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  • Birthday 09/21/1987

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  1. I too need to express regret in the Lemon Tree closure. Just like most people here, I was never a regular attendant, but the venue pretty much was the text book definition of "diversity". Talking about other Aberdeen venues, would it be correct to say Cafe Drummonds is doing rather well as far as the local music scene and smaller bands are concerned? There's at least one day a week where youngsters mass to see loads of local bands. I hope The Tunnels is never going to face the same fate as The Lemon Tree. How is The Tunnels doing just now anyway, anyone know? I think it may be important for the public (ie. us) to know how venues are doing so that we can act appropriately if need be. Could it be that there is no problem with the amount of quality (local and national/international) bands we are getting, but with the actual number of people attending maybe? There have been a few gigs as of late that could have benefited with more attendance....Robots In Disguise (Moshulu) and The Hot Puppies (The Tunnels) form example. Does that have to do with the bands or the promoters? Or a combination of both? Maybe neither? And lastly, I wouldn't complain about seeing The Needles at Exodus if it's a feasible solution.
  2. why did the police "invade" drummonds? i completely missed out....
  3. that is actually well funny. what does this dude do when he is not filming miss-behaved little brats? i think they're just as bad as him.
  4. well thanks with a little help from the NME i found out about some of my now favourite new bands such as Los Campesinos and Those Dancing Days. and that Bis are going on tour again. so before anyone goes off slating the NME or those who read it...mind that it is not as "cool" as previously believed. no matter what veteran scenesters may say.
  5. nicely directed video! really like when the camera moves in on the drummer midway and then cutting to the close up :]
  6. Cold War Kids - Robbers & Cowards this was THE album of 2007 as far as i am concerned. there was nothing quite like it.
  7. some WiFi service charge a small fortune....avoid Cloud 9 and stay...at home or something. or go near those, i dont even know what theyre called. you know what i mean....
  8. the papers often indulge in printing white lies, half-true facts and ridiculous exaggerations. JJ's case here shows that the EE wanted to cause some serious controversy by quoting he is not into biffy clyro in a day and age where everyone else is! get it
  9. anyone know anyone who knows anyone who knows someone who's selling tickets at less than 64 per ticket? for Glasgow's Classic Grand of course. thanks!
  10. You're deviating from your "original point".
  11. Funny thing this. Jason (ex Pretty Girls Make Graves) was over with The Blood Brothers a few months ago saying that his band was as good as over. However, I am really glad that both bands have played The Tunnels before kicking the bucket. Johnny and Cody's new band is pretty though. Jaguar Love. Coincidentally, I believe the Murder City Devils have reformed and playing shows again. Funny things going on in that Seattle scene right now.
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