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Everything posted by A.Pel

  1. Micahel Jackson vs Children. Children win by long shot.
  2. Early Learning Centre do multi-coloured ones. Basically all mutants of the original one.
  3. The Who!? Are you fucking joking. Renditions of 'Pinball Wizard' all round then.
  4. The one thing I like about those little monkeys are their Sheffield accents. For example; 'summat' and ''owt'. Loving it. A voice almost as distinctive as Mike Skinner's.
  5. A.Pel


    Yeah, the graphics are similar. Well, I kinda like that. Just you wait till my next painting is finished...
  6. I thought a powerball was something you threw in order to catch pokemon. Ha.
  7. Har...you sent that to me on msn. Moby - Porcelain Rolling Stones - Miss You Enter Shikari - OK Time for Plan B Spice Girls - Wannabe.
  8. Anyone going? And any rumours of support?
  9. Replace 'mashed potatoes' with 'jet engine'
  10. Um there's this local band called soemthing like 'Level Four' I heard they're quite good. But otherwise: New England - Billy Bragg Frank Turner - Cassanova's Lament Bob Dylan - Hurricane Adequate Seven - The State We're In
  11. myspace.com just mentioned on radio one also. You'd have thought bloody Zane Lowe would be more up-to-date with us cool dudes.
  12. Hmmm I have smelt eau du burberry on Preston while watching Big Bore-ther. But to be perfectly honest, who gives a fuck? If you like them that much but are embarrassed then keep your tastes to yourself. Talk Talk Talk is the ultimate wake-up song. And if The Ordinary Boys can produce a song which drags me out of bed in the morning they can't be that bad!
  13. I tale it the usual game hire is still applicable while these guys are playing? 'Cos nothing beats the squeaks of operation through an accoustic set.
  14. It pisses me off ALOT (sorry, had to) when a television is put into a public place and so our converstaion is drowned by either BBC news 24, or 'the hits'. What the fuck! Are we too modern to talk to each other anymore? And I hate silence.
  15. Don't most people cheat the system? Or have I been reading too much Irvine Welsh and watching too much Shameless..
  16. 'Coffee and Tv' by Blur springs to mind...with that dodger milk carton.
  17. That is a brilliant story. And on the topic, half naked women cause more people to look at flyer than a picture of a guitar = higher chance of folk going to gig = more money.
  18. Burns night is still going strong! At primary school we used to have a competition and had to learn a different poem every year. I can still recite mine off my heart (excuse spelling and punctuation). The last one I did began: 'Me mither says that we hae mice....' I forget the name though. I don't do so much now I'm older though. We still continue to talk about Burns in English too.
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