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Everything posted by kirsten

  1. House of Cards episode 11. I've had the feeling for the last few episodes that Meechum (how the hell do you spell this? I'm going by Wikipedia...) was going to be wooed by Frank in some way but didn't think it would actually happen because everything Frank does is for a reason and that just seemed mental and random. With all tv shows, if any two characters suddenly become friends, I exclaim "THEY SHOULD GET MARRIED!" so my boyfriend is used to my stupid outbursts. Watching episode 11, as Claire was bandaging up Meechum's hand, I joked, "THEY'RE GOING TO HAVE A THREESOME!" and then ten minutes later, we were both watching confused as that started to happen. 'Sake, television. Where is this going? What are you up to, Underwoods? Exciting!
  2. This made me laugh because I'm a terrible human being.
  3. The Most Boring Person I Have On Facebook has posted some inane gold recently. One, posted just after another despite there being an edit button right on the page, said this, "Also , I could really have done without an elderly man (who had previously seemed quite nice) being rude to me. I still don't even understand what happened , because he seemed to go on to say exactly the same thing that I'd just said !! I watched him say absolutely nothing to some very controversial comments which were made by a man. Seems to tell me everything I need to know about his attitude to women. I'm disgusted." I still don't even understand what happened and I read that one about ten times. Then from tonight, "I wore my bargain ,charity shop, fur gilet today. I bought it in Withington on a lovely trip last October."
  4. Yes. Fuck tapes, especially. The ever-increasing presence of hats indoors and bottles of Buckfast strategically placed in the back pockets of band members is what currently annoys me most about gigs.
  5. It doesn't have the original, intense, version of Long and Lonesome Road, though
  6. Claire is magnificent. A total jerk but such a hero at the same time. I also just finished episode five. It's good stuff. Going to be tough to not just binge in every spare evening.
  7. Doesn't letting it grow pretty much take no effort? Arsed with no effort. If you book the skanky Paisley Road Travelodge, I doubt they'd ID you. It looks like the kind of place you'd live, develop a heroin addiction and record an album in, so I don't think they'll be too fussy. Or check out that Youth Hostel link and just claim you're four adults as it counts you as an adult if you're over 16. Surely one of you can pass for that, right?
  8. I can confirm this as he was sitting at our table when I spotted you. Stalks a'wye.
  9. I'm sorry, min. I did worry that my initial "holy shit" should be spoiler-tagged in case it was taken as "LOOK OUT FOR THE BIG TWIST, GUYS!" but too late. I'm now hoping that it only gets interpreted as HOLY SHIT WHAT A GREAT SHOW! Claire is unstoppable. Greatest villain in a long time. HOLY SHIT WHAT A GREAT SHOW. AND ALL AT ONCE! Although I've only watched the first three. Trying to show restraint...
  10. Glasgow-stalk: Surfer Rosa upstairs in Broadcast last night.
  11. Do it, I need to talk to someone about it!
  12. I've only watched the first new House of Cards episode, but HOLY SHIT! What the hell? What the hell? What happens now? It's like Breaking Bad all over again (when Hank and Walt had their showdown really early on and I had no idea where the rest of the series was going). SPOILER TAGS WITHIN SPOILER TAGS BECAUSE I AM CONSIDERATE
  13. Who's the Middle Eastern guy with the amazing long, curly black hair, and brown woolen jacket who always wears sunglasses and looks like he's stepped out of a film set? My mum texts me every now and again saying "I saw the Elvis impersonator today" and I'm pretty convinced he's the archduke of Aberdeen or something because he's got such a swagger. (May have been mentioned in this thread before, he's been rocking that look for years.)
  14. Cheatahs finally FINALLY have an album out today. I haven't listened yet but I hope it is ace. New Mac Demarco album in April should also be good judging by the couple of new songs he's put online.
  15. Absolutely agree, everything is subjective, etc etc. I think he is far from the pinnacle of film knowledge or anything but I like his reviews sometimes, even when I disagree with him. Although to be honest, these days I only really pay attention to his ones like the above where he rants about how awful things are. I enjoy people being miserable bastards from time to time if it's entertaining enough, even if the target's quite easy (Sex and the City 2). I read an extract from one of his books where he was talking about how his job is basically a waste of time because people only remember the bad reviews.
  16. I enjoyed Mark Kermode's utterly baffled face during his review... As much as it does make me want to judge for myself, I'm taking his advice and never ever watching it.
  17. Fake pockets on clothes.
  18. Man, I hate that Sherlock and Dr Who are even options on that thing and that they'll win because all the die-hard fans will have internet campaigns to make it happen. How dull would that be? Dr Who is referenced frequently in American stuff, and the word 'Sherlock' isn't going to be exciting or funny to see in a giant American blockbuster. Father Ted all the way. Or Coronation Street. Watched last week's Parks and Rec last night. I had strapped myself in for it being a billion times more emotional but I was quite disappointed. I'll miss those guys, though.
  19. I was wondering about the Winehouse thing today because I remembered searching her name on Twitter after she died and seeing far too many people saying things along the lines of "Stupid junkie had it coming". I can't imagine anyone saying that about PSH despite his death being the way it was. I guess it's because his deterioration wasn't as out in the open as her's or maybe that more fucking morons who would hold that view knew who she was because of the tabloids, whereas they might not necessarily be familiar with Hoffman. I think I've just come full circle and come to the logical conclusion of my own ponderings. That was quick. Cool. And now I'm hitting 'post'.
  20. That's a really sad one. People are saying it's a hoax but it's been reported on a few reputable places. I thought he was a lot older, though.
  21. kirsten


    I've just discovered the delights of beanburgers in the last year or so. It's ace to finally be able to order a burger somewhere like a real human being. Falafel burgers too, oh my.
  22. Every year I say I'm going back to Primavera and have yet to. Think this might be the year as it actually coincides with me having a job this time around! Did anyone watch the lineup reveal video? That was an awesome way of doing it. I'm also sad about lack of Outkast. I hadn't even considered it as a possibility until about an hour before the line-up was announced, but that was all it took for me to convince myself that they would be playing.
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