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Everything posted by shaun

  1. shaun


    piccolo pizza always have ace deals on - 0800 034 9661 (for central)
  2. i'm pretty sure that fell out of my bag whilst i was in westhill.
  3. the dvd case is actually reversed though, which is pretty cool.
  4. nothing to do with arcade fire. http://www.amusementparksonfire.com/
  5. wow, i didn't know a thing about this. 3rd of november?
  6. you were given the information you asked for. stop making a scene.
  7. i used to use this one back in the day, don't know how well it's aged though. http://www.free-ringtones-free-logos.com/
  8. shaun


    there was two block sessions of it being shown at the belmont, but that was way back in june. it's out on dvd now.
  9. is this all exclusively for students?
  10. anyone else been to see this? it's pretty good.
  11. yes, i saw that on tv too. what's that all about?
  12. you have to be a supporter, i think.
  13. again, this scarf is not for me.
  14. i know there's the two tartan shops in town that will more than likely have tartan scarves, but i can only guess that they'd be quite expensive from there. does anybody know anywhere else in or around aberdeen that might sell taran scarves a bit cheaper? second-hand shops aren't an option because it's a present for someone.
  15. could you make my hair longer please?
  16. richard sounds like the worst person ever.
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