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Everything posted by Benji

  1. Only a Psycho would say that!
  2. Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the bottom for the result. This is not a trick question or Humor. A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a man she didn't know. She thought this guy was amazing, so much her dream guy, that she believed him to be just that! She fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and couldn't find him. A few days later she killed her sister. Question: What is her motive in killing her sister? (Give this some thought before you answer). SCROLL DOWN SCROLL DOWN. SCROLL DOWN. SCROLL DOWN. Answer: She was hoping that the guy would appear at the funeral again. If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly. If you didn't answer the question correctly good for you. If you got the answer correct, please don't kill me!
  3. I'm actually gutted Scotland lost tonight. I'm no figure-head on the matter but I really thought we played some nice, slick, European Style football tonight at times. It shows just how far we have come since the Vogtster left.. I was impressed with the close control and temprement we managed to show - knowing we were facing the World Champs seemed to be a good thing for us and if it wasn't for some OAP defending, litterally, we might have stole something. Miller upfront on his own? It's a hit or a miss with him, sometimes he'll play magic like he did tonight, and other times he'll be thrown about like a wet rag. When I seen Boydie had been left out I was happy, cos he's basically the equivalent of Luca Toni and we didn't have the supply for him tonight, but Miller's someone who will run from start to finish and give you an honest shift regardless of how well he plays and sometimes it pays off when he scores, bit unlucky tonight though. Naysmith - Weir - McManus - Alexander ? I've never, ever been a fan of any of these players, maybe McManus will do well for us in the future but they seem to be the grey players who have done nothing for me in terms o internationals. Weir is a good defender but he's not sharp enough - same with McManus, he was awol for Toni's first and was sloppy at the second. Naysmith can't go past the halfway line or he'll self-destruct and just who is this Alexander guy who seems to win a place in the squad everytime. I don't think I've seen him do anything other than take a throw-in. It's about time Anderson got his recognition in the team. He's the perfect foil for Pressley. Elvis is the skull-fracturing type while Anderson is one of the best readers of the game and would mop up anything that came his way. Naysmith needs to be replaces for Hutton or Wilson. With Alexander and Hart of Aberdeen swapping places - ANYONE saying Hart is not good enough needs to step the fuck back and look again But aye, I'm well happy wih the progress were making. Here's my simulation of how things may or may not pan out, and the final league standings should it happen. Faroe Islands V Italy - Italy Win Lithuania V Georgia - Draw France V Ukraine - France Win France V Georgia - France Win Lithuania V Italy - Draw Faroe Islands V Scotland - Scotland Win Georgia V Ukraine - Ukraine Win Scotland V Lithuania - Scotland Win Italy V France - Italy Win Ukraine V Italy - Draw France V Scotland - France Win Lithuania V Faroe Islands - Lithuania Win Scotland V Ukraine - Scotland Win Italy V Georgia - Italy Win Faroe Islands V France - France Win Georgia V Scotland - Scotland Win Ukraine V Faroe Islands - Ukraine Win France V Lithuania - France Win Lithuania V Ukraine - Ukraine Win Scotland V Italy - Draw Italy V Faroe Islands - Italy Win Georgia V Lithuania - Lithuania Win Ukraine V France - Draw TOP 4 (Current) Ukraine 5 4 0 1 12 Scotland 6 4 0 2 12 France 5 4 0 1 12 Italy 5 3 1 1 10 TOP 4 (Final Table?) --France 12 9 1 2 27 Scotland 12 8 1 3 25 ----Italy 12 7 4 1 25 Ukraine 12 7 2 3 23 Wishfull thinking likie, but I would love to go the Arnold Schwarzenegger Stadium!
  4. Na, it will take something a bit more concrete than that! Hopefully.
  5. Benji

    Rangers v Aberdeen

    It's all over?? Not untill the last six fixtures list is drawn in my opinion. Ok, were like 7 points behind them or something, but Rangers are a team that can't sustain a good run of form - and soon they will start fluffing results in the near future to lesser teams. Over-confidence in their current form will be the downfall. The Crunch Question is; Can Aberdeen show some ressiliance to bounce back. A bloody hard fixture list of late has been ultra-demanding on the paperweight squad, they have fought for every point and going to Ibrox was always going to end in a defeat, I'd rather they lost 3-0 than conceded a pen in the last minute as per.. Aye, sure it was gutting, every Don had prayed for a sneaky wee win or draw, but lets face facts - Rangers a Multi-Million Pound squad who can afford the luxury of big budgets - High wages - paying on and off managers of high quality. They can afford to lose players to injury and suspension as they have the back up and luxury of 19 man squad. Aberdeen can barely afford the wages and new contracts of their existing squad, losing a player means a reserve player is called upon. I think we have done bloody well to get in the position were in considering. IF we can get some luck in the top 6 draw. If we get 3 games at home and 2 easy away games the whole balance could shift within a couple of games and we could easily find ourselves in the same position we were in at 2:59pm, on Sat. After losing 5-1 on National tv, Killie will be a team wounded, I reckon Aberdeen will cuff them and if Caley, who go to Ibrox on a regular basis and get results, can get a result, then it's all on again. It's all if's and but's at the moment - but it's certainly not over. Come on SFA - give us a peachy top 6 draw!!!
  6. Lock, Stock & twa Smoking Barrells: Dog: Will people stop getting shot!
  7. Benji


    Episode 12 kicks ass - BIG Questions are coming to an end. and Sayid is a porn Star!
  8. Benji


    Yep I've heard that too man. Things like the simpsons and stuff get clamped down on quick. But if they were to sue everyone who had a link they'd go bust paying the legal fees. Easy math really... Us Vs Them I host hundreds of linked materials on my site, all the up-to date series and shit like that, the worst the could do is Warn me not to link material to another place, or the IAA/IIA/AII/AAI could take a swing but there's always a way around it.
  9. I thought it was a pretty good film... There. I said it.
  10. Benji


    I've watched it 3 times.. It's soo good! So many good moments, complete ultra-graphic-ultra-violent moments that will rock your sock !!!
  11. webcast.berkeley | UC Berkeley Video and Podcasts for Courses & Events Learn something while you work..
  12. Benji


    This film frickin rocks!!!! And of course it has a Scottish Lead, with Gerard Butler as King Leopidis. There were some bits int eh film I didn't like, but other bits were amazing. If your wanting a glimpse at the film, here it is, the focus is shite at times. *link removed-do not post any more links on this site that infringe copyright*
  13. Use dead gerbils to soak up the sweat. Simple method really - you'll need cellotape and two dead gerbils that fit perfectly in the socket of your pits. No deodorant required. You might wanna change the gerbils every few weeks though!
  14. Porn, Carlsberg, Make a tent out of bed sheets, and weed?
  15. False. Too cheesy. TPBM - Has never seen a Brown girl in the rain!
  16. Actually now that I think about it.. WTF! A planet between here and the Moon. Yes. Now it falls into place. I honestly thought another planet was causing the eclipse. Come In Number 5 your time is up!!!!!
  17. True. Quality film. TPBM - misses rollerskates
  18. Are you fucking serious guys? I honestly couldn't give a shit what was causing the eclipse. But yeah, a CIA cover-up is most likely the case
  19. False. TPBM - Is tired of this game.
  20. Yep Cancer. I wanted to talk to you about Cancer and it's vice like control on our nation, infact Western Civillisation is in the midst of this grasp and it continues to get worse by the year. Records and studies have shown that throughout the years it has become stronger and the chance of you getting Cancer has increased dramatically. You are bound to know of someone who has or had cancer, the outcome may not be so good, the outcome may have been fantastic. But whatever the outcome is; Cancer is most definately something that scares us all. Cancer rips lives apart and will continue to do so untill a cure is found. It's the one thing you check for constantly, when a bump or lump appears you instantly think it's Cancer. I can't talk about cancer from a personal point of view, although my Mum did get diagnosed with it in '94 she managed to beat it and is still alive and kicking today, but I'm sure many of you can talk about it with a tear in your eye. It's a rampage of a disease that is wiping out 1 in 3 people. You, me, or the next person to view this thread will experiance cancer at some point in our lifetime. It's inevitable. Or is it.. B-17 is a vitamin that has been slowly taken off the menu's and has faded into the background of our Western dietry revolution. As our Nation is turning into a fast food culture we don't have the time to supplement our bodies needs with the right diet. This eventually is causing a defficency which leads to Cancer. Although the obvious ailments of cancer like smoking, radiation etc etc are still where they stand and do still mess you up. Nitroloside is the main componant of various grass types and is Vitamin B-17's main weapon. Over the last 50 years our diet has been dilluted to take in less B-17 and with that comes a whopping increase in cancer. Scurvy wiped out millions of people throughout the 17/18th century and when someone reccommended an Orange or Lemon as the cure they were laughed at. But it turned out that scurvy was a vitamin C deffiency, so the oranges & lemons turned out to save millions. Even us. Like I said, Nitroloside is found in Grass. Why do you think Animals eat it? Ok, they don't exactly know the crack with dietry supplementation, but there's a natural scratch for it in their minds which is itched when they eat it, they know that it's good for them somehow. I would highly recommend you started watching what you eat - there is something well dodge going on with the Governments lack of care for B-17 and it's natural supplementary gloss & shine effect on us. The fact that a few GP's in the US were arrested after reccomending their patients, who had cancer, B-17 shows me that something is wrong in this picture. But it's all wild conjucture at the moment I guess. G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17 - Google Video If you have 55 minutes of your life spare I'd reccomend you watch this documentary all about it and see for yourself. Cheers
  21. Nope! Does that make me ignorant?
  22. False. TPBM - Is going to Amsterdam to shag some hookers in the next few weeks.
  23. I was a little excited when it started. And by the time it fully engulfed the Moon I was hoping for a lunar ring around the planet that was covering it. but no. Just darkness. I can get the same excitment in a cupboard!
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