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Everything posted by shaun

  1. this year, i plan on selling my terrible marshall amp for a better one and maybe changing the bridge pickup in my telecaster for a hotrail.
  2. always looking on the bright side of things...
  3. does anyone know if they'll go back to hosting it at camber sands in the future?
  4. probably not the festival for you then?
  5. atp vs the fans doesn't look too bad. the whole voting thing is a bit silly, though. how likely is it that the bands you vote for will actually play?
  6. the blood brothers - aberdeen the decemberists - glasgow clap your hands say yeah - glasgow
  7. apparently kieran hebden (four tet) just uses adobe audition. i think it's called cool edit now, though. i use it quite a bit, but it's not very good in the way of sequencing.
  8. Casio VL-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  9. but psydoll said that camie's probably seen them since they started 'blowing up'
  10. i used to have two leopard geckos. great story.
  11. nightmare creatures? Nightmare Creatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  12. shaun


    the arty beginnings are very cringeworthy. what's happening with max?
  13. scroll down to the very bottom of this thread and look at the 'similar threads'
  14. he's probably in a strop because his parents didn't buy him the new sex pistols cd.
  15. they also had 'blonde on blonde' for 3 and now have his debut for the same price. i wish he'd play somewhere else other than the secc.
  16. well i thought it was very creative.
  17. a something similar happened to me on my birthday. i went outside to see a friend, had my hand stamped on the way out, and as i went to go back inside i was told that i'd been asked to leave several times. i'd only been in the place 2-3 minutes previous to going outside, though. oh well, i was pretty drunk and it's not like they beat me up.
  18. rubbishhhh, literally rubbish. there's another thread going well into this, but why bring up what his band has done? that's got nothing to do with his opinion. also, if i hated a band, i seriously wouldn't think they're any good despite anything they had done.
  19. they wouldn't let the guy back in to get his coat, which is no excuse for throwing coins. but still, he was left to be cold with just a t-shirt and advised to come back in the morning. i thought that was pretty rubbish.
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