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Everything posted by berti

  1. berti

    Pet Hates!

    hah, this amused me. im not particularly fond of kids either but fortunately there is zero chance of one ever being brought into my workplace so im a happy lad. i think there may be something fundamentally wrong with me because my mate and his wife recently had a kid, and they suffered a miscarriage on the first attempt. so obviously i was genuinely really chuffed for them, but upon seeing them for the first time after i was just like....meh....its another kid.....not too their face obviously, im not a total cunt
  2. take out the screen and find the serial number and try finding a spares supplier for that brand. I did that for my samsung N150 notebook a few months ago when my screen ended up totalled after a barbeque. I had no idea how to do it but its actually really quite straight forward to do and saved me a titload. 70quid for a new screen as opposed to a shitload more that PC world wanted to charge.
  3. Kinghorn is absolutely extortionate, i hit the passenger rear side a year or so ago and the scratch was across three panels. Wasnt particularly deep but in total they quoted me nearly a grand. After pissing me pants i promptly left. I ended up going through a company that Halfords use, they turn up twice a week to the Torry shop and you book your car in advance. The boys at halfords take out a wee diagram and let you know how much for each panel, or in your case, for the bonnet. It cost me about 300 pound but that was for 3 panels or so, it was pretty reasonable so worth checking it out. I couldnt see any marks after, although the Kinghorn boy said it was a poor job....but he would.
  4. I have no problem about being driven, she likes to feel as though i 'trust' her to drive so i let her. I used to automatically just grab the keys because i felt better driving because i have a substantial amount of driving years under my belt compared to her but now i dont care. Besides the only time we are in a car together really is the weekend, and generally i have had a fair skelp the night before so its a no brainer for her to drive
  5. unfortunately i dont.....and i cant even find the game on amazon to see if it definitely was the right one......fml.....
  6. berti

    Pet Hates!

    i have always been a bit confused about where to measure from....is it where shaft meets baws or from the front of your pelvic region.....personally i like the shafty/baw region as it leads to a grander number.....discuss
  7. Along the same thread, what is the song in the advert for 'Deathwatch' on Xbox360
  8. berti

    Pet Hates!

    People who use the word 'axe' instead of 'ask'. Fucking morons. Someone can be talking quite articulately about a given point but as soon as they say 'i axed them' or something similar i automatically deem them a cretin....not correct i know but i fucking hate that. This obviously started somewhere and they deserve a good jab in the eye...
  9. berti

    Pet Hates!

    just the way they say it, as if to say 'fuck your human sustenance, i just need nicotine and caffiieennneee'
  10. berti

    Pet Hates!

    i dont drink coffee at all and im not arsed by tea. this actually is a pet hate that i had forgotten about until this thread reminded me, folk who are like 'aw i dont eat breakfast, i just need a fag and a cup of coffee, i cant function without my cup of coffee' well fucktits, it appears you have managed to put both shoes on the correct feet and you are not currently pissing yourself or secreting at the anus so i assume that must be a load of horseshit. not eating breakfast doesnt make you badass, it makes you a fatty cos you just eat more later on.
  11. i believe i must have missed something regarding the big sad face that keeps reappearing.....anyone care to explain how this is funny? on the other hand, that cat sneezing and eating its bogey almost ended me
  12. i remember the selection in the actual M&M shop in florida, i almost shat with excitement, it was quite literally a kid in a candy shop moment.
  13. i would rather take option 1 from the previous question than go without any of the mentioned foodstuffs. i would easily kill for meat/eggs/cheese. i fucking love eggs and there is no way i could be a veggie, my farts are terrible enough as it is
  14. are we talking about 'ye olde frigate' what a glorious name for a pub
  15. berti

    Pet Hates!

    ive experienced that, i had poo under my kitchen cupboards, and had to put a notice on the other flats in the block to the effect of 'please refrain from deficating until the plumbers have left otherwise your monster loaf will end up on kitchen floor' that was a bad day i must say
  16. i really hope that they get a bloke on who pretends to buy into all their horseshit and then at the end, zones out for a bit before being asked his opinion, with which he responds ' ....uhhh.....yeah milk and two sugars please sweetheart, and dont be shy with cracking open some biscuits as well there toots' with a cheeky wink at the end. cant think of any suitable candidates at this time........maybe that bloke from two pints, not barf little the other one.
  17. berti

    Pet Hates!

    Colins ices. Colin is an anus
  18. precisely. my source is me, remembering a vague radio feature about it from several years ago. im pretty sure thats almost as good as the word of god.....or as close as iam going to get
  19. berti

    Pet Hates!

    i dont purchase anything from him, that encourages him. Plus if i went outside i would just end up kicking him in the cock. repeatedly. without sounding rapey, which end do you stay? does his territory extend outwith the caiesdykes/cairngorm region?
  20. the most stolen sign in britain. fact.
  21. berti

    Pet Hates!

    i know this has been posted before, but it has been reintroduced into my life the last week or so; the cunt-tastic shitwipe ice cream man who drives around kincorth and instead of having a pleasant twinkly tune just proceeds to blast his horn for at least 5 seconds at a time as he drives down the street. my street is pretty quiet until this epic cunt arrives....plus it attracts the chav-tastic organisms wrapped in kappa that populate the surrounding area. i hope he drives off a cliff.....tonight. prick
  22. berti

    Pet Hates!

    i was in awe at the pebble dash work someone had performed on a toilet in asda garthdee last night. he must have literally been a split second from total pants disaster
  23. o2 broadband is alright, been with them a good few monthes now and no complaints for unlimited downloads a tenner a month(if you are an o2 mobile customer). also, if you order it through a cashback website like quidco, you get a good wad of cashback (i got 65)
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