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Sue Denim..

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Everything posted by Sue Denim..

  1. I don't know if anyone remembers seeing this great goth / metal band in the Moorings last year but I was just reading Unscene magazine today only to find out that the lead singer .... Moriarty was found dead in his home in May. I guess a return tour is out of the question now then.?(
  2. Sue Denim..

    Your current read?

    I've decided to try a couple of horror novels this time so I'm starting with the master himself.. James Herbert's 'The Secret of Crinkley Hall.' The title just keeps reminding me of Noel Edmonds for some strange reason.
  3. Sue Denim..

    Your current read?

    I've just read "The Man in the High Castle" by Philip K Dick (Of BladeRunner fame.) It's one of those 'What if the Nazi's won the war' books. Personally I preferred "Fatherland."
  4. Sue Denim..

    Your current read?

    I was in the Moorings bar once and got someone noticed my 'Hail Satan' tattoo and misread it thinking it said 'Hail Sagan' which prompted quite an good discussion about Carl Sagan and his work. Which in turn prompted me to read the above book also. Funny how things happen like that.
  5. One is being treated in a burns unit...... *Groan*
  6. Oh the comedy. I'm really looking forward to the replies.
  7. I thought he was a music producer.
  8. Sure am, now what's your payroll number again and I'll raise your tax band .
  9. I don't know..... kids today grow up so quickly!
  10. I think that Welsh bird is going to do alright. Anyone that cooks everyone a cooked breakfast is alright by me. Charlie's turning out to be a right bitch. I bet she's going to be first out. And is it me or is that older woman a habitual liar? First she fibs about being told she's got the single bed, then she claims that her husband was in the Normandy landings! I mean there's having a dry sense of humour and there's taking the piss. At least they've put a bloke in there that seems to have half a brain in his head..... so far.
  11. Yes, thankfully some people cared enough about the defence of the nation to stop us living under a right wing German Nazi state. Do you honestly believe this country would be better off without the armed forces?
  12. It's those 'professional murderers' that gave you the freedom of speech you have now you ungrateful wretch.
  13. Sue Denim..


    How do you know if there's a fighter pilot at your party? He'll fucking tell you.
  14. Hammer are celebrating 50 years of horror this year. There's a big article about it in Fortean Times if anyone else actually reads this mag.
  15. Milli-tant from Viz. My favourite so far. Two oldies to win! The only sensible ones in the house.
  16. It seems size zero is bad size 18 is bad. Who cares? I'd fuck both her and an Etheopian in the same mud bath. ....but I'm a bit funny like that! o_O
  17. Sue Denim..

    Your current read?

    I'm reading the new Brian Lumley Necroscope novel. Necroscope : The touch. Bearing in mind, The Necroscope was my favourite book of all time, I think I'm gonna like this.
  18. I missed the free game on the 19th hole and I'm sure the skull called me a cunt.
  19. I was on a pub crawl down the harbour recently and was informed that the St Clements bar had been shut down. Anyone know the score there? Also, what's with Wyness or Wagleys (I always get them mixed up) becoming 'The Spirit Level'?
  20. The Old Kings Highway is alright. It's leased by a guy I used to work alongside so perhaps I'm slightly biased.
  21. I payed this monstrosity a visit the other day and yes, it is shite. Fortunately, it's only temporary and is going to get moved to the University grounds or something and be used as a 'meeting crossing point.'. However, there were some good drawings done by young kids inside worth looking at. (I particularly liked the vampire and the one that said 'Aberdeen Suck, Rangers Rule!) I don't think the exhibitions justify the vandalism of Aberdeen by having 'Six Cities' sprayed all over the town. I hope they remove all the signs when the exhibitions are over. Fucking art student wankers.
  22. Actually, he's one of my favourite posters on this site.
  23. Romper Stomper (Russell Crowe) was probably the best 'Oi' film of the genre but this 'Made In England' looks like it has potential. Every paper seems to have given it a good review except the Daily Mail strangely enough. I thought they liked that sort of thing.
  24. ....because I've been here a while and gained nothing!
  25. Because some people will do anything to lose weight. Think of it as giving a tapeworm a good home.
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