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Social Network Hall of Shame

Soda Jerk

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The bold part is the important distinction here. If you want to do something for charity, literally anything at all, then that's a good thing. If I were to have a sponsored fart-marathon, that'd be a good thing because giving money to worthwhile causes is good.


I get annoyed about it for a couple of reasons, the main ones being that people make it out to be some kind of herculean struggle to pass on a white wine spritzer after a tough day on the checkouts and the constant desperation for people to pat them on the back and tell them what a GREAT JOB they're doing.


It's, tragically, often the case that doing something noble, interesting and selfless can so often turn people into insufferable narcissistic fuckrags on facebook.




Exactly this. They get involved to get a pat on the back every few days for being strong enough to not go to the pub every day. Its bullshit. 

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Any time I see one of those heart string tugging charity posts I really want to post this


then I realise Id just be falling into the trap of being a hall of famer myself as the guy who thinks hes funny coz he looks at funny pictures on the internet.

Edited by ca_gere
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Emma Watson, from Harry Potter, is the absolute champion of mundane picture and quote posts.  Her entire contribution to Facebook is posting pictures of herself a long with a quote like "Live life to the fullest; you only have one chance" or something equally ambiguously motivational.  It's quite incredible. 

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It was fucking horrible.

The person in questions baby had died due to complications during child birth and they posted pictures of it on Facebook. 

That is fucking weird.  I can understand them taking pictures for private moments, but to post them on Facebook?  What on earth were they thinking?  

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yeah, dead babies wins this thread. Fuckin hell.


The social dynamics of Facebook is a popular conversation amongst my friends. All in jest of course. Things like the fact you'd rather have no likes on a status than one 'pitty like' from your cousin or discussing 'peak times' to post stuff (tea-time mid-week seems to be a like-fest for example). This has led to us knowing about people in each other's feed through us giving examples of good and bad facebook content. e.g. I use the example of the chick I have who constantly posts about eating chocolate and my friends feel like they really 'know her' now and ask for her now and again.

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yeah, dead babies wins this thread. Fuckin hell.


The social dynamics of Facebook is a popular conversation amongst my friends. All in jest of course. Things like the fact you'd rather have no likes on a status than one 'pitty like' from your cousin or discussing 'peak times' to post stuff (tea-time mid-week seems to be a like-fest for example). This has led to us knowing about people in each other's feed through us giving examples of good and bad facebook content. e.g. I use the example of the chick I have who constantly posts about eating chocolate and my friends feel like they really 'know her' now and ask for her now and again.

You and your mates have shit banter. I'm never going to the pub with you etc etc

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I too have witnessed mothers posting pictures of them holding their stillborn, back on Myspace actually, so a good few years ago. I'm sure it's a totally destroying situation to be in, I'm not downplaying that. But, to put it bluntly, the baby is dead, and taking pictures of it is fucking weird.

Edited by Joda Serk
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I can kind of understand the photo in the situation where a baby was at full term and sadly didn't survive, for the point of having some sort of memory, I certainly wouldn't judge people for their decision on how to react to such a terrible occurrence in their life but at the same time there are some things that should just be kept away from Facebook. That being one.

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I  get an awful lot of re-posts from the Guardian website, with minimal personal comments. it's depressing. Facebook is great though, people are funny and stupid people who think they are interesting are the funniest. I may not make sense. I just hate libtards and side pickin' early on fucktards.


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Surely if someone is sharing an article it's clear they think it's something worth reading and doesn't need much extra comment. I don't see much wrong with that.


But I can see how someone doing it all the time could be annoying and pointless really.

Edited by Paranoid Android
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I recently de-friended someone because all their status' did my fucking head in They spoke in riddles, or some shit. They just say simple things in really stupid ways. Like instead of asking if someone wants to go to the pub, it has to be phrased like "Who of my comrades will accompany me for a tipple at the local alcohol dispensary. What say you?" Did they type out the sentence in Word, and check the thesaurus for an alternative for every single word? Or are they just a dickhead?


Why are a dickhead?

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