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Everything posted by shaun

  1. just look on their myspace www.myspace.com/thexcerts
  2. CAFE DRUMMONDS Thursday 8th January Luke Leighfield - www.myspace.com/simplylukeleighfield & mistakes.in.animation - www.myspace.com/mistakesinanimation
  3. that's a korg piano for around 400, not exactly what he was looking for.
  4. i'm pretty sure you can't do that.
  5. shaun


    i agree, i love reading things like this.
  6. shaun


    this was a post from one of the similar threads in the similar threads section. pretty good.
  7. i'm not a big fan of the colour the links change to after you've visited them, but that's just me.
  8. look out for us introducing some real fucking deaf shit to the scene.
  9. if you walk around to the side of it facing away from belmont street and more towards kilau, there's a poster saying something like "to advertise here call blah blah blah".
  10. there's a phone number printed on them but i can't remember it, sorry!
  11. there's one outside john lewis too with a poster for a hairdresser and snafu again, i think.
  12. i take it someone must have already seen these going about, so there's no point in asking that question. when i first saw them, i thought they might have been freely for use by any promoter big or small. you have to request the use of them though, it seems. good/bad? are these the things someone posted about the council putting up?
  13. camp is usually what you get with the blood brothers.
  14. shaun


    you're kidding, right?
  15. you can download a form from here: Proof of Age card
  16. definitely sounds like myspace ads.
  17. wasn't it franz ferdinand?
  18. mg100dfx. although, i might keep it and use it as a keyboard amp.
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