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Everything posted by Benji

  1. GOOSE has entered the league. Thats it really.
  2. False - Jerking off is done in America, I had a wank earlier if thats what your implying though! TPBM - Is really a goose
  3. TRUE. Worst part is I have two cats! TPBM - Eats hybrid coco pops and frosties cereal.
  4. true Im picking right now TPBM - Once wanted to be a Samurai
  5. I wonder what kind of Mothers Day gift that would make. "Here Mother, a chocolate imitation of the portal from wence I came, EAT IT you filthy slag!"
  6. I got in touch with hm, but as always the offer is never as good as we want it. You get money off a new sofa when you trade it in, so to speak.Soz.
  7. That thingy looks more dangerous than a bomb. You could have an eye out wi that thing.
  8. I'm a security boy, although I do get some glimpses of the redlight art-form via camera's.Widna be so bad if they were tidy but yuk, Junkie scarfaced mingers.
  9. Benji

    Your current read?

    wow a few readers here ... my last few books .. On the Road - J. Keroauc The electric kool-aid acid test - T. Wolfe Yoga for people who cant be bothered to do it - G. Dyer Catch 22 - J. Heller One flew over the Cukoo's nest - K. Kesey [Note the familiar pattern of Kesey/cassady-itis ]
  10. I see. Well I just got a txt fae the missus who probably got some gossip fae her work so it could all be shite. I hope the station stays open though... I take a 2 minute shortcut through to my work. Didna ken you still hung aboot here manny, good to see ya, how's the wee turtle getting on?
  11. Nice Sofa, did you try that new place at Union Sq. (InSyle) - I'm sure they do cash for old sofa's or something like that. Mc2Moves works there; I'll gee him a bell if your needing?
  12. Aye, so, I was walking hame fae work this morning at the harbour and there's a squad of police cars kicking aboot, so, I do my usual and try and forget about them and walk home. A fucking bomb threat had been made, and it was in the Train Station. Erm... I walked clean through the fucking place without one stinking challenge. God knows what the fuck the plod are doing closing guild st and incoming Market st traffic when the threat is in the Station!! I know it's early in the day but fuck me, the one place you evacuate is the place where the threat is made!! But na na just let a'body loiter on through the place!!
  13. I knew she did the Dr Who theme, but wow, other work is pretty neat too.
  14. no. But chillax<-- How many people have I purposefully offended with that abortion of a word!?! If its you, good, if not, then your a bastard ned, already drunk from the two tins of 99p lager fae the offy - the 1.4% stuff. And you probably mugged someone just to get the money for them, more than likley an old frail cunt that can't defend themselves because your shellsuit acts as a repellent from gripping and grabbing your skinny 5-a-day meth ridden frame. Ciggarettes & alcohol? Crack and Aids more like!
  15. No, its not one of those 'I'm important' things. I've been a member here since 2002/03, just thought I'd check out the scene and ask how everyone was. Whats the big deal like? Thanks for the acne riddled advice. I'll try not to cll you a bitch again, having already done so however, you are!
  16. Sup all? Damn bitch.. clean your eye!
  17. Benji

    Your current read?

    Stuck between a Rock and a Hard Place. by Aron Ralston This is a true Story about a mountaineer and Adventurer who, whilst doing a solo expedition, got his arm trapped under a falling boulder underground in a canyon in the middle of Utah (nowhere). With no-one aware of what has happened to him Aron is subjected to the Human Body's full mental spectrum as he endures a gruelling 5 days underneath this boulder, which include out-of-body experiances, inner sanctury and a meeting with his own unborn son! After many deprivated hours the choice was clear, die by dehydration, or chop your arm off and hope to survive long enough to make a hospital. The choices made save his life. Very good book, filled not only with the accident itself but with death-defying trips from previous years - including being in an avalanche and being stalked by a hungry bear in hip deep snow!! Highly Recommended if you like real-life adventure.
  18. Oh, I must have missed it. I'll double check that out my eagle-eyed friend, ta very much!
  19. Benji

    Dr Who

    Davros is going to be the Doctors new companion! NO-ONE WILL SEE THAT COMING! Except us!
  20. Aberdonians are completely out of their place in Society. Isolated, Cold, Ashen-Faced guerners, most of you, we're lucky that we have two fine universtites that bring these people from afar to our wee City of shitflickers! You walk down Union St on a normal day and its clear to see this City is a congested turd blocking the somewhat normal flow of toilet water that runs towards the great ocean of independance. Yeah hud some o that. Mr Muscle is our only hope!
  21. Thanks all... I had a looksie on atmophere's webby. They don't seem to do that, but I'll try phoning tomorrow. Thanks. Also, I've got 2 Generators for this event. Hey, just to say that if anyone wants to come along - bring your own damn beers!
  22. I've got this picture in my head of what I believe it is.. as I've actually no idea what it is - I just get told 'We need it'. So I'm assuming that its a Public address system, (PA?), but on a scale for Dj's to use. Tell me I'm in the ballpark?
  23. Yeah, a PR system, I meant that. Ha.
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