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Everything posted by Benji

  1. No-offence but if you dont want people to know your gay then why have footage at-all. Pretty harsh it was put online but come on, not the end of the world really, unless of course you die as a result which this guy did, so yeah it is a bit end of the world but not really to normal people who suffer setbacks. Are you that sensitive that you cant take a setback, like I say no offence, Im not anti-gay or anything but it's just not that big a deal to have some ego kill themselves as they see themselves in so big a light that having footage out online is a life ender. Fuck him, Ive no sympathy for anyone like this. Try wandering down to sick kids hospital if life is so fucking bad, take a stroll and look at all the kids not going to make it to the age of 5 then weigh that up against your life shattering ordeal.
  2. I all of a sudden have a craving for spaghetti, and piss!
  3. He should have taken some speed before taking that climb. Spice things up!
  4. In 9/11. Do you think anyone trapped above the plane crash managed to survive the fall, cos when the building falls its the last bit that would have made the fall. Anyway, not being pedantic, just remembering how shit that day was. Never forget where I was when that happened... on a fucking plane!!
  5. Let down. Not that a giraffe in a shopping centre would be life altering but, ya know, wanted to see a freaking girraffe all the same. Get me one!
  6. That thunder was mental. It sounded like it was ripping the sky a new ozone layer.
  7. Now that would be a donkey ride and a half, hilarious. I'm so going to do that with my cat the next opportunity I get!
  8. Don't do that. Seriously. I did that at my old work for a laugh... got bombarded with scam Emails, not just on my workstation but everyones. Aye Im talking bombarded, from 1 or 2 a day to 100 - 200 a day, until IT sorted it that is.
  9. I think I've got to a point in my life where combinations of anything are good in sandwiches, for instance... Chicken & Mushroom Pot Noodle with Beans, sliced up hot dog and a soaked bit of gravy bread in the middle, fine. If your gonna get Heart Disease you be as well do it right. What combo get your bread wet?
  10. I had a dream Bill hicks was chasing me, I eventually turn around and say "What? What is it Bill for fucks sake stop chasing me" I dropped a pen. He hands it to me then tells me the theory of death and fucks off. Dream ends.
  11. Met God on a train back from Dundee once, he's a nice guy, he gave me a shot of his Nokia charger.
  12. och apart fae the Lee incident I used to be pals with Rodney Mac, was a good laugh but his dad was always well paranoid went we strayed further than his sight. When I think back on it I reckon he was a heavy toker.
  13. Yup... I got me some red. Darn gosh.
  14. Big man Lee and his mates threw bottles at me and my girlfriend back when I was 22. Quality guy like.
  15. Nope, the council WILL kick you off. The World has gone health & safety crazy and they claim they canna let folk kick-a-bout for insurance purposes or some shite like at... I can see Duthie Park fae my hoose, I'll keep an eye oot for the manny.
  16. Five of us went to Loch Awe last month in Argyll, notable train crash happened there a couple of weeks ago. But for camping you canna beat the West coast air and fishing imo. Costs 10 for fishing permit, free camping obviously and extras for boat hire etc Also I built a huge fire and should still be standing on the East side of the Loch.
  17. Hey Jase glad all is going well an that, we'll need to meet up soon ma loon its been too long
  18. [scenario] Your in the bath, there's a patch of cold water near your ass amoung a hot bath, does bobbing up and down in the bath move this or mix this patch of cold water? [/scenario] Also, if you remove the plug does the denser cold water leave the tub first even though the bath is moderated by one temprature, this one patch that always emminates is there, but will it be there if you take out the plug? Furthermore, isn't there some law of motion that suggests for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction? Aye, well I sneezed in the bath and the reaction was well worse than the action. It's the law.. so did I break the law, am I a motion criminal?
  19. It has a higher density and mass due to it's molecules moving further apart/closer together, I forget but Im sure its something to do with it/or not i could just be making this stuff up/but Im not.
  20. Chimpanzee Rapes a Frog…Seriously : Video Gone Viral
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