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Everything posted by A.Pel

  1. 1. Solabeat Alliance - April 2004 - kef 2. Maybe Frank Turner to keep KatyS happy/ Thujone to keep friends 3. Oasis - Dec 2005 - AECC (I don't care what anyone says...was awesome.) List subject to change while I think about it.
  2. I went to see Broken Sunshine at Dr Drakes. How cool am I.
  3. Despite my posts, I joined exactly two years ago this month. I joined after a friend played her first gig and she was chuffed because someone called her ''hot'' in a thread. Not an adequate reason but anyway.
  4. Gutted I missed this. Didn't even know he was playing until I saw a poster last night in Glasgow. Anyone go? How was it?
  5. Basically, who gives a fuck. Any band that gets an audience half naked is alright in my books. However, If there are any crowd pictures from last night I am going to cry. I guess its ok because I got to lick the frontman of the support bands cock.
  6. With lyrics like ''I think sex is overrated, so is always getting wasted'' you won't find me singing along.
  7. I'm reading Christopher Brookmyre's ''Boiling a Frog'' at the moment, fuck knows why. Give me Irvine Welsh anyday.
  8. Come on... I refuse to believe it will be as bad as ''We're on the ball'', which to be honest, no-one could sing along to.
  9. Cheers folks, I've got a good stash now.
  10. Has anyone got any of their songs kicking about or know of where I can get my hands on some? I've only got 'Opal' courtesy of Camie and I'm feeling a little nostalgic. Thanks.
  11. That looks shit as fuck. Like a rind of bacon on your arm.
  12. I've been lent 'Overcome' by RX bandits from a friend and I fucking love it. Should be a good gig.
  13. That's beautiful. 'I'm going to lick your cl*t for ages.....' is properly romantic.
  14. by any chance, 'lynne' were you a female at the front of the stage with a patterned shirt?
  15. With a username like yours, you should have had a bit more luck.
  16. My friend is running some 'Fair Trade' stall at this gig. Go.
  17. I like the smell of Drummonds. If your thinking of the kidna places I am, then yes, most definately. But to be honest I think the ban will just increase the shouts of ' I NEED A FAG' from the majority of Scotland.
  18. Such an awesome gig. Level Four are being too pedantic about their preformance...shut up. Great. Right Hand Left were on top form - I hadn't seen them since Christmas. I was enjoying a little sing along also. Bromhead's were absoluetly immense. Definately way better than I'd expected and such a banter crowd (obvioulsy alcohol induced but nevertheless brilliant). I loved the song 'Lions On The Prowl'. Why the fuck I got up on stage I'll never know.
  19. To be honest I thought that was alright. Better than than 100 on ebay.
  20. Under-agers use them to buy bottles of Vodka.
  21. I downloaded some songs from myspace also. Wicked INNIT.
  22. Yes, Nights In White Satin is the greatest. Probably their most famous song, but still.
  23. I knew someone had to say it! It's them little star jumps I love best.
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