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Everything posted by A.Pel

  1. The last time I went to Rome I spent nearly two hours in a church considering being a nun and cried when I saw the Sistine Chapel. A fucking weird couple of days I tell you. Shite aside, I'm hopefully going to spend as long as possible in Ireland this summer; lazing in haystacks by day, dancing by night. Also should be lving it up in some youth hostels; Glasgow, York and Edinburgh.
  2. The album is being raved about everywhere! I heard 'Never Went To Church' this morning on the radio but was too sleepy to appreciate it fully. Sounded good all the same.
  3. resurrecting old threads. myspace or msn?
  4. ''The attack happened just after 2200 BST on Monday as the ambulance passed Royal Cornhill Hospital on Westburn Road. '' I would perhaps not blame punk rock, but the mentally disabled.
  5. Seriously, Sunday is going to be fucking ace.
  6. Appropriate use of 'cum' there. I ate them without mayo.
  7. Tell me about it! After entry fee, I was hoping twenty quid would do me for the night
  8. I got fucking four flyers for the place while out on Saturday night...and now I hear its shite?
  9. Har Har, I was there the same night as you. I'll agree, it is excellent; theres a great atmosphere and the guy who runs it ('DJ Marcello' or suchlike) is brilliant. My one complaint is drinks are too expensive at the bar.
  10. Radio one just played a live track...sounds good. And fuck me, Prince on front cover? I might even buy it.
  11. The best apple juice is from Sainsburys and is ''cloudy'', so it doesn't look like piss.
  12. Sand Dunes + plastic bag + booze = SUPER FUN
  13. Last years was at Balmedie right?
  14. Yeah but their chips and curry ain't half bad either! I am eating pizza as I type and not feeling like a fatty in the slightest.
  15. For 2, I reckon this will be money well spent. Especially if there's a rendition of 'Cassanova's Lament' in there.
  16. Happy Uncle in Cults. When you can get two crispy pancake rolls for 2.50..you just know its going to be good.
  17. What! The Libertines is a fantastic name and couldn't be more appropriate for that band. I've always thought U2 is a pretty pathetic name...along with the Goo Goo Dolls.
  18. Wasn't ''Dirty Pretty Things'' a shite film by Stephen Fry?
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