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Everything posted by shaun

  1. the inverurie sweet shop still sells a lot of these forgotten sweets like, highland toffee, choco cigarettes and lucky tatties.
  2. were you the guy who tired to bribe his way back in and then threw a coin off of one of them?
  3. yeah guys, think about all the people who didn't get shot today.
  4. david lynch also gave 10 clues to help unlock the film's mystery David Lynch's clues: 1) Pay particular attention to the beginning of the film: at least two clues are revealed before the credits. 2) Notice appearances of the red lampshade. 3) Can you hear the title of the film that Adam Kesher is auditioning actresses for? Is it mentioned again? 4) An accident is a terrible event... Notice the location of the accident. 5) Who gives a key, and why? 6) Notice the robe, the ashtray, the coffee cup. 7) What is felt, realised and gathered at the club Silencio? 8) Did talent alone help Camilla? 9) Note the occurrences surrounding the man behind 'Winkies' 10) Where is Aunt Ruth?
  5. there's a sufjan stevens xmas cd out there somewhere, and i think david bazan releases a xmas single each year.
  6. and we all know how much joseph hates angelfire.com
  7. i think they are called talkshow now, and on the fat hippy records sampler soon to be released. they might not be talkshow at all, though.
  8. i agree that i thought it would be much more fairy tale orientated. however, i was pleasantly surprised with the civil war orientation in parts of the film and thought it related back really well to the fantasy parts. no disappointment at all.
  9. there's an ace AIM sound near the end of one of their songs, though.
  10. i'd like to aslo add pan's labyrinth after seeing it yesterday.
  11. karrta were great live. the band i enjoyed most the whole night, i think. of course, i wouldn't say anything bad about them - their drummer looks well nails. i had an inkling were loads of fun, especially towards the end. i liked the guitarist's red guitar, shoes and strap combo and how they all reminded me of late 80's teen actors. pity about the turn out, i knew loads of people who would have enjoyed it if they'd just bothered to go. i had a great night nonetheless. thanks sharon!
  12. the devil and daniel johnston (2005 maybe?) thank you for smoking little miss sunshine brick
  13. did they then do that dance for you?
  14. do we have the same postie? i'm convinced my postie is dumping mail. i never recieve anything i'm supposed to.
  15. no problem on my side. at the same time, i also downloaded a little toolbar that tells me then weather for the upcoming days. isn't that ace?
  16. it could get pretentious and annoying. but why look at the bad side of things first? fucking hell
  17. For a truly massive dose of DCfC, we're offering a huge sale on the complete Barsuk catalog of Death Cab releases — you save 20% and get all five full-length CDs plus all three CD-EPs for $64 (plus, while supplies last, this special package will include a free promotional title and registration 3-track CD single with the song's original non-album version and a cover of world shut your mouth as B-sides. a good deal! http://www.barsuk.com/shop/pkg43
  18. bugsy malone rushmore lost in translation
  19. shaun


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