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Everything posted by kirsten

  1. I had to play that twice because the first time I was too distracted by the excellent video to take in the music. Good work.
  2. Fine rare. Please make 'fine rare' become a thing, internet.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kZivVxB3vU I love Lois and Hal.
  4. 'Twisted Pepper' sounds like it's from Wayne's World.
  5. I stand by this... "I was at a meeting about all sorts of rubbish and then walked to the art exhibition. On arrival , I found that I'd lost my comb. I took everything out of my bag ,while in the kind of doorway part of the museum , in the process almost certainly looking like some semi-hysterical maniac to the staff watching in fascination. I was convinced that I'd dropped it back at the place I had my meeting, so I ran all the way back there.(Big mistake - I had nausea for the rest of the day.I am clearly not designed for running. Walking, I excel at.) I blurted the story out to the receptionist who phoned someone who then went off to search the room. I kept looking through my bag ,and it was shortly after the call came back that nothing had been found that I located the comb in my bag , inside a pocket that had looked as though it was zipped shut."
  6. kirsten


    AND Superchunk! Unbelievably jealous.
  7. Looks like Bill played it in 2011, some nice videos on youtube from the show. Oh yeah, February. Ah well, I can wait.
  8. Oh man, I wish. Would love to see Bill Callahan. Wonder what one it is you're thinking of. I think the company behind the festival put on gigs too, so maybe it was that? I saw they put on David Byrne and St Vincent recently
  9. First Bus are the Tories of Aberdeen.
  10. Yeah, that's the one. I was feeling quite sad about not being able to go to them both because the second weekend also has some great bands, but a surprise trip to Utrecht has softened the blow!
  11. Good idea. I'm glad mine was quite a short list despite last year being ace for new music. I still listen to all of these on occasion, but the only one that I am playing more than I was initially is Transcendental Youth. It gets better and better. John Darnielle is pretty much the greatest human who has ever lived. Incidentally, I didn't put 'American Radass (This Is Important)' by Dads on the list last year, despite it being one of my most listened to albums this year. Also, I didn't hear the debut Swearin' album until April or so of this year, but as it was only released in the UK last month, [spoiler ALERT] it'll be on my 2013 list. COOL THOUGHTS.
  12. Fucking hell, pretty sure this boring girl is just trolling me now, "This morning , I managed to catch my watch on furniture , while bending to pick something up. Unknown to me , it was stuck as I stood up, resulting in my wrenching my wrist and pulling my watch strap out near the face. Who says I'm clumsy , eh? My Mum came in and all she kept asking is what had I been picking up !! I was standing there , nursing an aching wrist and hand, and holding a broken watch strap. Surely how ithad come about didn't really matter?! Anyway my Dad manage to put the strap back together although apparently I've bent the pin."
  13. I'm going to take a stab at Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Gremlins, Titanic, Footloose and Gremlins 2.
  14. That's incredible! I met her last year whilst doing work experience at STV. I have nothing against her, she seemed pretty nice, but that is hilariously bad. Why would anyone choose to plagiarise Jan Moir or Toby Young?
  15. Lakeland let me doon, but it's cool, guys, you can all rest easy now that I've obtained one from ALI'S CAVE of Edinburgh. Great bunch of household utensils, all the best.
  16. They're so great, hope they tour themselves soon. I went to see Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds on Friday. I had been waiting twelve years to see them live, having only seen Cave with a few Bad Seeds in the guise of Grinderman before. The set was ace, really good range of stuff spanning their career. When I bought the tickets, I tried to get for the stalls, but they sold out ridiculously quickly so I could only get for the cheap seats in the top balcony. As good as the view ended up being, I still felt that maybe we lost out on being so far away. Cave's got a lot more crowd interaction than he ever used to and spent most of the set right down in the front row. It would have been nice to be nearer to be more captivated by him, but at least from the balcony I got to keep my eye on Warren Ellis who was going tits, as standard. The highlights were Jubilee Street (I think it ended up in doubletime and Ellis was incredible to watch during the final few minutes of it), Stagger Lee, God Is In The House and Papa Won't Leave You, Henry. There had been a few heckles earlier on that it seemed he didn't understand. They weren't even entertaining and it made me wonder why those who were doing the shouting were even there. I worried a bit because I'd read that he cut the encore short the previous night in Glasgow due to shit hecklers at all the quiet bits, but he did around five songs and ended with a new one called Give Us A Kiss. "We'll finish with a new one. I can see the excitement in all of your eyes..." Good gig, will get better seats next time.
  17. Has Will Arnett stopped writing? Actually, did he ever write? I worry that out of the projects he has been heavily involved with, the below-average outnumber the good and that he makes crappy decisions when he should write his own shows instead.
  18. My kitchen is very ill-equipped. Except now I have two fish-slices.
  19. Exactly! It's like people who vocally oppose equal marriage, despite it having no affect on them whatsoever. I am aware that a more appropriate analogy would have been people who get pissy about vegans ("but where do you get your protein?!"), but I really wanted to equate these weirdo moaners to homophobes. I used to be really fussy when I was pretty young and my diet mainly consisted of bread, plain crackers and chips and people just sort of accepted that, but they go batshit if they learn I don't like cheese. It's the only thing food-thing I've had that has ever caused genuine outrage. People are mental.
  20. I think that might have to be it even though I don't trust myself to not end up flinging oil everywhere as I scoop them out. I was struggling to find a slotted spoon at one point though! (Although I wasn't really looking hard for it, just none of the supermarkets with kitchenware sections seemed to have them whenever I remembered to check) I mentioned in passing to my mum that I was after one once and the last time I was home, she had misunderstood and bought me a fish-slice. I really really apologise for this subject turning me into one of the people I mock for being too detailed in their dull facebook posts.
  21. So great. The one clip I am forever looking for is where he was pissed off that he was the only British person to never have been in an episode of the Bill (I think), so decided to right that wrong. He painted his head blue and glued a walnut whip on top to make it look like a police hat/helmet. Also, possibly the same episode, there was a montage from the Bill of people panicking and saying "The kids are in the car!" and I can't really remember the context but it was gold too. Dan Maier was one of the writers for it and he is great on Twitter - https://twitter.com/danielmaier
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