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Everything posted by A.Pel

  1. Now now. Just because you lost minesweeper four times running.
  2. Try using it in a game of pictionary/charades. No-one will get it.
  3. I've seen that kareoke bar down by vue cinema have private functions...don't know if its available for hire. I has a kareoke machine! Also can you not hire out Cafe Drummonds for free?
  4. I'm a non-smoker and I do slightly oppose to the ban for the fact that I've got to listen to 85% of my friends complaining that they need a fag, then popping outside and leaving me all alone. But also for the slightly pathetic reason that smaller dingy pubs lose so much atmosphere because there isn't the usual cloud of smoke. And its not going to stop people smoking.
  5. I bought Britney's fart in a pringles tin.
  6. Are you joking!? If tickets are cheap I'm there.
  7. I didn't want my sleeping patterns to be distrupted so someone whom loves me dearly sat at two computers with a phone to get them. Hahaha. Still, total bill came to 248 quid something for two camping tickets. I wish to fuck I'd got more to sell on.
  8. The Hollyoaks character Mrs Dean also had a birthday today. Valentines is the best excuse ever to get pissed with your friends. Who the fuck wants flowers anyway.
  9. This will be great for Aberdeen on the basis that they don't post over 5 bulletins a day. Because I will be forced to delete them.
  10. I find poor syntax and spelling more offensive than swearing.
  11. 'Power Ballads' for girls: Black Sabbath - Paranoid Thin Lizzy - Whiskey In The Jar/ The Boys Are Back In Town Bon Jovi - Livin' On a Prayer AC/DC - Black In Black. Best songs for singing when pissed.
  12. Someone shouts 'It's snowing!!', as seen today.
  13. Yes...I am shameful there too. 'Time After Time' is a beauty.
  14. A.Pel


    I HATE those little bastards with a passion. Well, to be frank, they're not little. They weigh a ton.
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