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Everything posted by kirsten

  1. Ah, Lakeland! I forgot that place existed. THANX LADZ. Will see if there is one in Edinburgh. Ikea feels like aaaaages away, but if I can't get one anywhere else, it'll have to be there. I'd should have bought one online before but never really needed one urgently in the past, but it's my boyfriend's birthday on Wednesday and I recently promised I'd make him homemade chips (simple pleasures) to go with his STEAK.
  2. It's a difficult concept to get hold of and angers many many people (especially the cheese part, I'm going to have to start pretending that I'm vegan or lactose-intolerant rather than telling the truth of just not liking cheese) but I get by. I eat a lot of vegetables and delicious, awful CARBS and most places these days will have at least a few things that I like because other than meat and cheese, I'll eat anything. It's difficult when there's somewhere that will have one vegetarian option and that's mac and cheese. That usually just happens in pubs, though, and I'll happily eat some chicken fillets or something if there is nothing else but I would rather not.
  3. Does anyone know any chain stores that would sell frying baskets? One of these bad boys. Have been looking for one for ages but the only times I've seen them have been with sets of pans and I don't need any more of those.
  4. You'll easily get one nearer the time, people are always selling tickets in a panic at the last minute. Also I sold a spare ticket I had for a gig recently through Twitter, so maybe put a plea out on there. Keep an eye on the comments here and here. Pixies are in Glasgow the weekend of ATP. Kind of hoping they're the final band to be confirmed so I don't miss them.
  5. Ace, are they early ones? I'm always looking for very specific clips of really early episodes but the internet is never forthcoming. YouTube does have this, though, which still makes me laugh every time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edQRtHkovlg
  6. I think you're right, although I did go to Prezzo (I think... possibly... one of the Z ones in Union Care anyway) recently and there were a few things I fancied. Maybe it's the chains that are trying to seem more like family owned independent places that are the problem. Mi Amore beats them all anyway.
  7. I do usually love Italian food and lots of places are really accommodating and don't look at me like I'm a weirdo if I ask for a pizza or pasta without cheese, but I felt like a jerk at Carluccio's. I think it just seemed like a smaller menu than most places, maybe.
  8. I'm not a picky eater, but I don't really eat meat and hate cheese (yes, even on pizza, jeez internet, calm down) so that really limits the choices. I know it's entirely my own fault for not liking more stuff, but they didn't really have much that could be adapted. Then I asked for the vegan menu thinking it'd at least have a few pasta dishes or something and it ended up being like a child's menu and my choice was pretty much soup or spaghetti with tomato and basil sauce. Wahwahwa, I'm so oppressed etc. My parents enjoyed their food, though.
  9. I forgot to share these DMs I received from the big guy himself on tweeter: "I give you permission to take over the thread on Aberdeen Music as my successor. A bit like what they do with American chat shows. Sorry about earlier, I know your loyal." Some local news I picked up from my last visit: Carluccio's is baws. I'll hopefully have some Bridge of Don updates next weekend.
  10. They were great at Stereo, think they must have played every song they've ever written! Waxahatchee were a little disappointing, which was a shame as I love the new record, but I was mainly there to see Swearin' anyway.
  11. Aaaaand we've come full circle. New Swearin' album now streaming on NPR. http://www.npr.org/2013/10/27/240578154/first-listen-swearin-surfing-strange?utm_source=allsongs&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=20131028 It is GOOD. Also their debut finally got released in the UK last week by Wichita, so maybe they will appear at number 1 and 2 on my albums of the year list.
  12. kirsten

    Lames to Fame

    I'd forgotten about this thread. Just read it from the start and it's still hilarious. My latest lame to fame is that I panicked, not knowing what to say and over-enthusiastically half-shouted "Brilliant!" at Kevin Spacey in the main lobby of the National Museum in Edinburgh. Like a theatre critic in an old film.
  13. The door, right? Open the door to your parents who are turning up at your house at 3am for no reason. Right? RIGHT? (I didn't realise this was a thing either. Maybe I have unfriended all the right people... except the two exceptionally boring people I keep for the purpose of posting their inanities on here.)
  14. What beers do people use in their chillis? I've never been sure of what'll work or what will make it ungood.
  15. Turn 18. Waheeeeeeeey! LADS! etc.
  16. You've got to stay ahead of the curve, man. Like, there's this new guy called Psy who looks set to be a total riot.
  17. They are worth it, some of them are really unsettling, like the ATOS one for example and some are batshit like Jon Vs Jon.
  18. Wow, you really don't get very long to edit a post. There's a slightly longer version of that last video here instead of the above, but jump to 3.30 or so as before that it's just recapping...
  19. Jon Ronson did an online series a couple of years ago and featured Patrice from Ark Music in a couple of episodes. It's pretty funny. Basically, Patrice isn't really interested in being interviewed until he realises Jon is due to go on Conan and so says that he'll write a song for him. So great. "I'm on the Conan Show, show show..."
  20. I sometimes worry that I'm doing that but I don't think I'd ever say as much as that in one sentence. I reckon I say 'thanks' about four or five times per shop assistant exchange. I've also noticed an increase in my use of the word 'perfect' when talking to strangers and I hate it. HOW DO I MAKE IT STOP?!
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