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Everything posted by kirsten

  1. My LOCAL Edinburgh bus pass has my name spelled as 'Kirtsen', so this is now an accepted spelling.
  2. My LOCAL Edinburgh bus pass has my name spelled as 'Kirtsen', so this is now an accepted spelling.
  3. kirsten


    I disliked how they turned the Nard Dog into a total prick. He was the best character before that final series.
  4. I have been playing this alone in my flat for about an hour now: http://clickingbad.nullism.com/ Definitely haven't been muttering "I'm in the empire business..." every time I make a sensible purchase. Nope.
  5. This is getting ugly. Cool Thinker has made some deeply upsetting comments on Twitter: "Just one last post. I hereby revoke @kirstenin of any powers that I granted. I don't like people who against me." Although I don't think Twitter rule applies to Aberdeen-Music, so: Tesco, Danestone, Bridge of Don remains open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They sell baked and electronic goods amongst other things.
  6. I ACCEPT! My updates will be sporadic due to living in the Polish capital of Scotland and will also probably be mainly Bridge of Don focused. Speaking of: the cafe in the Bridge of Don opposite Forehill Primary, formerly known as 'Recipes', formerly known as 'Vanilla Fudge Cafe', formerly known as 'the Raspberry Cheesecake' is again under new management. Dunno what it's like. Probably alright.
  7. I object. Where else can I post "I've just been home for the weekend and ______ is closed. Why?" and then find out for myself anyway? I couldn't give a shit about the bus timetable changes, but Dr Noodles opening was a big deal. He'll be back.
  8. You're so old and jaded, YoungA...
  9. "Not keen on today's weather. The wind was so strong that I nearly got blown into the river. Then I was on the verge a panic attack because the continuous wind was blowing so hard into my face that I felt like I couldn't breathe. It was also so noisy that it was impossible to have a conversation, even a shouted one. No-one warns you that dog walking can end as dangerous as trying to cross the Sahara in a sand storm !! Well, nearly."
  10. Okay, so tackle it as a non-gender issue but where men shouldn't get involved because it looks like they're saying they're better than women? I'm not having a go or trying to be difficult, I just don't fully understand what you're saying. I agree with you, in an ideal world, gender shouldn't come into it as it is essentially about human beings sending intimidating abuse to other human beings. Nothing is stopping men who are receiving abuse or threats from coming out and publicly saying that it's unacceptable. They should do that. Just because a far smaller number of them are doing it than women doesn't mean that women should follow suit and keep quiet about this stuff. I think this discussion is very much in danger of veering into "You know who the real persecuted people are these days? Middle-class white men!" or "It's all very well having a go at the Christians, but I don't see you saying that about the Muslims!"
  11. I don't think this is true. The kinds of jerks who are sexist aren't going to listen to any reasoned argument as to why they're wrong when a woman tells them, so both genders need to get involved to try and make people see sense. If you've got a spare 20 minutes, Jackson Katz (A MAN!!!) says it all better than I can. If you don't have the time, then the bit about 'the bystander approach' from 11mins30 is more eloquent than I will ever be http://youtu.be/KTvSfeCRxe8?t=11m30s He has a good bit at the start about not accepting that sexual violence, harrassment and abuse are 'women's issues', because that gives men the excuse to not pay attention to them when everybody should be doing what they can to prevent them from existing.
  12. I can't believe she has the audacity to not want to receive rape-threats. I mean, what a disgusting fucking left-wing agenda for Lauren Mayberry to have. How dare she highlight the sort of behaviour that leads to the horrific victim-blaming, sexual assault and rape culture that we currently live in. She should just shut the hell up and let the people claiming they're going to anally rape her because they know where she lives win. What a fucking attention seeker. Women, eh? Who does she think she is? I bet she voted Lib Dem too.
  13. This isn't the girl I went to school with, but someone who posts equally dull updates that are far more detailed, so possibly even more boring... Her not quite grasping where to put punctuation also infuriates. "I had what was possibly the best strawberry sundae EVER , today." "Really enjoyed 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. Jimmy Carr outwitted by a basket of kittens helped to take my mind off my poorly eye. Also reminded me that it'll soon be a year since I went to see Rhod Gilbert. I mean the show reminded me of that because he was on it. The basket of kittens had no relation to that." "I'm not particularly happy with the place I put my watch into this morning , for a new battery. I got it home and it stopped working. I've got it going again ,but now I feel suspicious that it's going to pack up again." "I saw four seals today . I also had a strawberry tart ,for the first time in ages." "Really enjoyed my delivery from Domino's tonight." (Not even pity-likes for that one) "It was the first day in ages that the temperature stayed in single figures. I'm not liking it. Still, it's meant to get warmer again before we descend into the depths of winter." "Good job, Scottish Water !! It's obviously lovely to wake up to no water supply and have that status continue for a few hours. It's not as though anyone needs to use a toilet or wash their hands or have a bath or fill a kettle ,or anything , is it? It's an especially endearing feature to put an automated message on your phone line which then doesn't get updated for more than 2 hours at a time. I'm sure everyone enjoys paying for the pleasure of several phone calls just to hear the uninformative , out of date message."
  14. As intrigued as I am, I don't want to know who just in case it reveals your identity and the CT myth is shattered.
  15. And another new song, Dust In The Gold Sack. So excited for this album.
  16. I've just done a little bit of a search now on Facebook and stumbled upon the owner, Franco's profile. It looks like the place had been open for ten years and he has just decided to retire. Maybe the lease on the place was running out and he didn't want to sign up for another ten years. Shame, though, he was good for a coffee and a chat. I never got to try the food, but I always heard it was good. The first time I went in, there were a couple of businessmen sitting with their coffees and one of them said, "Much better than Starbucks, isn't it?" and Franco shouted, "'Ey! No swearing in my shop!" BANTZ!!! We went in the day after Italy lost in the Euro 2012 final and didn't mention it once as he happily chatted away to us. Then one of his regulars came in and said, "Franco, I was sad for your boys last night..." and he feigned ignorance, shurgged and said, "What happened? I was asleep." Yes.
  17. Yaaaas! How do you know her? Rory and John?
  18. Cool Thinker, please could you find out what happened to La Fenice on Huntly Street and report back?
  19. Finally finished House Of Cards. As others have said, it's not really one for binge-watching and I enjoyed the odd episode here and there. I'm eager to see how it turns out and what happens to Zoe... Found this and might end up using it a lot. When reading YoungA's posts.
  20. In a beautiful turn of events, my unemployment re-commences on Monday so I'm gonna get up and either try to find a decent live stream (unlikely) or just watch it as soon as someone lovely is kind enough to share it on the wilds of the internet. Then sleep. Then probably wake up and be so distressed that I'll have to watch it again on Netflix to properly process it.
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