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Everything posted by kirsten

  1. I get the Clarissa theme stuck in my head more often than I'd like. Na na na na na, na na na na na na, na na na na na. "Hey Sam **GUITAR**" Mike & Angelo was the shit. Did you see it when CITV had their 'retro weekend' last year? Yikes.
  2. Same. I told him that probably wouldn't happen and this would backfire on him. Turns out I was right. LISTEN TO YOUR FUCKING PA, COOL THINKER.
  3. God, that adaptation of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was magnificent. My dad and his younger brother loved Tom and Jerry and Top Cat and I think that got passed onto me. Hanna-Barbera is always a winner. The Flintstones, Scooby Doo pre-Scrappy, Johnny Bravo and Dexter's Lab are the most notable for me. Struggling to think of things I watched that were actually being made when I was growing up, but I have just remembered The Storyteller. Did anyone here watch that? We had them all recorded onto video from the tv and they were terrifying and great. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Storyteller I need to track this down. Only just looked it up and realised it was a Jim Henson thing, which makes me love it even more. The Muppets Show is still genius. Oh, and in a similar vein, Sesame Street. I think Hey Arnold! is one of the things that solidified my love of New York despite never having been. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure it was ever explicitly set in NY or just a generic big city, but still, I always took it to be New York. Renford Rejects was probably awful, but I loved it at the time. Kenan and Kel. Great bunch of thread, all the best.
  4. The Sugarhill Gang are playing at King Tut's in July. Could be incredible. Could not be.
  5. Not that that warrants the development of a horrendous disease, but... y'know, just in case you wanted to feel a tiny bit less guilty about revelling, he's probably a bit racist.
  6. But on the other hand, he did also have a moan about Britain being full of immigrants... after he emigrated to LA.
  7. My favourite list is Flights'. I like the thought process. "I'll put all the O'Connors!"
  8. I've been listening to the album on Spotify on your recommendation because I really liked that Step Master song a couple of months ago. The whole thing is ace. Really odd to hear all the weird snippets of British people in amongst the rappinz.
  9. Looks like you might have a tough year ahead if your surname is 'Lee' or your full name is 'Ian Watkins'.
  10. Yeah, this. I think our opinions of lots of things are quite different, judging by our contributions to other threads, so I just thought it was funny that even our tastes in TV shows aren't the same. Except the hatred of Mrs Brown's Boys, obviously. The TV thread is often the great leveller of this forum. I would never try and force Community on anyone, though because as much as I love it, I can't fully get behind it after the awful fourth series. I'm glad Peep Show has been pretty much consistently great, but I do think it's maybe time to end, before they lose it. That's always my main fear with any kind of TV show, that the people behind them don't quit while they're ahead. Community definitely included.
  11. Are there any decent online retailers of secondhand records, other than eBay and Discogs? I'm looking for a specific 7'' and the only ones on Discogs at the moment are $1 ones, which is ace, but shipping is not.
  12. Your autocorrect is sexist. And imaginary Can you post everyone's lists now, Lucky?
  13. I can't believe there's no common ground with you even in the tv thread. The tv thread! I think you might be my opposite in every way possible. At last I found one! The American vs British thing is interesting. I used to be obsessed with British sitcoms, but (and I'm probably wrong here) we seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut at the moment, whereas America is killing. I think I'm just out of the loop with stuff made over here, though. I've still not seen 'Plebs', for example, despite everyone saying it's ace. I've found that these days I can't stand modern comedy shows with laugh tracks. People can say "it's not canned!" as a defence all they like, but that's not my argument against it. I know the laughter is being made by real audiences, but judging by my one experience of being at a taping, I found I was forcing myself to laugh more than I would have normally, just because it was being recorded. Also, it really feels like you're being told when to laugh and that's balls. Cool story, bro. Onyhoo, started watching Nurse Jackie the other night. Edie Falco is so brilliant, I wish she was in everything. Looking forward to new House of Cards next month.
  14. Can't afford to go see Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks tonight because of stupid fucking six-week January so am torturing myself by listening to the new album. It's really good Good news about Liars. Was kind of hoping they'd go back to the more punkz sound of their early albums, but based on that track, it doesn't sound like it. I still enjoyed WIXIW, though, so I'm sure it'll be good.
  15. kirsten

    Your current read?

    Aaaah, I love this thread. I really want to read that Donna Tartt book, KT, because even though she's only written three novels, I've somehow managed to miss all of them despite thinking they sound ace. I'll probably start with the Secret History, though, and keep it chronological. Every year I challenge myself to read four books a month and I always fail by March. Trying again this year, though. For the past few years I've been keeping note of everything I've read. This was 2013. I realised that I should right some wrongs and read the 'modern classics' that I never had before (The Catcher in the Rye, Lolita, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World and I bought, but have yet to read Catch 22). This year, I have read 'The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao' by Juno Diaz, half of the graphic novel 'Berlin: City of Stones' by Jason Lutes and am currently 150 pages into 'The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay' by Michael Chabon. It is ace and weirdly inspiring, it makes me want to write or just create something. I hope it stays as good the whole way through.
  16. I noticed that Amarone has opened on Union Street. I didn't realise it was a chain as I've only seen it in Edinburgh before, but every time I pass, I hear Paulie from the Sopranos saying "Ah, Marone!" in my head. KIRSTEN'S BRIDGE OF DON UPDATE!!!: -The cafe opposite Forehill Primary, formerly known as 'Recipes', formerly known as 'Vanilla Fudge Cafe', formerly known as 'the Raspberry Cheesecake' that typically never stays open under one name for more than six months has re-opened as the 'Scotch Bonnet Bistro'. I haven't been in. It looks exactly the same from outside. -Irn-Bru 500ml bottles were reduced by 30p in the Scot-Mid on Sunday for no reason. -There seem to be a lot more dogs there than before. -Asda does Erdinger pretty cheap compared to most other shops. -The bulldozers have been brought in for the early stages of the new Don crossing, despite residents still waiting on the results of an appeal to overrule compulsory purchases. Or something. I wasn't really paying attention. Nae fine rare, anyway. -There's now a bookies where Blockbuster used to be at Asda. Low and Co is still going strong. -Shri Bheema's at the Parkway is still very very good, but their takeaway prices are the same as restaurant so they need to sort that shit out. -News just in... FOREHILL RULES! Obviously.
  17. I can't believe this pish is happening in the sacred Pet Hates thread when it could be used to revive the Cool Thoughts and Local News thread.
  18. I went into Carphone Warehouse today and saw that the LG G2 is GIANT, so that's offputting. Why do phones have to be so big? I don't have a small penis, so I don't need a big phone.
  19. Ace, thanks min. I'm useless and Scrooge-like when it comes to this type of thing, so I'm trying to look beyond "fit's cheapest?" this time round. I am also currently trying to pick a new phone and it sucks.
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