its head expanding, sink into the core of the dusty beat. Eric B and Rakim- Paid in Full. Surely almost everyones heard this, almost the perfect bassline. YouTube - ‪Paid In Full - Eric B. & Rakim‬‎ Latyrx- Latyrx The Album- I just love the humanity in the voices of Lateef and Lyrics Born, characterful.YouTube - ‪Latyrx - Lady Don't Tek No‬‎, and speakin of Lyrics Born, his debut solo album 'Later that Day' is also pretty warmly great. plus DJ Krush, DJ Vadim, and much vintage Mo Wax/Ninja Tune.
  10. Also, there was a guy in the audience trying to zoom his camera on her bits, he was funnier. And perhaps in the way he captured the erotische zeitgeist, the pornification of society if you will, his was the truer art... next Germaine presents a short film about why all Australian men are bastards
  11. Its not just the speed of the wind, but its arctic nature, even 5 layers of Buckfast won't protect against that. The 1st winter I spent in Glasgow it seemed tropical compared to hame.
  12. Yeah, but who cares about a reprimand from some place you're leaving, its like a badge of honour. Best job bullshitter I ever heard of was * a certain ex-Pelican supremo, he got mad appointments just from the banter, apparently.
  13. Pah, 'tis nothing next to weegie rain, though the flipside is that they know nothing of wind, compared to the noble 'Deenian. The infrastructure in Glasgow is used to the rain, if by 'used' you mean resigned to losing 20% of flat urban land for the duration, and the pavements here are awful, pitted concrete and asphalt things that collect water, just be glad of the fine Granite paving slabs.
  14. Art is anything that an Artist says is Art *runs*
  15. 3 thoughts 1-2 minutes to open a fuckin can, pathetic. 2-Carolee Schneeman was doing this shit way back when society was much more sexually uptight, actually making an artistic point en route. This does not quite work in the era of 'Hotter than my Daughter' et al. 3-The body of the artist as art has run its course, damn you Marina Abramovic! FACT, some of them were there for free booze, unless there was no free booze, and what sort of art happening is that, none I ever heard of.
  16. More of a Wall Street Journal man I suspect, as he's not a paranoid xenophobe.
  17. Although I was mildly impressed by the one that looks like the tentacles of Nyarlathotep the Crawling Chaos. Lovecraftian.
  18. If that's not a facial expression that says 'how did it come to this?' mixed with the merest hint of wry acceptance, then what is.
  19. G&T for summer, neat Malt for winter*, if you even have to think about whether your drink is 'manly' enough, then you already have enough issues to comfortably last you a lifetime of confusion, Booze molecules are gender neutral, unless they are made of Malibu, obv. Never trust people who don't know what they drink. Beer is a drag unless its really fine which it usually isn't, Furstenberg is a long-time quality fave. Becks has a metallic aftertaste of mince, Stella, the same, but lower-grade mince, gads. As for warm bit-floaty, flat ale crud, did generations of Czechs and Bavarians brew in vain. ye gods, how will we make inroads into the CO2 mountain without using it to carbonate beers, etc. *likewise Pinot Grigio or SauvB for summer, special award to the Kingston Mule, rusty nails for winter, woo.
  20. 1st Auteurs album is ace, esp 'Idiot Brother' and its sinuously lovely guitar hook.
  21. Its alder kickin off now, watch out, don't want to end up a copse.
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