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Everything posted by Benji

  1. I found it on another forum.. I just thought I'd share
  2. ???? I do apologise.. next time I'll put on the retard filter!!!
  3. Benji

    2006/2007 season thread

    I'm gonna kill that post!!!
  4. Benji

    2006/2007 season thread

    COME ON YOU REDS' Batter into these pretenders..
  5. I saw someone taking photos under the Inion St. bridge tonight.. was that you??
  6. Altens. It's like a ghost town. Cove Harbour is creepy as fuck at night. Ace though!
  7. Benji

    2006/2007 season thread

    Imagine eh!!! Aberdeen Vs Chelsea, Champ League Group G
  8. Benji

    2006/2007 season thread

    How good would it be going into New Year.. 6 points clear of the Huns!! C'mon 'e Dons!!
  9. I second this proposal. It is a tad silly..
  10. Heh! But yeah, were supposed to be getting some Aurora tonight from the East so keep yer fooking eyes peeled.
  11. Benji

    Pardew Sacked

    Dammit I shoulda read this thread with the 7/2 odds!!
  12. Working with a bunch of tits!! Not actual tits mind you, as that would be fun.
  13. I would say, Hitchhike.. it's far cheaper than paying.
  14. 3 days!! What are you, royalty?
  15. Hire a hitman! I'm fairly cheap round this time o year
  16. My very own: TheRedUnit.org NXSecure.org Grasscity.com Rivendell.com Storymania.com YouraCunt.stfu
  17. http://www.unknowngeek.com/files/pong.swf
  18. The Gordon Arms in Inverurie.. If it's still open, they do magic dinners.
  19. Thats just wrong! The dude that invented your allergy was within nutting distance, ok, around 200 years the differance but still.. Weird.
  20. Totally. It's a shame because they don't have the l33t. But is it viable for us to provide a function that allows all walks of life to navigate the website when the most likely outcome is, they won't? I don't have the l33t to make a page disabled-friendly. Heres hoping a solution is brought to the table however.
  21. Broke the left ane 3 times.. it's like a fucking matchstick.. Iceskating makes me cringe!!
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